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Messages - Xeda112358

Pages: 1 ... 215 216 [217] 218 219 ... 317
BatLib / Re: BASIC ReCode v2.00
« on: July 19, 2011, 03:41:55 pm »
I could keep both, but let ReCode piggyback on the more stable ReCode code. That should hopefully make ReCode safer...

Math and Science / Re: New RSA Algorithm discussion
« on: July 19, 2011, 03:34:02 pm »
I was only going with the idea that if I could find any relations there with the double prime numbers in those sets, they may be able to be applied to the set of natural numbers. On a different note, a triangle that I have been working on has been yielding some very nice patterns (by triangle, I mean things like Pascals Triangle). Interestingly enough, setting it up as a square and eliminating the first row and column as well as the diagonal, most of the numbers are appearing to be prime and all of the values can be easily computed. I had not designed the triangle specifically for this purpose, but it would be nice if there was a predictable pattern in it. If there is, I have furthered that interpolation stuff I was working on before to handle multiple variables, so I could easily make the equation. I will try to describe the triangle though if anybody is interested.
-The first diagonal going from the top number to the left to infinity is modeled by X2
-The diagonal going right is modeled by -X2
-These diagonals can be called P0 and Z0, respectively.
-The second diagonals are P1 and Z1
-The diagonals are labeled as Ps and Zr

I think I may have switched that last rule around, but the first few terms look like:

        1   -1
     4   1   -4
   9   5   -1   -9

The triangle was originally formed through other means, but after finding this pattern, this is how I am defining it for the moment. I do not have much more time, but if anybody wants to have fun, you can try to find how the Fibonacci and Lucas sequence tie into this 3:-)

Math and Science / Re: New RSA Algorithm discussion
« on: July 18, 2011, 02:49:41 pm »
I have not read anything from previous posts, but I would just like to say that I still want to prove useful to this topic someday. I have been absorbing myself in mathematics-- particularly in number theory and prime numbers-- and I have filled up several notebooks since my vacation started. I have not found a way to factor in polynomial time, yet, but I believe that there is a way to factor specifically double prime numbers in polynomial time. I have made a way to deterministically (did I spell that correctly) test if a number is prime or composite and I am working on developing several new syntaxes for doing math that will help with these kinds of problems. One of these works on making new number systems with a slight modification to the definition of a prime number. For example, I have number sets where every single number is prime in that set, even though not all of them are prime in the set of natural numbers. If I can get anywhere with those number systems, I hope to apply the results to the natural numbers.

So for ideas, what if you defined a number to be prime so long as it is relatively prime to every number in the set? For example, {5,6,10,11} would have the primes as 5,6, and 11. If you work with a series such as {2,3,7,43,1+43*42...} every number is then "prime" to that set. Anywho, I hope I wasn't totally and completely off topic. I only had a few minutes to post before I get booted off the interwebs so I didn't read beyond the topic title.

Grammer / Re: Grammer
« on: July 18, 2011, 02:39:12 pm »
Fwahaha... um, let's see, I am not sure if I have added much, but I do indeed have a sprite routine that can draw 8x8 sprites to pixel locations, now, that uses the same data syntax as well as more examples (some of which I still need to get screen shots of).

BatLib / Re: BASIC ReCode v2.00
« on: July 18, 2011, 02:34:31 pm »
I was wondering what others would think about that idea... So once I get BatLib all converted I can just insert Grammer in there :) Grammer is simply a whole lot safer (as safe as BASIC) and has more advanced features. I'll see what I can do in  the next few months :D

Grammer / Re: Grammer
« on: June 18, 2011, 10:23:06 am »
Actually, that uses a still experimantal command. The problem with that is that the sprite format is weird ._. However, since then I have added a very nice circle drawing command that should make it nice and easy. An example of some code is:
Code: [Select]
:1→X →Y
:2→X' →Y'
:Repeat getKey=15          ;So press clear to exit
:Circle(Y,X,3,3                ;Draws an inverted circle
:Circle(Y,X,3,3                ;ReInverts it
:If Y>64
:If X>96

I have not tested that code, but if it doesn't work, you can press [ON] to break the program (A nice update from ReCode).

EDIT: Okay, I have only a minute of computer time left, so I will also mention that I coded this in mnemonics, not hex, and I have some sample programs mixed in with the download.

Grammer / Re: Grammer
« on: June 18, 2011, 10:11:00 am »
Haha, thanks! I should clarify "arbitrary math" and say that I made a simple division routine that returned the first 240 digits after the decimal of x/y. The cool part was that it returned the value in whatever base system you wanted it in from base 2 to base 32 :D

BatLib / Re: BatLib
« on: June 18, 2011, 10:06:47 am »
I am using the DCS SDK, but I opened up the Brass App in notepad and saw that I could define my source as being "TI8XK" or "Intel", but it does not make the correct format for the TI8XK and the Intal hex format that I should be able to use with wappsign does not work :/

Grammer / Grammer
« on: June 18, 2011, 10:04:53 am »
Latest Version:Grammer v1.14.10.11
Latest App version:Grammer
(may not actually be the latest versions .__.)

Some of y'all may have noticed a few fleeting moments when my sig contained something about "Grammer" so here is pre release. Pretty much, take BASIC ReCode, make it as safe as BASIC, add in lots of cool new features like labels, calls, and executing other programs, and you have Grammer. The best part, this version is going to be nothing like the final product. I plan to add in a program editor with tokens that are not at all like the OS tokens and I plan to add in the ability to add new libraries of commands. For example, I have ideas for graphics libraries and math libraries. Right now, the readme is a mess and I do not expect anybody to be able to code much, yet. However, I have added in some math that is more than simple (square roots, rounded square roots, lcm(, gcd(, nCr, and the like). I have made arbitrary math programs and sub programs with it, games, and other types of programs, but unfortunately I have neither the latest version nor all of my programs. For now, you will have to live with a sample version  >:D

...Also, I am throwing David a bone here... I have designed a sprite routine that can draw sprites to pixel coordinates (not just every 8) and can be multiples of 8 pixels wide  ;D

BatLib / Re: BatLib
« on: June 18, 2011, 09:55:07 am »
Okay, so I guess the previous post can be pretty much ignored now... I am in the process of converting BatLib to mnemonics so that I can incorporate some of my latest project ideas (line reading/writing/deleting, a safer programming language than ReCode, et cetera), but I do not know how to get Brass to compile my code as an app. It says that the first page must be 16KB and I think the issure is that I change .org to 9872h for code that is executed at appbackupscreen. Sorry for the runon sentence, but help would be appreciated...

okay, I just remembered that I ran into a bug the otherday and I am not sure if it has been posted yet. I would go back and check, but I have limited internet time on a slugish connection (public library+middle of elsewhere). Anyway, I have a screenshot of it on my computer, but not here, so I will try to remember how I managed it. I think I did something like this in the screenshot:
Code: [Select]
:Disp Ans/3
:Pause sum(Ans
I think that is what I did. Anyway, what happens is that the when it is paused, you can start to scroll the number left/right as if it is a list or string that is too big to fit on one line. The key, I think, is that the value after Disp needs to be too long to fit on one line.

TI Z80 / Re: Samocal
« on: June 02, 2011, 01:03:10 pm »
Actually, I just rode the 20 miles to a public library, so I get to see it sooner! I have added monster sprites, names, items, using items from a scrolling menu thing, a battle engine, and various other things, but unfortunately, I didn't copy it to my flash drive before getting here x.x The good news is that you only need about 2000 bytes of RAM to run it, so far and the rest (including monster stories, item descriptions, tilemaps, sprites, et cetera) is stored in archive. I have been bouncing around from project to project, so I haven't gotten all that much done...

Math and Science / Re: Cool math hacks
« on: May 08, 2011, 12:32:17 am »
Yeah, I cannot think of the name of the symbol (the letter)... is it sigma?

Math and Science / Re: Cool math hacks
« on: May 08, 2011, 12:25:47 am »
Hmm, well it really is beneficial to know all the ins and outs of how numbers act and react to each other. It really does help in advanced math. Like, take for example when I found a method of finding an equation for any finite set of data-- that is because my brain was in one of those moods where it was randomly spewing off all of my knowledge of numbers until it hit a connection. This only happened because I was having fun playing with simple addition and subtraction!

Correlation / Re: Correlation Resumed At a Slower Pace
« on: May 08, 2011, 12:14:42 am »
Plus, I notice that when I recode the same thing enough times (I do get enough crashes and lose my programs before I back up...), I tend to make it smaller or faster or more optimised in some way, so this might actually be a silver lining!

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