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Messages - XVicarious

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Miscellaneous / Re: Puzzles of the Twisty Variety
« on: January 28, 2012, 01:16:51 am »
No :P It doesn't.

So my main is a Alpha Type-F, I don't know the revision of it...  But I'm pretty sure I want a Alpha VI next.  It looks nice.  I hope it serves me as well as this one does...

Miscellaneous / Re: Puzzles of the Twisty Variety
« on: January 28, 2012, 01:04:28 am »
Nice.  I hope the next time I order (from amazing prices and it is US-based.  he is a little slow at shipping, it has been 4 days since the order should have shipped, but it didn't :|) I hope to get a Pyraminx and maybe a Skewb.

Miscellaneous / Puzzles of the Twisty Variety
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:30:40 am »
I know some of you are also into the Rubik's Cube and stuff.  Do any of you have a collection?  I have a growing one.  I recently got more serious about collecting a few weeks back when I actually got some money in my hands.
My collection includes:

2 - 2x2x2s Eastsheen
15 - 3x3x3s of various types.  Type-A Cube4You, Rubik's Retail, Rubik's DIY, Type-F (I think) Cube4You (my main), a few Cracker Barrel cubes (Toysmith), and a 30th Anniversary Cube, a few super cheap dollar store cubes, a Dayan ZhanChi, and a Dayan ZhanChi Stickerless, and one that is gonna be transformed into a half- half-truncated cube
3 - 4x4x4s Two Rubik's and one eastsheen
2 - 5x5x5s Both eastsheen
1 - 6x6x6 YJ it is in the mail
1 - 7x7x7 YJ it is in the mail
1 - fisher cube
1 - square-1/cube 21
1 - super square-1
1 - 2x3x3
1 - 3x3x4
1 - Rubik's Snake/Twist
1 - Rubik's Revolution Titanium Ed
1 - Rubik's World
1 - Gear Cube
1 - Megaminx
2 - Void Cubes
1 - Rubik's Magic
1 - Barrel
2 - Rubik's Slide (willing to trade for something for one of these)
1 - Four Fused 2x2x2 Cubes

Gaming Discussion / Re: Help Choosing 10 GAMES
« on: January 08, 2012, 02:01:19 pm »
That was grand prize

Gaming Discussion / Help Choosing 10 GAMES
« on: January 08, 2012, 01:11:49 pm »
as some of you might know I won 1st prize in Steam's epic holiday giveaway. I need help choosing my 10 games.  I'm on my phone so just search xvicarious on steam to see my current top 10 and games I own. When I get home I'll add links and maybe a list.

News / Re: TI-84 Plus Pocket SE
« on: January 07, 2012, 10:48:09 pm »
These would be available in stores in China, correct?  Because my neighbor is in china right now... Maybe I can ask her to look out for it....

edit: i'd assume it'd be in chinese right?

TI Z80 / Re: Rott RPG Engine
« on: January 04, 2012, 12:15:53 pm »
Good news.  Today I started the shop system.  This should also take care of the inventory system and money system as well.

The menu is being integrated to the engine right now so this I expect to be implemented within the next few weeks!

Oh and if you have ideas on how to display the items please help. I right now have them all in one string... Not a great way to do it...

Art / Re: Art Porting Help -- Flash Art
« on: December 27, 2011, 08:23:02 pm »
Thanks for that.  Sadly since someone made these for me, I do not have the original files.  The reason I am requesting SWF is because of the platform I am using to re-make my game.  It uses SWF for the flash and it converts them to a special format for the Android and iOS versions.
I'm just thinking now that all of the graphics will have to be redone and wonder if anyone here could/would do it for me, since I have little to no artistic talent.

Art / Art Porting Help -- Flash Art
« on: December 26, 2011, 06:57:39 pm »
So long ago (well... 4 years ago) I made a game called "[Danger in Shapes]" in Gamemaker.  I went on to make a sequel and started on the 3rd game (and last of the Trilogy).
So I want help porting some art to swf with animations and I am terrible at art.  I am porting my game to Flash/HTML5/Android.

So here is what I am requesting!!!

I would like either this, or something like this but the background be more animated (moving stars, blackholes etc).

Now this might have to be 100% remade because I want the background off of it and only have the "wormhole" or whatever the hell it is (honestly I made this game so long ago I don't exactly remember).  I want this a little more animated as well...

You guys are creative and I know that you will find ways to make both look a hell of a lot better!

Gaming Discussion / Re: Omnimaga Steam Group
« on: December 18, 2011, 09:27:59 pm »
I'm in it :D But no one is in chat :(

TI Z80 / Re: Rott RPG Engine
« on: November 26, 2011, 03:11:14 pm »
Just so you know guys, this isn't dead... I'm just busy with work and stuff.

News / Re: Mod your prototype Nspire into a production one
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:51:07 pm »
I don't know if it is the light or something, but the color on the picture of the back of the calculator, and the front one are different...

Gaming Discussion / Re: Linux Gaming
« on: November 15, 2011, 10:59:42 pm »
All of DooM's off shoots
And DooM3 has been ported to Linux as well.  You still have to buy the game to get the resources though.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: IrmageBoard -- X-Chat Python Script
« on: November 07, 2011, 08:39:06 pm »
User input doesn't show up in the IRC channel. Its all local. The output, no, because its normal words and stuff. Just possibly altered.

EDIT: If anyone wants to write me a configuration system using xml.etree.ElementTree, please do. I've been working and I'm all fucked up...
Sample Config:
Code: [Select]
            <greentext val="0" />
            <filters val="0" />
            <filter-url val="null" />
            <greentext val="1" />
            <filters val="1" />
            <filter-url val="" />
And my current code...
Code: [Select]
__module_name__ = "IrmageBoard"
__module_version__ = "0.5.5"
__module_description__ = "Liek a real imageboard guies (without the images!!!1)"
tinyVersion = 55

import xchat, string, re, random, yaml, sys, os, StringIO
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
from urllib2 import urlopen

ymlFilter = urlopen("")
myFilter = yaml.load(ymlFilter)
configPath = "".join([re.sub('\$', '', os.path.realpath(__file__)),"irmageconfig.xml"])
myConfig = open(configPath)
myCfg = ElementTree.parse(myConfig)

print "\0034>>>>>",__module_name__, __module_version__, "has been loaded <<<<<\003"

def greenText(word, word_eol, userdata):
    if word_eol[0].find('>'):
        return xchat.EAT_NONE
        xchat.command(" ".join(["msg", xchat.get_info("channel"), ''.join(["3",word_eol[0]])]))
    return xchat.EAT_ALL

def filters(word, word_eol, userdata):
    newString = word_eol[0]
    for k, v in myFilter.iteritems():
        tempColor = random.randrange(0,16,1)
        tempBack = random.randrange(0,16,1)
        while (tempColor == tempBack):
            tempColor = random.randrange(0,16,1)
            tempBack = random.randrange(0,16,1)
        tempReplace = re.compile(k, re.IGNORECASE)
        newString = tempReplace.sub("".join(["\003", str(tempColor), ",", str(tempBack), v, "\003"]), newString)
    xchat.command(" ".join(["msg", xchat.get_info("channel"), newString]))
    return xchat.EAT_ALL

def irmageCommand(word, word_eol, userdata):
        if word[1] == "filters":
            if word[2] == "on":
                filterHook = xchat.hook_command("", filters)
                print "\0034Filters are now on! GO AT IT!\003"
            if word[2] == "off":
                print "\0034You turned filters off :(\003"
        if word[1] == "log":
            log = urlopen("")
        if word[1] == "about":
            print __module_name__," v",__module_version__,"\nWritten by Brian J Maurer (, contact at [email protected])\nThis plugin adds features to XChat like an imageboard's \"\0033>greentext\003\" and filters (like when you type \"jew\" it turns into \"\0035,3Steve Jobs\003\". Many more features are to come :D"
        if word[1] == "update":
            if word[2] == "filter":
                print "\0034Updating Filters...\003"
                global ymlFilter
                ymlFilter = urlopen("")
                global myFilter
                myFilter = yaml.load(ymlFilter)
                print "\0034Filters are Updated!\003"
            if word[2] == "script":
                myversion = urlopen("")
                myversion = int(
                if (myversion == tinyVersion):
                    print "\0034NO UPDATE FOUND!\003"
                elif (myversion > tinyVersion):
                    print "\0034UPDATE FOUND!\003"
                    print "\0034Downloading Update...\003"
                    update = urlopen("")
                    update =
                    irmageBoard = open("","w")
                    print "\0034Update Successful!\003"
                    print "\0034ARE YOU FROM THE FUTURE!?\003"
        if word[1] == "dump":
            global myCfg
            myCfg2 = ElementTree.tostring(myCfg)
            print myCfg
            print xchat.get_info("server")
        if word[1] == "add":
            if word[2] == "server":
                myConfig = open("".join([re.sub('\$', '', os.path.realpath(configPath))]),"r+")
                ircfg =
                ircfg = ElementTree.XML(ircfg)
                newServer = ElementTree.Element(xchat.get_info("server"))
                cfgFile = StringIO.StringIO()
                ircfg = ElementTree.tostring(ircfg)
                print type(ircfg), ircfg
                ircfg = cfgFile.write(ircfg)
                ircfg = ElementTree.parse(ircfg)
    except IndexError:
        print "\0034Welcome to the IrmageBoard Plugin!  For a brief help type '/help irmage'.\003"
    return xchat.EAT_ALL
def facepalm(word, word_eol, userdata):
    xchat.command("ME facepalms at " + word_eol[1])

# Hook the commands :D
xchat.hook_command("IRMAGE", irmageCommand, help="Usage:\n/irmage filters <on/off>  --  Turn the filters on or off\n/irmage log  --  Display the changelog of the plugin (downloaded from\n/irmage about  --  Display an about text\n/irmage update filter  --  update the list of word filters, when you load the script you will automatically have this, but if something changes when the script is loaded, just run this and you have the new filtes ;D")
xchat.hook_command("", filters)
xchat.hook_command("", greenText)

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: IrmageBoard -- X-Chat Python Script
« on: November 07, 2011, 06:45:43 pm »
Yes DJ_O.  You can disable certain features.  Everything is automatically off when you are on a channel.  You can also have separate filter files for each channel.

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