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Messages - Xeda112358

Pages: 1 ... 218 219 [220] 221 222 ... 317
BatLib / Re: BatLib/ReCode Examples
« on: April 29, 2011, 05:02:57 pm »
So, being a lover of patterns, I decided to remake a program that I originally made using xLIB. This one is a bit faster, the graphics are smoother, and doesn't require you to make a picture. So here is the basic concept:
-Copy upper 63 rows of the graphscreen
-XOR one pixel down
-Copy lower 63 pixels of the graphscreen
-XOR one pixel up

This will create some fairly interesting effects on its own, but I decided to add in  some pixel drawing for the first 95 iterations. After that, the pattern continues on its own seeming to scroll right, infinitely.
Code: [Select]
Delvar Bdim(56,4
Repeat Ans=15
If B<95

TI-BASIC / Re: Advanced Math in Output( and Text( ?
« on: April 28, 2011, 08:58:10 pm »
prefix (a.k.a Polish Notation): + 1 2
infix: 1 + 2
postfix (a.k.a Reverse Polish Notation): 1 2 +

with infix you have to worry about order of operations, whereas with postfix and prefix you don't.

While we're on the subject...
Lovely :P
And now I know what those terms mean, so I am happy... I think it would be slower to use those methods, anyway, in my experience.

TI-BASIC / Re: Advanced Math in Output( and Text( ?
« on: April 28, 2011, 08:44:34 pm »
Btw, slightly off topic, but thanks Runer112 for reminding me of using the stack to help out with this
Oh I bet that is how Axe does it... I use a completely different method which is why ReCode does math right to left...

TI-BASIC / Re: Advanced Math in Output( and Text( ?
« on: April 28, 2011, 08:35:54 pm »
You are trying to parse things yourself, for speed, right?

TI-BASIC / Re: Advanced Math in Output( and Text( ?
« on: April 28, 2011, 08:16:48 pm »
Cool, that will be great! As an example, if I know a number is an integer and I want to right justify it so the last number is in the ninth column:
Code: [Select]

TI-BASIC / Re: Advanced Math in Output( and Text( ?
« on: April 28, 2011, 08:12:37 pm »
Centering text, right justifying text. If it's a number you need to know how far to place it out from the side.
Yes, exactly :) I also use it when I am making math programs that output results in a more pretty way :)

TI-BASIC / Re: Advanced Math in Output( and Text( ?
« on: April 28, 2011, 08:06:03 pm »
What about iPart(? XP
Yeah, usually the only times I use sin( and cos( are for circular things. I like to use log(, often, but that is usually to find the number of digits in an integer. Maybe you could make log( do that instead? (meaning find the number of digits, minus 1)

TI Z80 / Re: An Axe piano with 5 octaves
« on: April 28, 2011, 04:27:34 pm »
Does Wabbit record sound, too?

TI Z80 / Re: An Axe piano with 5 octaves
« on: April 28, 2011, 04:24:52 pm »
Cool! I made a guitar hero like game that used sound, but not in Axe :/

TI Z80 / Re: An Axe piano with 5 octaves
« on: April 28, 2011, 04:21:19 pm »
Maybe you have to detect both keys and then play one after the other real fast? Is there a way to really "mix" sounds?

TI Z80 / Re: An Axe piano with 5 octaves
« on: April 28, 2011, 04:19:30 pm »
Very cool, nice! I don't know much about music, but I want to make a sound player on my calc now XD

Math and Science / Re: Non-linear sequence
« on: April 28, 2011, 10:56:09 am »
I don't understand this part:
000 => 0
001 => 1
010 => 1
011 => 1
100 => 0
101 => 1
110 => 1
111 => 0

so Rule 110 CA. IIRC, it's one of those CAs that is Turing complete or something.
Everything else is just converting to binary and looking at the pretty patterns :)
At least I think... I just liked looking at the diagonals :)

Math and Science / Re: Non-linear sequence
« on: April 28, 2011, 09:33:13 am »
Okay, sorry to be so late x.x I literally only went to class and then immediately slept when I got back. I remembered this in the last half hour of psychology and it was the only way I could stay awake x.x:


Maybe later today I will come up with a more general version that has "m" in the equation, too.

EDIT: This version only took 1 page :P
EDIT2: Screenshot of equation:

Miscellaneous / Re: What is your avatar?
« on: April 27, 2011, 05:55:23 pm »
It is my rendition of Pascal's Triangle that I made for a homework assignment, yesterday (technically this morning). If you ignore the curved arcs and color and you focus on just one spoke, you will notice clusters of line segments. These line segments are of length nCr.

ASM / Re: Why is this slow?
« on: April 27, 2011, 07:27:13 am »
Hmm, then I am not sure :/

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