I was working on a separate engine to handle animated sprites Also, if I have it so that it smoothscrolls 8 pixels at a time, I can get rid of the difficult parts of the tilemap engine. (Basically, if you move left, it will scroll in 8 times, kind of like how Pokémon does it).
@tr1p1ea: For the animated tiles, I was thinking of having a format like this:
Tileset: ; .db Evolvesto ;This is the tile it turns into on the next frame ; .db TileInfo ;a bit here will indicate that the tile needs to be updated this frame. I am sure other info ; .dw ;TilePointer ;This points to the sprite data will be needed. Then, a copy of the current map (I called it MapShadow), will be scanned every time through the loop. Each byte will point to a tile in the tileset, the byte will be replaced by the byte it evolves into (I'm thinking in terms of cellular automata) and if a specific bit is set in the TileInfo field, the LCD will be updated using the data and TilePointer.
This will make it very easy to have tiles animated at different speeds, without keeping a timer for each tile. It will also allow for arbitrary speeds, like some tiles could move every frame and others could move every 3 or 5 frames. It will also mean that you can keep a low number of base tiles for the actual map data (like 16, for nibble packing), but still use 256 tiles in all (or more).
@stevon8ter: I couldn't run it .__. @Yeong: I think we shouldn't have background sound, but we could incorporate sound/music as a non-crucial part of the game. For example, we could have a "radio" in the game that plays from a random playlist. @Matrefeytontias: That looks nice o.o If you could make it so that it can start of a position (x1,y1) and stop at position (x2,y2), that would be great o.o (This would be so that we can have the laser be fired from the player and have it hit the opponent, or miss and shoot off the edge of the screen.)
@stevon8ter: yep @aeTIos: I dunno, I just started experimenting with stuff. I don't think we even have a plan of what there is to do .__. We should keep the first post edited with a To Do list as well as the people working on the different parts.
I'll describe it here, since I don;t think I ever released the idea, just the code. Basically, it works like this (there are two methods)
I first designed this algorithm using Celtic3+BASIC, using the idea of how common certain letters were in the English alphabet. I arranged them in order and threw in some numbers and punctuation, so I could compress my most common messages:
ETAOINSHRDLCUMFGYPBVKWXJQZ,?!.0123456789/-:' Note that the first character is a space. Now, in the actual message, any time one of the first 14 characters appear, it will be assigned a nibble 0~D. If anything after that is used, (say the 23 character in the list), it will be a two-nibble value, starting with E or F. You can subtract 14 and add $E0 to it (essentially, add $D2 to the original value). In this way, text will take at the worst 100% the original size and at the best 50%. However, because the first 14 characters are the most common to appear in an English message, it averages around 60% compression. For example, here is the message, "HELLO!" (this works best with larger messages): NOTE: We start counting at zero. H is the 9th character, so it is one nibble, $8 E is the 2nd character, so it is one nibble, $1 L is the 12th character, so it is one nibble, $B O is the 5th character, so it is one nibble, $4 ! is 30th character, so it is two nibbles: $EF Combining the nibbles, we get 81BB4EF, but we need to store bytes, and this is an odd number of nibbles, so we pad it with a 0. This is why a space is the first character, because decompressed, it would put a space at the end in cases like this.
Anyways, that is 4 bytes, compared to 6, so compression was about 67% In BatLib, to make sure the extra space at the end wasn't in the output for decompression, I compress data and store the original size as a two byte value in the beginning.
Now, why did we use 46 chars? The first 14 are used as 1-nibble values. A nibble can be 16 different values, so this leaves two extra nibbles for our "extended" chars. So 2*16=32, which means we can have 32 two-nibble values and 14 nibble values, totaling 46. Indexing at 0, we have chars numbered 0 to 45, which in hex is 00h~2Dh. If you look at what we add to find the value of 2-nibble chars ($D2), it is actually not a coincidence that it is the value 2D with its nibbles swapped
So what if we want to compress something other than text? What if it is arbitrary data? Basically, you need to scan the data to figure out which byte values are used, then you need to arrange them in descending popularity (I call this a "compression key"). Find your cut-off value (the number you add to get the two -nibble values) and this will also tell you your cut-off for one-nibble/two-nibble values. Because this will use a unique set of chars in some order, you will also need to include the "compression key" so that you can decompress. If the data isn't large enough, the compression key plus the compressed data will take up more space than the original.
I used this in BatLib to compress some internal data, like the main menu (the bitmap was compressed a few hundred bytes, including the compression key). You can also apply this algorithm several times in some cases to further compress the data. I got one tilemap to compress down to 12% of its original size, with each of the compression keys included!
EDIT: This is the relevant code in BatLib for most of the compression/decompression functions:
CompressStr: call LoadInc ld hl,Codec1 dec a jr nz,$+5 ld hl,Codec2 jr $+5 CompData: call CustCodec ld (TempWord2),hl call StringOrName ld (TempWord1),hl push bc push af push hl inc bc inc bc call MakeAnsStrX pop hl pop af pop bc ex de,hl ld (hl),c inc hl ld (hl),b inc hl ex de,hl push bc push de call ReadArc pop hl pop bc push hl push de ld de,(TempWord1) ld ix,(TempWord2) call TextComp pop de inc hl ;HL points to the end of where it was converted ex de,hl or a sbc hl,de ex de,hl ;DE is the size of the data to delete ;HL points to where to delete the data push hl bcall(4357h) pop hl pop de dec de dec de or a sbc hl,de ex de,hl dec hl ld (hl),d dec hl ld (hl),e ret
TextComp: ;Inputs: ; DE points to the text to convert ; HL points to where to convert to ; BC is the size of the string ; IX points to the codec call CodecStats ld (8478h),bc ld b,0 ld (hl),0 TextCompLoop: push hl push bc ld bc,(8478h) ld a,b \ or c jr nz,$+11 pop bc pop hl bit 0,b ret z xor a rld ret dec bc ld (8478h),bc ld a,(de) inc de ld c,(ix) push ix pop hl inc hl cpir
push hl push af ld a,(ix) dec a ld h,a pop af ld a,h pop hl
jr z,$+3 ld c,a sub c pop bc pop hl exx cp c exx jr c,$+23 exx sub b exx rlca \ rlca \ rlca \ rlca rld rlca \ rlca \ rlca \ rlca inc b bit 0,b jr nz,$+4 inc hl ld (hl),0 rld inc b bit 0,b jr nz,TextCompLoop inc hl jr TextCompLoop-2 Codec1: ;46 chars ; ETAOINSHRDLCUMFGYPBVKWXJQZ,?!.0123456789/-:' .db Codec1End-Codec1 .db 29h,"ETAOINSHRDLCUMFGYPBVKWXJQZ",2Bh .db $AF,2Dh,3Ah,"0123456789",83h,71h,3Eh,$AE Codec1End: Codec2: ;Includes lowercase tokens .db Codec2End-Codec2 .db $29,$BB,$45,$B4,$54,$C4,$41,$B0,$4F,$BF,$49,$B8,$4E,$BE,$53,$C3,$48,$B7,$52,$C2,$44,$B3,$4C,$BC .db $43,$B2,$55,$C5,$4D,$BD,$46,$B5,$47,$B6,$59,$C9,$50,$C0,$42,$B1,$56,$C6,$4B,$BA,$57,$C7,$58,$C8 .db $4A,$B9,$51,$C1,$5A,$CA,$2B,$AF,$2D,$3A,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37,$38,$39,$83,$71,$3E,$AE ;need 4 more bytes .db 3Fh,82h,70h,$B0 Codec2End: CustCodec: call StringOrName ld de,86ECh push de call ReadArc pop hl ret DeCompStr: call LoadInc ld hl,Codec1 dec a jr nz,$+5 ld hl,Codec2 jr $+5 DeCompData: call CustCodec ld (TempWord2),hl call StringOrName or a jp nz,ARCH dec bc dec bc push bc ld c,(hl) inc hl ld b,(hl) inc hl push hl inc bc call MakeAnsStrX ld (TempWord1),bc pop hl pop bc push de ld ix,(TempWord2) call TextDeComp ;DE is the size of the data to delete ;HL points to where to delete the data ex de,hl ld de,1 bcall(4357h) pop hl dec hl dec hl ld a,(hl) dec a ld (hl),a inc a ret nz inc hl dec (hl) ret CodecStats: ; IX points to the codec ; codec format is the first byte is the size, followed by the bytes allowed ;Output: ; B' is the adjusting value for one-byte values ; C' is the cut-off for half-byte values ; A is the same as B' di exx ld a,(ix) rlca rlca rlca rlca and 15 ld b,a ld a,(ix) and 15 add a,b and 240 jr z,$+3 inc b ld a,16 sub b ; ld c,a ;number of half nibbles ld a,b rlca rlca rlca rlca or c ld b,a exx ret TextDeComp: ;Inputs: ; HL points to the text to decompress ; DE points to where to convert to ; BC is the size of the string ; IX points to the codec call CodecStats ld (8478h),bc ld b,0 TextDeCompLoop: call GetNextNibble ld a,c exx cp c exx jr c,$+15 ld (de),a call GetNextNibble ld a,(de) rlca \ rlca \ rlca \ rlca or c exx add a,b exx push hl push ix pop hl inc hl add a,l jr nc,$+3 inc h ld l,a ld a,(hl) pop hl ld (de),a inc de push bc ld bc,(8478h) ld a,b \ or c pop bc jr nz,TextDeCompLoop ret GetNextNibble: ; z flag set if the last xor a inc b bit 0,b jr z,$+8 rld ld c,a rrd ret rrd ld c,a rld push bc ld bc,(8478h) dec bc ld (8478h),bc pop bc inc hl ret GetCodec: call StringOrName or a ret nz or b or c jp z,NO_DATA call CountBytes call MakeAnsStrX dec bc ld a,c ld (de),a inc de ld hl,88ECh ldir ret CountBytes: push hl push bc xor a ld hl,86ECh ld (hl),a ld d,h ld e,l inc de ld bc,2FFh ldir pop bc pop hl GetCodecLoop: push bc ld e,(hl) ld d,0 ex de,hl add hl,hl ld bc,86ECh add hl,bc inc (hl) jr nz,$+4 inc hl inc (hl) ex de,hl pop bc cpi jp pe,GetCodecLoop call Order ld b,0 inc bc ret Order: di ld hl,86ECh ;points to the density list (512 bytes) ld de,88ECh ;points to where the output is ld bc,0 ld (TempWord1),hl exx ld hl,0 ;MaxVal exx OrderLoop: push bc ld c,(hl) inc hl ld b,(hl) inc hl push bc exx pop de or a sbc hl,de add hl,de jr nc,$+3 ex de,hl exx pop bc djnz OrderLoop ld hl,(TempWord1) exx ld a,h or l exx ret z xor a OrderLoop1: push bc ld c,(hl) inc hl ld b,(hl) push bc exx pop de or a sbc hl,de add hl,de exx pop bc jr nz,$+12 ld (de),a inc de ld (hl),0 dec hl ld (hl),0 inc hl inc c ret z inc hl inc a djnz OrderLoop1 ld hl,(TempWord1) jr OrderLoop-5
I started working on scrolling in the up/down direction, and it is a pain o.o I have to keep track of how far up/down it is scrolled and left/right so that I can shift in new content appropriately .__. I rewrote the right/left shifting, too and I believe it is faster, but I'm not suree (I had a better idea last night, so I don't need the IX register). Also, I have a bug somewhere in the code, apparently, because the program is doing weird stuff to my calculator every so often. On the plus side, I fixed the scrolling bug for left/right >.>
On another note, if we decided to do text compression, I have a nice algorithm for that. I was thinking this morning that I could make a Python program to read a .txt file and spit out the compressed data in assembly format.
EDIT: It is still about 60FPS at 6MHz, a few extra frames per second for shifting up/down.
Axioms don't make it so you need another app or program to run, it only means that you need them to compile the source.
Also, @stevon8ter: The program starts off with a Pause 100 at 6MHz. keep watching and I remove the Pause 100 and show its speed, then I show it at 15MHz. At 15MHz, WabbitEmu tells me I am getting 80 FPS and 60FPS at 6MHz. I think we should keep it at 6MHz for the main engine and routines so that it stays nicely compatible with the 83+
If I have 16KB to work with, I could make routines that can work directly with archive and do it quickly >.> It would technically be slower, but it probably wouldn't be noticeable.
Oh, okay. And I was thinking that using an app, I could write routines to directly access the data in archived appvars. This would help quite a bit with map data, tile data, and sprite data. I could maybe make a command to copy a sprite from archive to a location in RAM (that way it can be accessed by the main program).