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Messages - Xeda112358

Pages: 1 ... 86 87 [88] 89 90 ... 317
TI Z80 / Re: [Contest] Illusiat 11 Grammer Port
« on: December 30, 2012, 05:25:48 pm »
Wow, nice Yeong o.o A few notes:
Grammer supports 3 and 4 level grayscale :P
Also, Grammer supports a few miscellaneous 32-bit commands, but noe for doing math with 32-bit numbers. However, if you have any specific routines, I should be able to create some Grammer code to work with 32-bit (or larger) numbers :D

If that isn't against the rules >.>

Grammer / Re: Grammer Feature Requests
« on: December 30, 2012, 05:02:11 pm »
In the plans for a future Grammer, I did plan to support arbitrary sized numbers, since the OS version is planned to replace the current TI-OS, even in math. However, I don't think Grammer 2 will support that natively (though I made a program in Grammer code that could handle large numbers like that).

I ran it using DCS7 and it worked fine. It is rather awesome o.o If I had been around to vote, I would have voted for that as the graphics are really cool o.o

TI Z80 / GroupRead
« on: December 21, 2012, 10:17:03 am »
About 4 days ago, I started working on this project. Unfortunately, I am not home yet, so I cannot upload it, but I'll edit this post on the 30th (hopefully). Anyways, I decided to make a program like CopyProg, except it works with groups. Naturally, some features were excluded (you cannot delete lines from grouped program, for example), but I think this is a pretty neat program, so far. Here are its features:
  • One command lets you read the names and variable types of each variable in the group. It also returns the size of the data in theta (this is similar to the GetName command in CopyProg). If you try to read the zeroth var name, it will instead return how many variables are in the group.
  • Another command will let you extract a variable (by name) and copy it to another variable in RAM (this is like the CopyProg command)
  • Another command will let you read a line from a variable (like ReadLine)
  • Another command will let you recall a picture from the group, using one of these methods: Overwrite, AND logic, OR logic, XOR logic.

As you might imagine, this program can be useful for RPGs, and this is what I am keeping in my thoughts as I plan more routines. As it is, I think it is basically finished (for a version 1). I now need to clean up my code a bit to remove unused stuff. Also, it is a little over 800 bytes at the moment, so hopefully I can optimise it down a bit :/ The largest pieces of code come purely from reading the group data.

Here is an outdated screenie:

As an example, if you want to copy prgmFOO from the group named BACKUP to the protected program named BAR:
Code: [Select]
I plan to modify this command to use Ans instead of Str1, by the way. And to recall Pic3 using XOR logic to the graph screen from the same group:
Code: [Select]
"RecallPic  xor BACKUP→Str1
2     ;2 corresponds to Pic3, 0 corresponds to Pic1
I hope I get home on time (9 days from now) so I can upload the program :P
EDIT: I have now uploaded the program and documentation! Here is the readme:
Quote from: Readme

GRPREAD    985 bytes
by Zeda Elnara
  GrpRead is a program for BASIC programmers that want to work
with groups in some pretty cool ways. For example, say you have
an RPG that uses all 10 picture variables and it uses tons of
memory just for item names or monster names, or something like
that. If you group them (using the OS menu), GrpRead will let
you recall those pictures directly from the group and read lines
of code from programs in the group. These are just a few
examples of what GrpRead can do, so read on and I hope this
proves useful!
  Send GRPREAD.8xp to your calculator. You can now use it.
How to Use/
  Arguments are passed mostly through strings or numbers. It
will then return data or perform some function.
     |GetName                                                  |
     |  The group variable will have variables in it. If you   |
     |want to figure out the names of the variables, their type|
     |and their size, this is the command to use. This returns |
     |info on the 'nth' variable in the group. It can also be  |
     |used to figure out how many variables are in the group.  |
        Str1 has the name of the group
        Ans is the nth var name to return, or zero
        Ans has the name of the variable (with a prefix byte)*
        Theta has the size of the variable's data
       *A prefix byte is used to specify the type of the
        variable. This is either the " and " token or a letter.
        See the text document named "Prefix Bytes.txt" for info.
        If the input Ans was 0, this instead returns the number
        of variables in the group. If the group doesn't exist,
        0 is returned.
        "." is returned if the nth variable doesn't exist
        Check if group BACKUP exists and how many vars it has:
        Get the name/size/type of the first variable:
     |ExtractVar                                               |
     |  This command allows you to extract a variable from the |
     |group, copying it to some variable in RAM. This also     |
     |allows you to rename the variable and it automatically   |
     |overwrites a preexisting variable (unless you specify not|
     |to overwrite). There are some pretty neat things you can |
     |do with this, especially for games.                      |
       Ans is a string containing the name of the group, the
       name of the variable to extract, and possibly the new
       name to extract to. The format:
       The last argument is optional. If you put a "+" before
       the new name, the var will not be ungrouped if it already
       The variable is copied from the group to a var in RAM.
       0 is returned if the group does not exist.
       First, note that the prefix byte for a program is E and
       the prefix for an appvar is U. Now, to extract prgmFOO
       from group BACKUP:
       Now to extract prgmFOO to appvar BAR:
       Now to extract it to appvar BAR without overwriting:
       To extract prgmFOO without overwriting it if it exists:
       As you can see, you are able to extract to completely
     different variable types. Use this to your advantage, but
     since lists, real numbers, and matrices have a different
     structure from the other variable types, you should not try
     to extract them or extract to them (or you will lose RAM).
     |RecallPic                                                |
     |  This will let you recall pictures directly from the    |
     |group. Not only that, but it gives you four different    |
     |methods of recalling the picture instead of the 1 way    |
     |that the OS provides.                                    |
     Input (syntax 1):
       Ans is a string with the format
         "RecallPic <Pic#><logic><groupname>"
     Input (syntax 2):
       Ans is the picture number (0=Pic1, 1=Pic2,...,9=Pic0)
       Str1 has the format:
         "RecallPic <logic><groupname>"
       (This is useful for maps and monsters and hacked pics)
       The picture var is drawn and the screen is updated if the
       picture variable exists.
       The logic tokens are as follows:
            or    (This is what the OS uses).
       They can be found at [2nd][Math][Right]. If this argument
       is omitted, the picture will simply overwrite the data on
       the screen.
       Recall Pic1 from group BACKUP, overwriting the data on
     the screen:
            :"RecallPic Pic1BACKUP
       Recall Pic3 from group RPG using XOR logic (syntax 2):
            :"RecallPic  xor RPG->Str1
     |LineRead                                                 |
     |  This lets you read a line of code from a program in a  |
     |group. Note that the line doesn't actually need to be    |
     |code. You can store a bunch of names or words line by    |
     |line in a program. Then, using this function, you can    |
     |recall the data as a string in Ans. Enjoy!               |
       Str1 is of the form "Line(<groupname>,<varname>"
       Ans is the line number to read (or zero)
       Ans is a string containing the name contents of the line.
       If Input Ans was zero, this instead returns the number of
         lines in the variable.
       ".NO DATA" is returned if the line is empty.
       Read the fourth line of prgmRPGDATA from the group RPG:
  When I wrote this program, I was away from my computer,
internet (or electricity, for that matter) for several weeks. I
wrote the program using a combination of hex and a program named
ASMCOMP. It was basically like writing the program in hex the
normal way, but with the advantage of having labels and equates
and whatnot. Therefore, the source is in the form of a program
to be compiled by prgmASMCOMP.
7:37 PM 12/30/2012- Wrote the readme and prepared for initial
release. GetName,ExtractVar,RecallPic,LineRead.        985 bytes

TI Z80 / Re: [2012 Apocalypse Contest] Battle 4000
« on: December 21, 2012, 09:53:18 am »
I already submitted it a few days ago (last Monday) :P I always forget about the run indicator >.> Still, that would have required another assembly program XD

Grammer / Re: Grammer Grayscale Ghristmas Game
« on: December 17, 2012, 10:23:19 am »
Awesome! So, if you are drawing the sprite using XOR logic, you might be doing this:

XOR sprite 1 to the screen
XOR sprite 1 to erase it
XOR sprite 2 tot he screen
XOR sprite 2 to erase it


But really, you don't need to do that. You can create a sprite that will erase the previous sprite with XOR logic and replace it with the new sprite all at once. It is a little tricky to understand, but it might make your animation much smoother since it won't be blinking. For example, here are two sprites:


Instead of  doing :
XOR 3C4281818181423C
XOR 3C4281818181423C
XOR 0000182424180000
XOR 0000182424180000

You can draw the first sprite outside of the loop, then use a single sprite to toggle between the two images:
Code: [Select]
XOR 3C4281818181423C
Repeat <<main loop>>
XOR 3C4299A5A599423C   ;toggle between the two sprites
How do you find the "toggle" sprite? Simple: XOR the two sprites together and use the data it makes :) That will get rid of the moments where there is nothing on the screen, so there won't be any more blinking :D

Grammer / Re: Grammer Grayscale Ghristmas Game
« on: December 17, 2012, 09:24:10 am »
For 1) It seems that you might be making a negative score? There is a Mode settign that lets you disply negative numbers, but I'm not sure about the 255, I'll have to look at the code.
2) I'll have to look at the code to figure it out XD

EDIT: I cannot figure out what is wrong with the sled, are you using XOR logic? If so, do this:

Make sure the whole sprite is drawn OFF
Draw the menu
Continue as normal

Then, when the menu exits:

Make sure the whole sprite is OFF
Erase the menu
Continue as normal

So, are you inverting the sprite? If so, I may be able to offer some advice on speeding it up...

Other Calculators / Re: ZToolPack
« on: December 16, 2012, 05:49:55 pm »
D: Why is it having that issue? I'll try to see if I can use a link instead. For now, it is attached to this post.

Other Calculators / Re: ZToolPack
« on: December 16, 2012, 04:49:01 pm »
Necro Update! I actually did manage to put most of these in BatLib, but this update adds a few more programs to the pack:

CopyProg2  -CopyProg on steroids.
SetUpVars  -Like the BASIC SetUpEditor, but with other var types
SringLength-Returns how many chars are in the string. "sin(" = 4
StringWidth-Returns how many pixels wide a string is.
TextCompres-Compress/Decompress a string of text
TPROG      -Copies a program from RAM or archive to a tempprog

And the other tools are also included :)

Grammer / Re: TokenIDE now supports Grammer programs
« on: December 16, 2012, 12:29:40 pm »
That is awesome, thanks persalteas! I have not gotten around to creating that. Have you shown Merth that?

Portal X / Re: Portal Prelude
« on: December 16, 2012, 12:17:05 pm »
Level 38 is a tricky one to place, since some people find it extremely difficult to solve, but others might see it right away.  Glad you liked it though!
Yes, 38 I figured out immediately, but it took a while to get my timing correct XD

Also, I cheated to get past that level with the glitch >.>
* Xeda112358 is a bad person :[

TI Z80 / Re: solidFRAME - a 3D engine for the TI-83+ (SE Recommended)
« on: December 16, 2012, 09:15:54 am »
That looks rather awesome, if I do say so myself ^^

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: OmniRPG - Coding
« on: December 15, 2012, 08:03:45 pm »
Yeah, my hope is that we can come up with pretty efficient algorithms that will only slow things down a little. My guess is that at this rate, the most major slowdowns will cause the animation to slow to about 40FPS with a bunch of activity on the screen.

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: OmniRPG - Coding
« on: December 15, 2012, 07:58:28 pm »
That version in the screenie updates the LCD every single frame, even if nothing has changed. The grayscale tiles update every frame, the ones in the middle-ish of the map update every 5 frames and the ones on the outer edge update once every 16 frames. I'm pretty sure speed won't be an issue, and even if I add the variable speed to the Axe version, it will only add a thousand cycles or less (still keeping it >60FPS). I am still trying to figure out a more clever and efficient method for this, though. It will be particularly difficult to smooth scroll the map with masking and a player sprite on it x.x

Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas / Re: OmniRPG - Coding
« on: December 15, 2012, 07:35:12 pm »
I was doing laundry again today, so I brought my calculator and wrote a routine for animated tilemaps (variable speed animating), that uses masked sprites. Since I didn't want to write out a custom LCD updating routine, I ended up using a bcall (EF6A48, whatever it is actually called). I also am using an OS getkey routine (EF4447) and both are slowing it down quite a bit XD Basically, when I get around to cleaning it up with better, faster routines, this will be quite a bit faster o.o As it is, on an actual calc it handles grayscale very nicely (I used an animation scheme of two properly dithered tiles). Here is a screeny, showing the masked nature of the tiles, as well as the variable speed of the animations :D

I figured I would share since this topic is what inspired it :) If I find the courage to convert this to a scrolling tilemap, (and if we go with using an app for some codes like this), I'll be sure to update y'all :)

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