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Messages - Vogtinator

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 83
TI-Nspire / Re: SDL ports for Nspire
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:34:05 am »
There is only one SNES emulator that works both fast enough and supports most games: Snes9x.
ZSNES is x86 only, so it won't work on Nspires. I tried a quick port of Snes9x, but didn't succeed, all I got out of it was a frozen black screen.

TI-Nspire / Re: Calling all Linux Kernel developers!
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:47:45 am »
I'd also guess that configuration is the issue, but in the last build "CC      drivers/usb/chipidea/ci_hdrc_zevio.o" is in the build log, so the right driver is built.

Built 4.1-rc1 with config from
That file isn't the latest version, it doesn't have all options enabled. I just pushed an updated one with the chipidea stuff enabled.

Other / Re: Making a sound mixer
« on: April 23, 2015, 01:17:25 pm »
Thanks, I found another ground loop - either my laptop or my desktop sound card is designed badly: you can create a static noise on line out if they have a common mic on line in.
So you have essentially a T-connector for your microphone? That's not really a good idea, noise won't be the only issue here. You can try capacitive coupling, around 330n should be enough.
That only reduces any DC offset and other low frequency interference. The signal grounds should be isolated from the power supply's ground and most importantly from eachother.

Here is some more reading material:

This differential input also rejects any common mode noise: Static noise introduced in the cable. Because the difference between the two signal wires is amplified any noise common to the wires is not amplified.

If you design it correctly, you won't need a differential signal for audio. Just make sure that not more than one device is earthed.
You definitely need to connet all signal grounds together, otherwise the shielding becomes useless and will in fact introduce even more noise.
The decoupling is needed to make sure that both input devices don't interfere with each other, to get the best signal out of it you'd even have to calculate some resistors in series with the caps for impedance matching (audio is normally about 200 or 400 Ohms).

Calculator C / Re: Communicating between 2 nspires
« on: April 23, 2015, 07:20:20 am »
Note that the syscalls are only present on some 3.1 releases, most 3.6 releases and 3.9.1 CX CAS only.

Other / Re: Making a sound mixer
« on: April 21, 2015, 05:25:27 pm »
Thanks, I found another ground loop - either my laptop or my desktop sound card is designed badly: you can create a static noise on line out if they have a common mic on line in.
So you have essentially a T-connector for your microphone? That's not really a good idea, noise won't be the only issue here. You can try capacitive coupling, around 330n should be enough.

Calculator C / Re: Error when compiling the Ndless SDK
« on: April 21, 2015, 07:02:24 am »
The first error you got (your first post) means that arm-none-eabi-g++ was not found.
If you go into ndless-sdk/toolchain/build and run make, it should give you a more detailed message about the error.
Please post the full output here in a spoiler tag.

I actually thought about writing an interface to use nGL from within Micropython, but in the end it'll be too slow.
I would have to implement a new data type (GLFix, fixed point) that is not supported by python directly, using floats wouldn't be fast enough.
It would definitely work, but it won't be fun.

Anyway, I designed nGL in a way that makes it fairly easy to use, without any complex language constructs.
Knowledge of C should be enough (although the files have to be C++) to get a decent nGL app running.
Also, to just do some basic 2D graphics I'd recommend looking at other libs which aren't optimized for "heavy" 3D graphics like SDL or n2Dlib.

Und es können hier zwar ein paar deutsch allerdings treiben die sich alle im englishen Teil herum damit sie alle verstehen :P
Genau so ist es! Warum auf Deutsch unterhalten, wenn Englisch mehr Leute lesen können...

Aber zurück zum Thema, bei uns haben sie in der 10. einen Nspire CAS zur Pflicht gemacht, entweder einen gebrauchten TR leihen oder einen neuen CX CAS kaufen.
In der 11. hat aber kein Lehrer das wirklich weitergeführt und jetzt machen von ca. 150 Schülern nur 3 (!) CAS-Abitur...
Das CAS-Abi wird dann wohl in einem anderen Raum stattfinden müssen und wegen den Vorschriften müssen auch mindestens zwei Lehrer anwesend sein *facepalm*

TI-Nspire / Re: Calling all Linux Kernel developers!
« on: April 18, 2015, 10:54:20 am »
Uname says 4.0.0-rc7-next-20150410, but my usb thumbkeys won't work for some reason. lsusb ends without any output, no reaction on dmesg and no new device in /dev either.. (doesn't matter whether I connect otg before or after linux  boot)
I started a new kernel build with some more options activated, but there was no obvious USB-related option missing.
Are you using a CX or classic?


I can't guarantee that my otg adapter works (a little wonky construction), but it did with the old kernel and when pluggin it in while in Nspire OS it complains properly about a device connected it can't handle
That's a good sign that it's at least enumerating properly, so it should leave a linux syslog message.

lsmod end with "/proc/modules: No such file or directory"
Modules aren't enabled.

TI-Nspire / Re: Calling all Linux Kernel developers!
« on: April 11, 2015, 10:17:27 am » is running again, with linux-next builds and up-to-date buildroot images.

TI-Nspire / Re: Xump: The final run for TI Nspire CX
« on: April 11, 2015, 10:16:17 am »
Looks, great, but that's a LOT of files to put on calc. Every file makes the calc boot noticably slower.
Could you embed the bmps and level files into the main executable? This way you can also use genzehn compression and get it smaller.

Calculator C / Re: Key presses
« on: April 07, 2015, 04:41:25 pm »
You have to build the "new" SDK from source:
On Windows, use Cygwin, on linux it should work directly. fstream is fully supported, as is everything except threads.
See also

TI-Nspire / Re: Calling all Linux Kernel developers!
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:26:50 am »
Well, it bootet without any smoke or flames :D Actually without any issues at all
Great, so the config is working for systemd.

uname -a says 4.0.0-rc6, but tangrs states that his code will land in 4.1-rc1 (accordingly I couldn't get any usb action either). But it's nice to see the calculator running the newest kernel of all my linux devices (plenty)   :3
Whoops, I cloned the wrong repo. Well, the minor nspire-linux-builds issue is now solved, there will be new builds soon.

I'm not sure where tangrs' code is right now, but I guess in linux-next. Not certain how adventureous it is to build from that though.
It should compile just fine, there are automated tests running. (I know this because my first submission wasn't compatible with a specific arch not defining a macro...)

TI 68K / Re: Descent 68k/X3D
« on: April 06, 2015, 05:30:35 pm »
For a calculator, you shouldn't have to do perspective corrected texture mapping. You get almost as good results from affine texture mapping if the textures aren't stretched too much.
That's correct, nGL doesn't use the Z coordinate for texture interpolation. It simply maps the triangle edges to screen edges and interpolates linearly.
That's still two divisions per scanline, but the memory speed is the limitation here. The CPU on the nspire is fast enough to do calculations, but the RAM is really slow.

Suppose that I wanted to draw "Hello" on a wall. Instead of drawing the pixels that make up the 'H', I could instead store the 3D lines that make it.
How well does that scale? I assume you're not using a z-buffer, but sort the faces before drawing. (Surprisingly, a z-buffer is faster than sorting faces on the nspire, even for moderately low-poly scenes)

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