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Messages - Xeda112358

Pages: 1 ... 125 126 [127] 128 129 ... 317
Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi.
« on: April 06, 2012, 03:42:35 pm »
Xeda112358: That's actually extremely cool, I didn't expect anyone to be that near me. Also, are the numbers in your username a reference to the Fibonacci series?
Yes it is in reference o.o I do rather enjoy the sequence :D I was glad to note that you made a program for it, but I was wondering if you were using the recursive form or the closed form...
(the closed form is a function where you input n and it returns the nth Fibonacci number).

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Me : Heyy !
« on: April 06, 2012, 03:26:15 pm »
Cool :)

Why peanuts ?
I don't know, actually o.o It is like a Omnimaga tradition :) We always give new members peanuts (I think it started as a joke, but then it became more standard).

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Me : Heyy !
« on: April 06, 2012, 03:21:35 pm »
Hi heyy :D It is nice to see you here :D We have a some Casio programmers and french programmers here, too :D

EDIT: And here are some peanuts!

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi.
« on: April 06, 2012, 03:18:47 pm »
Thanks for the peanuts.
No problem :D

Also, you live in Upstate New York? I live out in the finger lakes area :D

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi.
« on: April 06, 2012, 03:08:39 pm »
Awesome name, by the way :D And welcome here o.o I like z80 assembly, just sayin' >.>
Oh, and peanuts are for you!

Not my AI o.o Mine chases down player 1 in the hope it will trap player 1 XD However, I didn't have time to code it all properly XD

:D I'd like to see :D

Grammer / Re: Grammer Tutorial
« on: April 06, 2012, 02:42:08 pm »
Hmm, AND and OR (and even XOR) are math operations... So what they really do is perform Bit-Wise logic. For example, if you do "3 and 6", it will return 2. The reason is if you AND these two:
0000000000000011 (this is 3 in binary)
0000000000000110 (this is 6 in binary)
0000000000000010 (you get this which is 2)

The result has a 1 bit only if both bits from the inputs are 1. So, if you did this:
Code: [Select]
If A=3: and B=6
You would be doing this:
Code: [Select]
If (A=3) and (B=6)
However, doing this will result in 0 no matter what:
Code: [Select]
If A=6 and B=3
Lets say B=3 and A=6. The reason is that if you break it down:
A=6 and B=3
A=6 and 1

See the issue? 6 and 1 returns 0 :/

I have made some appearances on tout82 (they do mostly 82, 82 STAT, and 83 calcs). Here on Omni we have a growing french community, too, and there have been two big contests in France this past year (zContest 2011 and TI-Concours still under way). Both had/have quite a few participants which is cool :)

Yeah, it is $585 a month for the two of us, but I need to make a security deposit of the same, too. So I need to pay $1170 the first month x.x But yeah, NYC apartment prices would be terrifying D: And if I get the GSoC thing, I can be a programmer over the summer and it will look good on a resume when I apply for other jobs :)

Oh right, that stuff. X.x. I hope your grades are going better atm too. Btw any luck finding a decent appartment at a decent price? Your profile says "NY" which scares me, because I heard about appartment prices there and...
I am in western New York (far from NYC XD). I live where there are trees and stuff everywhere and you can see the stars in the night sky :3 Um, but yeah, we have an apartment that we are going to settle for for $585 a month (we would have preferred if they had $450, though :/)  That is just barely in our budget realm, so now we need jobs and I am hoping I get the Google Summer of Code thing x.x That will help a lot.

Qwerty.55 is stalking you again?? O.O

Seriously I hope things are not going too tough x.x
I have to locate housing and allocate money for that, I have finals, a math conference, competition, grades (I did very poorly last year so I am trying to get my scholarships/grants back), applying for jobs and internships and doing interviews x.x

I have lots of times throughout the year where I do not have internet (about 21 weeks per year, so about 5 months), so certain times I am not as active :/ Though when I am active, I try to maintain a 5.0 or better posting average :)

And DJ_O has good advice, I think, for keeping activity up. For example, right now I have tons of IRL stress, so I cannot really work on projects. However, I try to keep up a few posts every day and I check in here often. Plus, if there are answers that I can provide, it makes me feel good :)

In any event, Omni is still pretty active, right?

EDIT: @Juju: So you have an extra TI-8x to spare for a contest? :D
* Xeda112358 runs

o_O Je ne sais pas le problème, mais peut-être vous pouvez obtenir un screenie? Aussi, je pense que l'auteur de PolyPatch84 est Critor, mais les "patches" sont par BrandonW et thepenguin77 pour le pluspart. Donc, peut-être vous pouvez les demandez?

(erm, désolé pour la grammaire XD)

Grammer / Re: Grammer Tutorial
« on: April 05, 2012, 02:37:33 pm »
Yeah, that stuff is going to be really scary x.x You might want to include using ! before a Repeat and While as a way to negate and stuff. Also, the way Grammer parses conditions is that it executes all the way to a newline token, so if you use : to separate lines and math in a condition, it will work out. For example:

Code: [Select]
Repeat 3*A:+7:*3:-37
That line parses to:

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