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Messages - Xeda112358

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News / Re: Fall activity down by 30%, but still a record year
« on: January 01, 2012, 09:39:51 am »
Wow, this is great! And we can do better this year >:D I wonder if I should write a series of programs and announce the release dates-- for one week, every day, a release of a full fledged game or program!

TI Z80 / Re: ASMDREAM - the TI-8X+ on-calc assembler
« on: January 01, 2012, 09:33:25 am »
Accessing the LSB or MSB is sometimes useful in optimisations. For example, when I am computing the address to write a pixel to the graph buffer, I often do something that includes setting the 6th bit of C and loading 93h into B.

TI Z80 / Re: SpeeJump, a fast horizontal-scrolling game
« on: January 01, 2012, 09:30:16 am »
I meant the hex code, not the Axe code, sorry x.x
Also, try a game screenie :)

Grammer / Re: Grammer Feature Requests
« on: December 31, 2011, 10:28:15 pm »
Okay, in response to sorunome, here is an update with full rectangle clipping:

Grammer / Re: Grammer 2-The APP
« on: December 31, 2011, 10:25:11 pm »
In response to continued requests, I have a mini update that has full clipping for rectangles. I hope it works the way you would like it to!

ASM / Re: Constructive and Creative uses of RLD and RRD
« on: December 31, 2011, 02:10:01 pm »
Ah, well with that code, will draw a sprite with hexadecimal data input. By that, I mean . db "3C4281818181423C" as opposed to .db 3Ch,42h,81h,81h,81h,81h,42h,3Ch

The first is what a TI-BASIC string would be like and the program that code is in is designed for TI-BASIC programmers to use.

TI Z80 / Re: ASMDREAM - the TI-8X+ on-calc assembler
« on: December 31, 2011, 11:01:31 am »
What do you mean by splitting your labels into two bytes? Do you mean getting the MSB and LSB?

ASM / Re: Constructive and Creative uses of RLD and RRD
« on: December 31, 2011, 10:21:06 am »
Unless i'm missing something, the first just says "Array", maybe you pasted the wrong thing?
I am not seeing that... On mine, Hayleia and I have the same thing...

TI Z80 / Re: SpeeJump, a fast horizontal-scrolling game
« on: December 30, 2011, 11:58:12 pm »
You can just add the EF7045 to the end of the hex code you already have (or to the beginning) and it will work fine :)

TI Z80 / Re: SpeeJump, a fast horizontal-scrolling game
« on: December 30, 2011, 11:50:33 pm »
That code doesn't change the run indicator, to my knowledge... maybe FDCB128E?

TI Z80 / Re: SpeeJump, a fast horizontal-scrolling game
« on: December 30, 2011, 11:44:13 pm »
He means the thing in the upper right corner of the screen (it happens when graphing or a BASIC program is running)

ASM / Re: Constructive and Creative uses of RLD and RRD
« on: December 30, 2011, 11:40:38 pm »
Ooh, rrd and rld are some of my favorite instructions! When I was describing what it does in my pocket asm tutorial was this:
rrd/rld the two nibbles from (hl) and the last nibble of 'a' make three nibbles. rrd                
           rotates them right and rld rotates them left.
As for a way to use them, I have a few codes that make excellent use of them. This one is from my program BSPRT. It uses hexadecimal sprite data, so instead of converting the hex string to a location in RAM and then copying it to the screen, I just did both at once (here is the sprite display part):
Code: (BSPRT) [Select]
;     HL points to the buffer location to draw to
;     DE points to the sprite data

     ld bc,080Ch     ;010C08
     call PutNibble  ;CD****
     call PutNibble  ;CD****
     ld a,b          ;78
     ld b,0          ;0600
     add hl,bc       ;09
     ld b,a          ;47
     djnz Loop       ;10F3
     ret             ;C9
     ld a,(de)       ;1A
     add $C0         ;C6C0
     jr nc,$+4       ;3002
       sub 7         ;D607
     rld             ;ED6F
     inc de          ;13
     ret             ;C9
This is my favorite one, though. When I made a graph shifting routine, I made these to shift 4 pixels very quickly:
Code: [Select]
     ld hl,GraphBuf+767
     ld c,64
       xor a
       ld b,12
         dec hl
         djnz $-3
       dec c
       jr nz,$-9
Code: [Select]
     ld hl,GraphBuf
     ld c,64
       xor a
       ld b,12
         inc hl
         djnz $-3
       dec c
       jr nz,$-9
I feel pretty proud of these :) I think the first can be optimised more, but it is still nice, I think :)

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello
« on: December 30, 2011, 08:03:07 pm »
Howdy and welcome! A bit late myself, as well, but it is nice seeing you here!

TI Z80 / Re: Pipes
« on: December 30, 2011, 07:18:14 pm »
I think I've only ever uploaded half of my programs to the internet, tops x.x For example, I have a grayscale tilemapper and tile editor written for Grammer, I have a super fast snake game that I was working on last night, I was trying to make some link routines that could send commands via the link port (like a command to obtain the other calcs keypress and graph screen) and that has not worked for me xD I made a platformer with gravity physics and jumping (not much, but still nice), and I've been working on making a program editor for Grammer. Blegh, this works for me, though. It means I finish a lot of programs around the same time, then I have a lull, then a lot of programs, and it keeps going. And I am still working on BatLib, occasionally XD I am actually rewriting it, so that is fun x.x

TI Z80 / Re: GrayDraw (Grammer)
« on: December 30, 2011, 07:03:45 pm »
Wow, really cool DJ! I should really get on this grayscale coding. I am currently working on freeing up both saveSScreen and AppBackUpScreen (two areas in non-user RAM that can contain what Axers call a backbuffer). Currently AppBackUpScreen is only used as the default particle buffer and the first two bytes are modified. SaveSScreen, however, is used for converting token strings to ASCII, holding rectangle patterns, converting numbers to strings, and other behind the scenes things. I think I can get away with putting all that in the OP1 and OP2 areas of RAM, though, and I will need to rewrite the text display code.

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