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Messages - Xeda112358
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« on: April 06, 2018, 04:03:39 pm »
I don't know crystals timers well, sorry. I do however remember a comment from about six years ago by thepenguin77, I think, involving this same premise. I couldn't find the post though
« on: March 22, 2018, 09:20:50 am »
Could you post the code you are currently using? In assembly, I would draw to a "collision buffer" and test with that, but I don't think that is efficient in Axe code.
« on: March 14, 2018, 01:39:13 pm »
For a few years now, I've been playing on-and-off with various ideas related to parsing and evaluating expressions. Today as I was working out the code for adding two values, I came across the case of adding a 'sprite' variable to some other variable.
If you had a programming language where you had two sprite variables, what would you want or expect 'sprite1+sprite2' to do, if anything? For that matter, how about adding an integer or float to it? How about multiplication or division?
I know, for example, that I would want 'sprite1 or sprite2' to return a sprite with it's contents bit-wise ORed together.
« on: March 14, 2018, 11:44:28 am »
Yeah, that would actually work. It's still less efficient for the reason that it is taking up unnecessary memory, though.
« on: March 13, 2018, 02:30:31 pm »
A lot of people use the areas pointed to by L1~L6 to store additional data. If even those don't suffice (that's a lot of RAM) you could make a buffer/array stored in your program and store the data there, or for a really complicated method, create a temporary OS variable of whatever size you need and store the data there.
« on: March 01, 2018, 06:30:11 pm »
What do you mean by "manipulate a variable?" A bunch of those codes you may have found take input and then output a value by manipulating a variable.
If you decide to try assembly, look into how variables are stored and look into bcalls like the following: _RclAns _StoAns _ChkFindSym rFindSym (don't use the bcall, use the rst) _SetXXOP1 _SetXXOP2 _SetXXXXOP2 _OP2ToOP1
« on: February 28, 2018, 09:29:58 am »
That is so freaking cool! How can I get or make a gamebuino?
« on: February 24, 2018, 10:31:47 am »
Being older and wiser than I was in my last response, I maintain that RPN is the clear winner for performance, especially in an interpreted programming language, but infix is better for organization for humans. Also @martinot, please edit your post instead of double posting.
« on: February 21, 2018, 11:39:25 pm »
This looks pretty cool, I'd like to see how it turns out!
« on: December 03, 2017, 11:33:12 am »
Same here, it seems like it's on it's way to Axe-tier popularity, good job PT_!
« on: November 30, 2017, 02:11:34 am »
Today I wrote a Python version of the "compiler." Currently it only recognizes a handful of binary operations, and the function 'sin(', but it does recognize signed and unsigned integers of sizes 8,16,32, and 64, as well as single precision floats. The variable type 'single' gets mapped to 'float' and 'char' gets mapped to 'uint8' and 'int' is mapped to 'int32'.
I've got it doing some complicated stuff like basic math optimizations (ex. 3*3 is just changed to 9) and variable mapping, neither of which the Z80 version do. As well, the Python version actually handles multiple lines of source code. In the example, 'code.txt' we have the three-line code:
var float x0=0 var uint8 y0=0 sin(3.14159*2*x0+y0)^9
This compiles to 44 bytes if you include the metadata about variable names, and 35 bytes for the code+header+static variables.
The source for the Python program is included in the attached file, but for those who don't want to go through the trouble of downloading, here is the current source for ''. It's ugly, for now.
from math import sin t_plus = 0xD1 t_minus = 0xD2 t_mul = 0xD3 t_div = 0xD4 t_pow = 0xD5 t_and = 0xD6 t_xor = 0xD7 t_or = 0xD8 t_eq = 0xD9 t_neq = 0xDA t_gt = 0xDB t_lt = 0xDC t_ge = 0xDD t_le = 0xDE t_sto = 0xDF binops=[ ["~",0x01,t_sto], ["=",0x50,t_eq], ["|",0x60,t_or], ["&",0x70,t_and], ["-",0x81,t_minus], ["+",0x80,t_plus], ["/",0x83,t_div], ["*",0x82,t_mul], ["^",0x85,t_pow], ["",0x00,0] ] varlist=[] def getbinopsinfo(s): n=0 m=len(binops)-1 while (n<m) and s!=binops[n][0]: n+=1 return binops[n] def isvar(s): for i in varlist: if s==i[0]: return True return False def shuntingyard(inp): size = len(inp) opstack="" out="" k=0 inp+=" " while k<size: n=k while ("0"<inp[k]<="9"): out+=inp[k] k+=1 if inp[k]==".": out+=inp[k] k+=1 while ("0"<inp[k]<="9"): out+=inp[k] k+=1 if inp[k]==".": return "Err: Too Many Decimals." if n!=k: out+="," else: #Check Variables while ("a"<=inp[k]<="z") or ("A"<=inp[k]<="Z") or ("0"<=inp[k]<="9") or inp[k]=="_": k+=1 if n==k or inp[k]=="(": k=n else: if isvar(inp[n:k])==True: out+=inp[n:k]+"," else: return "Err: Var Not Found : "+inp[n:k] if inp[k]=="(": opstack="(,"+opstack k+=1 if inp[k]==")": m=len(opstack) if m==0: return "Err: Unmatched ')'." n=0 opstack+=" " while opstack[n]!="(" and n<m: n+=1 if n==m: return "Err: Unmatched ')'." out+=opstack[0:n+2] opstack=opstack[n+2:-1] k+=1 n=getbinopsinfo(inp[k]) if n[0]!="": p=n[1] m=0 j=len(opstack) opstack+=" " while (p<=getbinopsinfo(opstack[m])[1]) and m<j: m+=1 if m<j: if opstack[m]==',': m+=1 if m<j: if getbinopsinfo(opstack[m])[0]=='': j=m out+=opstack[0:m] opstack=n[0]+","+opstack[m:-1] k+=1 if ("A"<inp[k]<="Z") or ("a"<inp[k]<="z"): n=k while (("A"<inp[k]<="Z") or ("a"<inp[k]<="z") or ("0"<inp[k]<="1") or (inp[k]=="_")) and k<size: k+=1 if inp[k]=="(": k+=1 opstack=inp[n:k]+","+opstack else: k=n out+=opstack out=out.strip(",") return out.split(",") def int2hex(n): n=int(n) if n==0: return "0" s="" hexstr="0123456789ABCDEF" while n!=0: s=hexstr[n%16]+s n>>=4 return s def littleendianify(s): out="" n=len(s) while n>0: out+=s[n-2:n] n-=2 return out def floatsingleify(s): x=eval(s) if x==0: return "00000000" s=0 if x<0: s=1 x=-x exp=128 mant=x while x>=2: exp+=1 x/=2 while x<1: exp-=1 x*=2 x*=(1<<24) x=int(x) x+=(x&1) x>>=1 if x>=(1<<24): exp+=1 x>>=1 if exp<0: return "00000000" if exp>255: return "00004000" if s==0: x-=(1<<23) s=int2hex(x) s="0"*(6-len(s))+s s=littleendianify(s) t=int2hex(exp) return s+"0"*(2-len(t))+t def hextok(s): if ("0"<=s[0]<="9") or s[0]=="." or s[0]=="-": s=s.split(".") if len(s)==1: s=int(s[0]) sign=0 if s<0: sign=1 if s>-(1<<7): s+=256 if s>-(1<<15): s+=(1<<16) if s>-(1<<31): s+=(1<<32) if s>-(1<<63): s+=(1<<64) s=int2hex(s) if len(s)%2: s="0"+s s=littleendianify(s) if (len(s)==2) and sign==0: return "00"+s #uint8, a.k.a 'char', default for 8-bit integer if (len(s)==2) and sign==1: return "01"+s #int8 if (len(s)==4) and sign==0: return "02"+s #uint16, default for 16-bit integer if (len(s)==4) and sign==1: return "03"+s #int16 if len(s)<=8: s+="0"*(8-len(s)) if "0"<s[6]<"8": return "04"+s #uint32 is the default if the int can't fit into a signed 32-bit int return "05"+s #int32, default for 32-bit integer if len(s)==16: s+="0"*(16-len(s)) if "0"<s[14]<"8": return "06"+s #uint64 is the default if the int can't fit into a signed 64-bit int return "07"+s #int64, default for 64-bit integer else: s=floatsingleify(s[0]+"."+s[1]) return "08"+s #single prec. float, default float type. if isvar(s)==True: k=0 while varlist[k][0]!=s: k+=1 s=int2hex(k) s="0"*(4-len(s))+s return "1B"+littleendianify(s) if s=="sin(": return "63" if getbinopsinfo(s)[0]!="": s=int2hex(getbinopsinfo(s)[2]) return "0"*(2-len(s))+s return s def hextokenize(inp): n=len(inp) out=[] for i in range(n): if inp[i]!="(": out+=[hextok(inp[i])] return out def isnum(s): for i in s: if ((i<"0") or (i>"9")) and (i!=".") and (i!='-'): return False return True def optimizer(exp): n=len(exp) k=0 while k<n: f=False if isnum(exp[k-1])==True: if exp[k]=="sin(": f=True s=str(sin(eval(exp[k-1]))) if f==True: f=False if k==1: exp=[s]+exp[2:] else: exp=exp[0:k-1]+[s]+exp[k+1:] k-=1 n-=1 if isnum(exp[k-2])==True: if exp[k]=="+": f=True s=str(eval(exp[k-2])+eval(exp[k-1])) if exp[k]=="-": f=True s=str(eval(exp[k-2])-eval(exp[k-1])) if exp[k]=="*": f=True s=str(eval(exp[k-2])*eval(exp[k-1])) if exp[k]=="/": f=True s=str(eval(exp[k-2])/eval(exp[k-1])) if exp[k]=="^": f=True s=str(eval(exp[k-2])**eval(exp[k-1])) if f==True: if k==2: exp=[s]+exp[3:] else: exp=exp[0:k-2]+[s]+exp[k+1:] k-=2 n-=2 k+=1 return exp def compileline(exp, varlist=varlist,opt=True): if exp=="": return exp if exp[0:4]=="var ": exp=exp[4:].split(" ") if len(exp)!=2: return "Err: Syntax" i=exp[1].split("=") s=exp[0] if s=="int": s="int32" if s=="char": s="uint8" if s=="single": s="float" if s=="floatext" or s=="float" or s=="int8" or s=="int16" or s=="int32" or s=="int64" or s=="uint8" or s=="uint16" or s=="uint32" or s=="uint64": if len(i)==1: i+=["0"] if len(i)>2: return "Err: Syntax" varlist+=[[i[0],s,i[1]]] return ""
exp=shuntingyard(exp) if exp[0:4] == "Err:": return exp if opt==True: exp=optimizer(exp) if exp[0:4] == "Err:": return exp exp=hextokenize(exp) s="" for i in exp: s+=i return s def tokifyvar(s,x): if s=="uint8": x=int(x)%256 s=int2hex(x) return "00"+"0"*(2-len(s))+s if s=="int8": x=int(x)%256 s=int2hex(x) return "01"+"0"*(2-len(s))+s if s=="uint16": x=int(x)%(1<<16) s=int2hex(x) return "02"+littleendianify("0"*(4-len(s))+s) if s=="int16": x=int(x)%(1<<16) s=int2hex(x) return "03"+littleendianify("0"*(4-len(s))+s) if s=="uint32": x=int(x)%(1<<32) s=int2hex(x) return "04"+littleendianify("0"*(8-len(s))+s) if s=="int32": x=int(x)%(1<<32) s=int2hex(x) return "05"+littleendianify("0"*(8-len(s))+s) if s=="uint64": x=int(x)%(1<<64) s=int2hex(x) return "06"+littleendianify("0"*(16-len(s))+s) if s=="int64": x=int(x)%(1<<64) s=int2hex(x) return "07"+littleendianify("0"*(16-len(s))+s) if s=="float": return "08"+floatsingleify(x) return "Err: Unknown Type" def int2hexle(x,n=0): s=int2hex(x) if len(s)%2==1: s="0"+s s=littleendianify(s) if n==0: return s return s+("0"*(n-len(s))) def compile(code,varlist=varlist,opt=True): code=code.split("\n") out='' k=0 for i in code: k+=1 s=compileline(i) if s[0:4]=="Err:": return "Line "+str(k)+" "+s out+=s #'out' is the code section #now we need to create the var section, preloaded with default assignment #then we need to create the var names LUT vars=[] names=[] for i in varlist: names+=[i[0]] vars+=[tokifyvar(i[1],i[2])] if vars[-1][0:4]=="Err:": return vars[-1][0:4] varslut=int2hexle(len(vars),2) offset=2*len(vars) for i in vars: varslut+=int2hexle(offset,4) offset+=int(len(i)/2) nameslut=int2hexle(len(names),2) offset=2*len(names) for i in names: nameslut+=int2hexle(offset,4) offset+=len(i)+1 for i in names: for j in i: nameslut+=int2hexle(ord(j),2) for i in vars: varslut+=i s=int2hexle(int(len(out)/2),4) s+=int2hexle(int(len(varslut)/2),4) s+=int2hexle(int(len(nameslut)/2),4) return [s,out,varslut,nameslut] f=open("code.txt","r+") f.close() print(code) cmpld=compile(code) print(len(cmpld[0]+cmpld[1]+cmpld[2]+cmpld[3])>>1,"bytes :",cmpld) print(varlist) # varlist=[['x0'],['y0']] # exp="sin(3.14159*2*x0+y0)^9" # print(exp) # exp=compileline(exp) # print(int(len(exp)/2),"bytes : ",exp)
« on: November 27, 2017, 03:32:48 pm »
Now I have it 'tokenizing' as it is parsing the ASCII string! So numbers are converted to a machine-friendly format, function names are converted to one-byte 'tokens', and order of operations is preserved. I also made a routine that converts tokens to an ASCII string, in order to display the result of the shunting yard algorithm. I whipped up an RPN parser to test some code, and it worked! Keep in mind that the RPN parser I made for this is not at all how I want to ideally implement it. Instead manually comparing the bytes, I need to look it up in the lookup table already available. I want it to be fast so I am going to have to modify the LUT to point directly to the code, but that is okay. Bleggh, this is tedious work ![Tongue :P]( There is an example in the screenshots where I draw a sprite located at address 0x0000. I don't have the sprite type implemented yet, or even variables for that matter, so it's just a constant. In the attached files, I changed the example to have '06/3' to kind of show that the input won't always be able to be reconstructed from the output. During the tokenizing, '06' is converted to 0x0006, and during the token->ascii output, 0x0006 is converted to just '6'.
« on: November 06, 2017, 12:32:20 pm »
I don't know much about the nspire, but I personally never came across a method to do that. I would suggest backing up your programs and data onto a computer, and then resend afterwards.
« on: November 05, 2017, 09:15:04 pm »
I combined the shunting yard code with my latest function lookup code, and now it is recognizing named functions as well! Here is the code that is run in the attached gif: #include "" #ifndef scrap #define scrap 8000h #endif #define bcall(x) rst 28h \ .dw x saveSScreen = 86ECh _PutS = 450Ah _NewLine = 452Eh
sybuf = saveSScreen outhead = scrap stackhead = scrap+2 input_save = scrap+4 input_savesize = scrap+6 hash = scrap+8 spsave = scrap+10
.db $BB,$6D .org $9D95
; ld hl,testinput ; ld bc,testinput_end-testinput ; call hashlookup ;returns c if success
ld hl,test bcall(_PutS) bcall(_NewLine) ld hl,s_RightArrow bcall(_PutS) bcall(_NewLine) ld hl,test ld bc,test_end-test ld (spsave),sp call shuntingyard call rpn ld hl,sybuf bcall(_PutS) bcall(_NewLine) ret shuntingyard: ld de,sybuf ld (outhead),de ld d,(sybuf/256)+3 ld (stackhead),de _: ld a,(hl) call +_ cpi jp pe,-_ ld hl,sybuf+768 ld de,(stackhead) or a sbc hl,de ld b,h ld c,l ld hl,(outhead) ex de,hl jr z,$+3 ldir dec de xor a ld (de),a ret _: cp '.' jp z,num_dec cp 30h jr c,+_ cp 3Ah jp c,num _: cp '(' jp nz,+_ ex de,hl ld hl,(stackhead) dec hl ld (hl),',' dec hl ld (hl),a ld (stackhead),hl ex de,hl ret _: cp ')' jp nz,checkunops push hl push bc ld hl,sybuf+768 ld de,(stackhead) sbc hl,de jp z,ERR_Unmatched_lparens ld b,h ld c,l ex de,hl ld de,(outhead) ;BC is the size of the stack. Use this in case there is a missing ')' so we don't read garbage. ;basically search for the matching '(' while piping out the stack to the output. _: ld a,(hl) cp '(' jr z,+_ ldi jp pe,-_ jp ERR_Unmatched_lparens _: dec de ld a,(de) inc de cp ',' jr z,+_ ld a,',' ld (de),a inc de _: .echo "Potential bug here." ;Should be fine unless an external routine randomly jumps partway into the shunting yard code :P inc hl inc hl ld (outhead),de ld (stackhead),hl pop bc pop hl ret checkunops: checkbinops: ;; if the token is an operator, then: ;; while there is an operator at the top of the operator stack with ;; greater than or equal to precedence and the operator is left associative: ;; pop operators from the operator stack, onto the output queue. ;; push the read operator onto the operator stack. ;; ;; push bc ex de,hl call getprecedence ld a,c pop bc ex de,hl jp c,search_function ;now C is the precedence, with lower bit = 1 if left-associative push bc push hl ld de,(stackhead) ld hl,sybuf+768 sbc hl,de ld b,h ld c,l ld hl,(outhead) ex de,hl jr z,pushop ;a is the precedence against which to compare _: push hl push bc push af ld a,(hl) call getprecedence jr c,+_ pop hl ld a,h ;incoming cp c jr nz,$+4 rra \ nop
pop bc pop hl ;====================================================== jr nc,pushop .echo "The following code only works until we have to add >1 byte tokens." ldi ldi jp pe,-_ jp $+6 _: pop af pop bc pop hl pushop: ld (outhead),de pop de dec hl ld (hl),',' dec hl ld a,(de) ld (stackhead),hl ld (hl),a ex de,hl pop bc ret search_function: push bc call hashlookup ld a,c pop bc jp nc,ERR_Func_Not_Found push hl ld de,(stackhead) dec de ex de,hl ld (hl),',' ex de,hl inc a dec de _: ldd dec a jr nz,-_ pop hl inc de ld (stackhead),de inc bc ret getprecedence: ld hl,binops ld b,(binops_end-binops)/2 _: cp (hl) inc hl ld c,(hl) ret z inc hl djnz -_ scf ret binops: .db 4, $01 .db '=',$50 .db '|',$60 .db '&',$70 .db '-',$81 ;right associative is odd .db '+',$80 ;left associative is even .db '/',$83 ;right associative .db '*',$82 ;left associative .db '^',$85 ;right associative binops_end: num: ld de,(outhead) _: ldi jp po,+_ ld a,(hl) cp '.' jr z,num_dec+4 cp 30h jr c,+_ cp 3Ah jr c,-_ _: ld a,',' ld (de),a inc de ld (outhead),de dec hl inc bc ret num_dec: ld de,(outhead) _: ldi jp po,+_ ld a,(hl) cp 30h jr c,+_ cp 3Ah jr c,-_ _: cp '.' jp z,ERR_Syntax_00 ld a,',' ld (de),a inc de ld (outhead),de dec hl inc bc ret
hashlookup: ;HL points to the input ;BC is the max size ;return nc if failed to match, c if success ld (input_save),hl ld (input_savesize),bc ld a,b or c jr z,match_null call computehash ld hl,(input_savesize) xor a sbc hl,bc jr z,match_fail ld b,h ld c,l ld d,a ex de,hl add hl,hl ld (hash),hl
ld de,hashlut_builtin add hl,de ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl)
ld hl,(input_save) ;BC is the input size ;HL points to the input string ;DE points to the comparison ld a,(de) cp c jr nz,match_fail inc de ld b,c
_: ld a,(de) inc de cp (hl) jr nz,match_fail inc hl djnz -_ scf ret match_null: ld de,t_null+1 match_fail: ld hl,(input_save) ld bc,(input_savesize) or a ret computehash: ld e,0 _: ld a,(hl) sub 48 ret c cp 10 jr c,$+5 sub 7 ret c cp 68 ret nc ld d,a add a,a add a,d xor e ld e,a cpi jp pe,-_ ret hashlut_builtin: .dw t_null ;00 .dw t_null ;01 .dw t_null ;02 .dw t_null ;03 .dw t_null ;04 .dw t_null ;05 .dw t_null ;06 .dw t_null ;07 .dw t_null ;08 .dw t_null ;09 .dw t_null ;0a .dw t_cosh ;0b .dw t_null ;0c .dw t_null ;0d .dw t_null ;0e .dw t_null ;0f .dw t_null ;10 .dw t_null ;11 .dw t_atan ;12 .dw t_null ;13 .dw t_sinh ;14 .dw t_null ;15 .dw t_null ;16 .dw t_null ;17 .dw t_null ;18 .dw t_null ;19 .dw t_null ;1a .dw t_null ;1b .dw t_sqrt ;1c .dw t_null ;1d .dw t_null ;1e .dw t_max ;1f .dw t_null ;20 .dw t_null ;21 .dw t_ClrDraw ;22 .dw t_null ;23 .dw t_null ;24 .dw t_null ;25 .dw t_null ;26 .dw t_null ;27 .dw t_null ;28 .dw t_Ellipse ;29 .dw t_null ;2a .dw t_null ;2b .dw t_null ;2c .dw t_null ;2d .dw t_null ;2e .dw t_null ;2f .dw t_null ;30 .dw t_null ;31 .dw t_null ;32 .dw t_null ;33 .dw t_null ;34 .dw t_null ;35 .dw t_null ;36 .dw t_null ;37 .dw t_null ;38 .dw t_null ;39 .dw t_ln ;3a .dw t_null ;3b .dw t_null ;3c .dw t_pi ;3d .dw t_null ;3e .dw t_null ;3f .dw t_null ;40 .dw t_null ;41 .dw t_null ;42 .dw t_null ;43 .dw t_null ;44 .dw t_null ;45 .dw t_null ;46 .dw t_null ;47 .dw t_null ;48 .dw t_null ;49 .dw t_null ;4a .dw t_null ;4b .dw t_null ;4c .dw t_null ;4d .dw t_null ;4e .dw t_null ;4f .dw t_null ;50 .dw t_null ;51 .dw t_null ;52 .dw t_null ;53 .dw t_null ;54 .dw t_null ;55 .dw t_null ;56 .dw t_null ;57 .dw t_null ;58 .dw t_null ;59 .dw t_null ;5a .dw t_null ;5b .dw t_null ;5c .dw t_null ;5d .dw t_null ;5e .dw t_null ;5f .dw t_null ;60 .dw t_null ;61 .dw t_null ;62 .dw t_null ;63 .dw t_null ;64 .dw t_null ;65 .dw t_null ;66 .dw t_null ;67 .dw t_null ;68 .dw t_randint ;69 .dw t_asinh ;6a .dw t_null ;6b .dw t_tan ;6c .dw t_null ;6d .dw t_null ;6e .dw t_null ;6f .dw t_null ;70 .dw t_null ;71 .dw t_null ;72 .dw t_null ;73 .dw t_null ;74 .dw t_acosh ;75 .dw t_null ;76 .dw t_null ;77 .dw t_null ;78 .dw t_null ;79 .dw t_null ;7a .dw t_null ;7b .dw t_null ;7c .dw t_null ;7d .dw t_null ;7e .dw t_null ;7f .dw t_null ;80 .dw t_atanh ;81 .dw t_null ;82 .dw t_null ;83 .dw t_null ;84 .dw t_null ;85 .dw t_Line ;86 .dw t_sin ;87 .dw t_null ;88 .dw t_null ;89 .dw t_e ;8a .dw t_null ;8b .dw t_null ;8c .dw t_mod ;8d .dw t_null ;8e .dw t_null ;8f .dw t_null ;90 .dw t_min ;91 .dw t_Circle ;92 .dw t_gcd ;93 .dw t_null ;94 .dw t_null ;95 .dw t_null ;96 .dw t_null ;97 .dw t_cos ;98 .dw t_null ;99 .dw t_null ;9a .dw t_null ;9b .dw t_null ;9c .dw t_null ;9d .dw t_null ;9e .dw t_null ;9f .dw t_null ;a0 .dw t_log2 ;a1 .dw t_null ;a2 .dw t_Tilemap ;a3 .dw t_log10 ;a4 .dw t_null ;a5 .dw t_null ;a6 .dw t_null ;a7 .dw t_null ;a8 .dw t_Text ;a9 .dw t_null ;aa .dw t_null ;ab .dw t_null ;ac .dw t_null ;ad .dw t_Disp ;ae .dw t_null ;af .dw t_null ;b0 .dw t_null ;b1 .dw t_null ;b2 .dw t_null ;b3 .dw t_null ;b4 .dw t_null ;b5 .dw t_null ;b6 .dw t_null ;b7 .dw t_DispBuf ;b8 .dw t_lcm ;b9 .dw t_setseed ;ba .dw t_null ;bb .dw t_null ;bc .dw t_null ;bd .dw t_null ;be .dw t_null ;bf .dw t_pow10 ;c0 .dw t_null ;c1 .dw t_null ;c2 .dw t_null ;c3 .dw t_null ;c4 .dw t_pow2 ;c5 .dw t_null ;c6 .dw t_null ;c7 .dw t_null ;c8 .dw t_null ;c9 .dw t_null ;ca .dw t_null ;cb .dw t_null ;cc .dw t_null ;cd .dw t_null ;ce .dw t_null ;cf .dw t_null ;d0 .dw t_null ;d1 .dw t_null ;d2 .dw t_null ;d3 .dw t_null ;d4 .dw t_null ;d5 .dw t_null ;d6 .dw t_null ;d7 .dw t_null ;d8 .dw t_null ;d9 .dw t_null ;da .dw t_null ;db .dw t_null ;dc .dw t_Shiftbuf ;dd .dw t_randseed ;de .dw t_null ;df .dw t_null ;e0 .dw t_null ;e1 .dw t_exp ;e2 .dw t_Output ;e3 .dw t_null ;e4 .dw t_Sprite ;e5 .dw t_acos ;e6 .dw t_null ;e7 .dw t_Rect ;e8 .dw t_null ;e9 .dw t_null ;ea .dw t_null ;eb .dw t_null ;ec .dw t_rand ;ed .dw t_null ;ee .dw t_null ;ef .dw t_null ;f0 .dw t_null ;f1 .dw t_null ;f2 .dw t_null ;f3 .dw t_null ;f4 .dw t_null ;f5 .dw t_null ;f6 .dw t_null ;f7 .dw t_null ;f8 .dw t_asin ;f9 .dw t_null ;fa .dw t_null ;fb .dw t_null ;fc .dw t_null ;fd .dw t_null ;fe .dw t_tanh ;ff t_null: .db 0 t_cosh: .db 4,"cosh" #include "commands\cosh.z80" t_atan: .db 4,"atan" #include "commands\atan.z80" t_sinh: .db 4,"sinh" #include "commands\sinh.z80" t_sqrt: .db 4,"sqrt" #include "commands\sqrt.z80" t_max: .db 3,"max" #include "commands\max.z80" t_ClrDraw: .db 7,"ClrDraw" #include "commands\ClrDraw.z80" t_Ellipse: .db 7,"Ellipse" #include "commands\Ellipse.z80" t_ln: .db 2,"ln" #include "commands\ln.z80" t_pi: .db 2,"pi" #include "commands\pi.z80" t_randint: .db 7,"randint" #include "commands\randint.z80" t_asinh: .db 5,"asinh" #include "commands\asinh.z80" t_tan: .db 3,"tan" #include "commands\tan.z80" t_acosh: .db 5,"acosh" #include "commands\acosh.z80" t_atanh: .db 5,"atanh" #include "commands\atanh.z80" t_Line: .db 4,"Line" #include "commands\Line.z80" t_sin: .db 3,"sin" #include "commands\sin.z80" t_e: .db 1,"e" #include "commands\e.z80" t_mod: .db 3,"mod" #include "commands\mod.z80" t_min: .db 3,"min" #include "commands\min.z80" t_Circle: .db 6,"Circle" #include "commands\Circle.z80" t_gcd: .db 3,"gcd" #include "commands\gcd.z80" t_cos: .db 3,"cos" #include "commands\cos.z80" t_log2: .db 4,"log2" #include "commands\log2.z80" t_Tilemap: .db 7,"Tilemap" #include "commands\Tilemap.z80" t_log10: .db 5,"log10" #include "commands\log10.z80" t_Text: .db 4,"Text" #include "commands\Text.z80" t_Disp: .db 4,"Disp" #include "commands\Disp.z80" t_DispBuf: .db 7,"DispBuf" #include "commands\DispBuf.z80" t_lcm: .db 3,"lcm" #include "commands\lcm.z80" t_setseed: .db 7,"setseed" #include "commands\setseed.z80" t_pow10: .db 5,"pow10" #include "commands\pow10.z80" t_pow2: .db 4,"pow2" #include "commands\pow2.z80" t_Shiftbuf: .db 8,"Shiftbuf" #include "commands\Shiftbuf.z80" t_randseed: .db 8,"randseed" #include "commands\randseed.z80" t_exp: .db 3,"exp" #include "commands\exp.z80" t_Output: .db 6,"Output" #include "commands\Output.z80" t_Sprite: .db 6,"Sprite" #include "commands\Sprite.z80" t_acos: .db 4,"acos" #include "commands\acos.z80" t_Rect: .db 4,"Rect" #include "commands\Rect.z80" t_rand: .db 4,"rand" #include "commands\rand.z80" t_asin: .db 4,"asin" #include "commands\asin.z80" t_tanh: .db 4,"tanh" #include "commands\tanh.z80"
poparg: ret tostr: ret
ERR_Syntax_00: ;Too many decimal points. ld hl,s_Syntax_00 jr error ERR_Func_Not_Found: ld hl,s_Func_Not_Found jr error ERR_Unmatched_lparens: ld hl,s_Unmatched_lparens error: ld sp,(spsave) push hl ld hl,s_Err bcall(_PutS) pop hl bcall(_PutS) bcall(_NewLine) ret rpn: ret s_Err: .db "Err:",0 s_Unmatched_lparens: .db "Missing '('",0 s_Syntax_00: .db "Too Many '.'",0 s_Func_Not_Found: .db "FuncNotFound",0 s_RightArrow: .db $3D,$3D,$05,0 test: ; .db "(3.1415926535)" .db "asinh(3.142+6/2-7)*3^(6*3)" test_end: .db 0
.echo $-$9D95," bytes"
It includes error messages for a few typical errors. Unfortunately it is only converting plaintext to plaintext, so there is no compiling or 'tokenizing' or actual evaluation going on-- it's just converting from infix to postfix.
« on: November 04, 2017, 05:25:07 pm »
Basically, yes (to both). I'm playing with the mechanics of interpreting code and I like this one in particular.
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