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Messages - Xeda112358

Pages: 1 ... 107 108 [109] 110 111 ... 317
BatLib / Re: BatLib
« on: September 29, 2012, 04:48:43 pm »
Wow, that is great! Is it able to be used on some other site?

BatLib / Re: BatLib
« on: September 29, 2012, 04:46:22 pm »
I meant more that since IRC is down, I cannot use it, but I wouldn't mind getting to help on that. However, if you have most of the commands already finished, I don't plan to add any more functions to BatLib...

BatLib / Re: BatLib
« on: September 29, 2012, 04:26:36 pm »
I wish I could use libbot :/ I also cannot wait to start making solid example programs, either. Now that I am basically done with BatLib, I can start focusing on using it :D

BatLib / Re: BatLib
« on: September 29, 2012, 03:13:48 pm »
Okay, I think it is bug hunting time :) I have fixed the graphing bug, and I have added more to dim(126) to make it even better.
Taken from the readme:

126-GroupHookMode dim(126.x,arg1,arg2)

This is used to control the GroupHook settings. Since BatLib automatically
installs all GroupHook apps on the calc in the order they appear in memory, this
command is very useful to manage conflicts. For example, Celtic 3 installed
before Omnicalc will render Omnicalc's real() commands useless (because Celtic 3
thinks they belong to it). You can use this command to swap the order in which
apps are checked.
  • dim(126,#) returns the name of the nth app in the GroupHook.
  • dim(126.1) will disable all grouphooks.
  • dim(126.2) will enable all the apps in the grouphook.
  • dim(126.3,#) will disable the nth app in the grouphook.
  • dim(126.4,#) will enable the nth app in the grouphook.
  • dim(126.5,#,"App") will allow you to rearrange the grouphook order. For

example, to make sure Celtic 3 is checked first, set it in slot 0:
Code: [Select]
:dim(126.5,"Celtic 3Notes:
  • ".DNE" is returned with dim(126.4) and below if there is no nth app (meaning #

was too big).
When using dim(126.5), the hooks are swapped. In the example, the App
previously in position zero will now be in whatever position Celtic 3 was in.
  • ".BAD NUMBER" is returned with dim(126.5) if there is no nth app.
  • ".DNE" is returned with dim(126.5) if the app does not exist
  • ".BAD NAME" is returned with dim(126.5) if the app exists, but is not a

grouphook app.

Basically, if you have a program that you want to run Celtic 3, Omnicalc, and BatLib routines in, you should include this at the start of your program:
Code: [Select]
dim(126.5,"Omnicalc      ;put Omnicalc first so that Celtic 3 doesn't conflict with Omnicalc's real() token.
dim(126.5,1,"Celtic 3
Oh, as another note, app names are usually 8 characters long, so they get padded with spaces at the end. However, since this is not always the case, BatLib does not automatically pad names.

ASM / RAM Used in graphing
« on: September 29, 2012, 12:02:47 pm »
As was noted by Sorunome and I am sure others, BatLib's introduction of GroupHook caused a mysterious bug with graphing. It seemed to cause undesired shading of graphs causing some interesting effects. After chasing through the code, I found that it was caused by copying the GroupHook code to the end of TempSwapArea. I had never seen documentation of this anywhere, so as I experiment further, I hope I can provide the information. Until then, i need to find some other 65 byte chunk of free ram that I'm not already using.

News / Re: "Programming the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus" Published
« on: September 28, 2012, 05:31:40 pm »
I am thinking of getting this book for somebody. I just wish the campus book store had it in stock XD I'll probably have to order it online :)

Fruit Ninja / Re: Fruit Ninja
« on: September 28, 2012, 07:50:22 am »
I love the people calling it fake XD Aren't they in for a surprise o.o

Miscellaneous / Re: My new internet speed
« on: September 26, 2012, 10:21:31 pm »
So you'll no longer disappear during 2 months once in a while? Nice :D
precisely >:D Now I can be on the evil interwebs all year round.

Miscellaneous / Re: My new internet speed
« on: September 26, 2012, 09:45:33 pm »
Yes, precisely. Plus, it doesn't seem like it is much slower than at the school, which is nice.

Miscellaneous / Re: My new internet speed
« on: September 26, 2012, 09:20:19 pm »
Hmm, the internet was finally hooked up at home. It got this:

TI-BASIC / Re: Correlation Compiler
« on: September 26, 2012, 09:29:06 am »
If you use Grammer, the fonts only affect Grammer programs. BatLib, on the other hand, has several options that can change your font during normal OS routines. However, zStart (from thepenguin77) is probably the best option as you can create and edit fonts directly on the calculator with a user friendly editor :)

Humour and Jokes / Re: Dsylexics Untie!
« on: September 26, 2012, 09:25:27 am »
xeactyl,wlel dnoe!me lkies ti.
See, that doesn't work :P You either said that you like TI or you like IT o.O

Or did you say both?! Talk about message compression!

TI-BASIC / Re: Correlation Compiler
« on: September 25, 2012, 11:37:24 am »
I am confused, is this in relation to the Correlation project?

TI Z80 / Re: AxeSh, a shell written in Axe/ASM, for Axe programmers
« on: September 19, 2012, 01:03:29 pm »
I have some ideas!
-You can store source code to appvars and still be able to compile them
- If the user tries to execute source code, automatically compile the program if it has not yet been compiled. (Or ask the user)
basically, a Compile+Run option

Miscellaneous / Re: My new internet speed
« on: September 18, 2012, 09:04:45 am »
At the university:

At home, it is all zero except the ping time. That would be >9000 for sure.

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