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Messages - Xeda112358

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Math and Science / Observations of Cellular Automata simulating particles
« on: November 18, 2012, 06:20:34 pm »
I long while ago, when I was working on Grammer and adding in the particle effects stuff, I added this particular ruleset:

Move down if the space below is unoccupied
Move left or right if the previous move was not possible
Move up if none of the other moves were possible

If you remove the last rule, the particles move kind of like a liquid. The reason that I added the last rule was to allow the particles to navigate obstacles. Otherwise, this happens:

A real liquid would have "leveled out" so to speak. My thought was that adding the ability to move up would result in more properties of a liquid, including fixing this problem. So, lets see how it worked:

I decided to try another method by letting the particles always be connected to a specific particle. This way, in order for one to move, they all had to go in the same general direction:

I called them worms and they could do some pretty cool things, such as exhibit capillary action. However, this is very clearly not working like a liquid (Well, if you got a bunch of worms together, it probably would act very much like a liquid, except that they can crawl up each other with no external support!)

However, though it isn't as fluid as the worms, the ruleset I originally gave also exhibits capillary action:

Anyways, I thought I would share this :) If you can think of other cool effects, feel free to share !

News / Re: TI-84 Plus C: new photos reveal more than 3MB archive space
« on: November 14, 2012, 12:39:19 pm »
No, what happens is that code is copied to 8000h, then it is called. When you use "call", the the program counter is pushed to the stack. The code that got copied to 8000h is:
Code: [Select]
pop hl
push hl
(which, as discussed elsewhere can be optimised :P )
Basically, HL now has the address that the original routine called it from. Then, we use bcall(_DispHL). If that bcall() has been changed or destroyed in some way, then there will be issues.

EDIT: The purpose of the code is to figure out where programs are run from. Once we know that, we can figure out how broken compatibility will be and start fixing our programs now, before the release.

News / Re: TI-84 Plus C: new photos reveal more than 3MB archive space
« on: November 14, 2012, 09:55:35 am »
Basically, if AsmPrgm:210080:36E1:23:36E5:23:36C9:CD0080:EF0745:C9 crashes instead of spitting out a number, we're screwed and won't be able to do anything until getting our hands on the hardware ourselves.
I think you underestimate this community. ;)
If that crashes, we learn a little, too. That would mean it doesn't support asm programs and they forgot to fix some code that caused it to crash when ASM programs are run.

Otherwise, and this is highly unlikely, programs are run at 7FF1h and some of the code is getting overwritten XD Since I really doubt either case will happen, I am confident it will not crash. At most, it won't run (implying assembly programs are disabled).

Miscellaneous / Re: Movember
« on: November 14, 2012, 08:30:45 am »
Actually, "No Shave November" has been around for quite a while. I basically live in the middle of a forest, normally, and there are quite a few people who hunt. One of the aspects of hunting this time of year is that you are expected to be outside in the cold for most of the day, so males typically grow out their beards to keep warm. It has made its way into other social groups over the years, though, and most people don't know the background anymore :D

Yeah, that might turn out to be a tough thing to get around :[

News / Re: 2012 Apocalypse TI-83+/TI-84+ Programming Contest
« on: November 13, 2012, 08:12:37 am »
Woo, this looks fun :D

ASM / Re: RAM required for Jim E's fast tilemapper
« on: November 13, 2012, 08:05:10 am »
Hmm, what is "Jim E's Tilemapper" ?

A few very important programs will need to be rewritten. Remember how the GameBoy Color had the ability to play Gameboy games and even give them a little color? :)

If we still have most of the same RAM areas, we can do these:

MirageOS: If this is ported, we can make the LCD updating using 3x3 pixels and it can be zoomed in or out. Otherwise, sprite commands and drawing commands will need to be rewritten. Once this is done, most games should work again :)

DoorsCS7: A new version for the new calc can be written with updated ION/MOS/DCS7 calls.

Grammer: I can try to port this so that older Grammer games work on the new calc (with scaling up pixels, basically). This actually shouldn't be too difficult, and as well, I will be able to create new routines to work with color :D (I've already been trying to figure out a way to make B/W and color versions of programs work across platforms because of my Prizm)

Also, we may need to make a program to "fix" compatibility. What I mean is something like this:
We will need to have a list of RAM equates (which we have) and their sizes. We can go then find equivalent values on the new calc. Then, when MirageOS or something tries to run a program, it will instead parse the file, adjust addresses accordingly, then run the modified version (without changing the original, except for SMC). That sounds a bit daunting, but not too much so. There are a few more steps involved and it wouldn't work for all cases, but it would be useful! (We would also need to modify ports and other fun things)

@Yeong: I could not reproduce it
@aeTIos: The lcd has the ability to have its pixels shifted down or up. For example, if you shift them up 8 pixels in the normal OS, headers in menus will appear on the bottom of the screen. There are a handful of games that use the z-address to create earthquake effects, too, since it is very fast compared to shifting the whole screen and then updating the LCD, this takes probably at most 38 t-states and however many wait states are required between each LCD write.

@thepenguin77: Z-Addressing appears to work in Wabbit now :D

Wow, it looks fast already o.O

Grammer / Re: Langton's Ant
« on: November 10, 2012, 07:00:46 pm »
I am presenting for a class and to my knowledge, it won't be recorded (though somebody said they might, since mine is the first that won't use a powerpoint XD). However, I might decided to present at a math conference or two on the subject in the future. I have noticed that there are actually quite a few math majors that aren't familiar with CA o_O I want to change that XD

Grammer / Re: Langton's Ant
« on: November 10, 2012, 05:34:03 pm »
:D I've been making lots of test programs lately in preparation for the presentation (I am going to try to give a 100 minute presentation on cellular automata). I am going to be using WabbitEmu (full screen mode) and a bunch of TI programs for the presentation :D

Grammer / Langton's Ant
« on: November 10, 2012, 05:26:45 pm »
In preparation for a presentation, I wrote a quick program to show the cellular automata rule for Langton's Ant. Basically, if the "ant" is over an ON pixel, the ant turns right, if it is on an OFF pixel, the ant turns left. Then the ant inverts the pixel and moves a pixel in the new direction. It leads to some very complex patterns and has been used to make pseudo-random number generators. I left it running for over 2.5 million iterations yesterday and it was still chaotic (with 1 ant). Try watching 2 ants over time :)

This is a Grammer program and the world is 64x64 pixels, and is toroidal (basically, the world wraps in all directions, so if you go off the edge of the screen, it wraps around to the other side).

That is pretty cool o.o
@Goplat: That is brilliant o.o

Other Calculators / Re: More Precision on the 84+ (10^127 - 10^-127)
« on: November 09, 2012, 08:55:08 am »
Yay, now it works like some of the older calcs I saw :D I think a friend of mine had a TI-86 or TI-85 that could use numbers up to 10^127.

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