He meant that the calculator hit a "If" before the "Goto" and so, after going to label A, the calculator is waiting for the "End" of the initial "If". Did I understand right ?
Yes, that's what it does in Ti-Basic, and I was wondering if it was the same in Axe. Thank you for translating
Repeat // code // If something Goto A End End Is the Goto waiting for an 'End' token as it does with Ti-Basic ? when used in an if statement, or a loop..
Edit : is there a problem with the line numbering ? If I add an empty line, it's fine though (see above )
Is the Goto waiting for an 'End' token as it does with Ti-Basic ?
You don't need an End after a Goto in TI-BASIC.
I meant in that code (above) especially : the Goto is after an If token : you have an If statement, you go through the Goto, and the End of the If statement isn't reached Do you understand what I'm trying to say ?
Si ma méthode est juste, oui je te conseille quand même de faire des essais (avec des emplacement extrêmes genre les bords de maps, et des emplacements dont tu connais l'emplacement exact dans les octets, et de comparer avec ce que ça donne) et de me dire si je me suis planté ^^
Après, tu peux évidemment optimiser, c'était pour que ça soit clair toutes ces horribles parenthèses
Multiplayer with two calc's actually just means sending files from the one calc to the other. I can't answer your question because I don't know if this is possible. If it doesn't we'll just have to force Quigibo.
Yes you can, with
|Tries to send the byte across the linkport. It will keep trying until the other calculator receives the byte or time runs out. Returns 1 if the byte was sent successfully or 0 if it timed-out. Time is in the order of microseconds.
|Checks if the sender is trying to send anything. Returns the byte if it was received or -1 if nothing was sent. No waiting is done.
Ce qu'il faut faire, comme le dit Hayleia (t'as vu jme suis pas trompé ), c'est réussir à trouver une relation entre les coordonnées de la porte sur laquelle est le personnage (donc les coordonnées du personnage), la largeur et la hauteur de la map, pour accéder au bon octet. Tu cherches d'abord à savoir dans quelle ligne de ton tableau tu te trouves, puis tu y ajoutes ta coordonnée en colonnes (X) ça doit plutôt être si je ne me trompe pas : [ ( Y/(hauteur) ) * (largeur+1) ] + X
Ah this looks like a bug with Axe's peephole optimizer! Dang it, here I was telling you to upgrade and it's not even a stable build In the meantime, instead of selecting your program by pressing enter, press the Zoom button instead, and everything should work like it normally does.
Doing this, it does the same as with 0.5.0/0.5.3 ... I wrote a little program that checks if the appvar really exists, also the same method as ATILOCK : I load it into an file, and display what it points to (actually the code) What I do in this screenshot : -I compile ATEST -I "zoom" A(TILOCK) -run Tilock : it's okay -run Test : it finds the code, it's okay -run Tilock : it asks for the code, ok -run Test : finds the code, ok -run Tilock : doesn't find the appvar or what else ? (-I cry)
1.0.5 : it seems that the picture that scrolls fast a the beginnig is the menu picture.. So it doesn't even ask for the code, but the appvar is created And RAM Cleared, wtf
I tried to update to 1.0.5, but it does weird things ^^" I guess that's because 0.5.0 and 1.0.5 are very different, right ? 0.5.3b doesn't change anything compared to 0.5.0
I don't know why, but when i compile the following code, and I run the program: -first time, the appvar doesn't exist => code 1 -second time, the appvar exists => code 2 It's okay, that's what I want it to do. But after the second time, it doesn't do anything it just skips this part of the code...
Rect(11,14,74,35 RectI(13,16,70,31 Rect(14,17,68,29 RectI(15,18,66,27 Text(17,19,"Turn off Text(17,28,"Change my code Text(17,37,"Quit to homescreen 19->B 16->H 4->K fnInt(FD,6
RectI(16,B,64,7 Repeat getKey(54) If getKey(1)+getKey(4) RectI(16,B,64,7 B<37*getKey(1)-(B>19*getKey(4))*9+B->B RectI(16,B,64,7 While getKey(0) Pause 5 End End If getKey(54) If B=19 Text(0,,"1 End If B=28 Text(0,,"2 End If B=37 Text(0,,"3 End End End FnOff
Archive "appvTLKC" LnReg Fix 4 Return
.SAISIE DU CODE Lbl SA Data(0,0,0,0,0,0)->GDB0 For(theta,0,20 ClrDraw Rect(29,45-theta,37,20 RectI(31,47-theta,33,16 Rect(48-theta,9,38,11 Rect(49-theta,10,38,11 RectI(49-theta,10,36,9 If Z Text(21-theta,1,"Choose your new code :" Else Text(21-theta,1,"Please enter your code:" End DispGraph End
For(theta,0,9 Text(theta>4*~5+theta*7+32->L,theta>4*9+27,theta>Dec Line(L+4,27,L+4,44 Line(L+5,27,L+5,44 End
Repeat getKey(15) If getKey RectI(A,B,7,9 A<58*getKey(3)-(A>30*getKey(2))*7+A->A B=26*getKey(1)-(B=35*getKey(4))*9+B->B RectI(A,B,7,9 If getKey(56) 0->C DrawInv Rect(33,11,28,6 DrawInv End If getKey(54) Text(C*5+33,11,B=35*5+(A-30/7)->D>Dec D->{GDB0+C C+1->C End End DispGraph ReturnIf C=6 End Return
.MODIFICATION Lbl MOD 1->Z sub(SA Copy(GDB0,K,6 sub(Z sub(H ClrDraw Return
.VERIFICATION DU CODE Lbl CM For(theta,0,5 (({GDB0+theta})=({Y0+theta}))+M->M End sub(H