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Messages - Xeda112358

Pages: 1 ... 237 238 [239] 240 241 ... 317
The Axe Parser Project / Re: ASM code and program editoring
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:29:28 pm »
Are you familiar with Celtic 3 or xLIB? They use hooks that change the way commands work. There might be a hook to change how errors work.

Sorry, my french is horrible XD :

Êtes-vous familiare avec les apps Celtic 3 et xLIB? Ils utilisent des <<hooks>> pour changer les commands. Peut-être il y a un <<hook>> pour les erreurs?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: ASM code and program editoring
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:18:11 pm »
I'm not sure how to do that, sorry :/ I am curious, too. It will probably involve installing hooks, though.

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: April 05, 2011, 11:56:52 am »
Hmm, the font set didn't work on Wabbit :/ it seems to be shifted left a pixel.... I will try it again to see if I screwed up anything
EDIT: Uploaded screenie...

Cool! ♥ I like the profile pic It's really cute <(^_^)>

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Jack Daniels!!!
« on: April 05, 2011, 01:11:04 am »
Hehe, even if you don't program, testing programs or giving feedback is always nice! I am sure most of us like to know how people who don't program fare with our programs!

TI Z80 / Re: zStart - an app that runs on ram clears
« on: April 05, 2011, 12:39:02 am »
Hehe, downloaded! This is really nice awesome!


There are many great Axe programmers that can help you here.  You can't find any where else with a larger Axe community. :D

If you want a faster interpreted language, you can try Batlib + Basic Recode.  (Why did Zeda not advertise this)

EDIT: Also, Ninja'd (again)
Meh, I don't like to advertise too much ♥ It was made clear to me long ago not to compete with the big guns :D But yeah, BatLib has 92 functions plus another really fast interpreted programming language called ReCode. THe advantage to using ReCode is that:
1) It is a lot faster than BASIC
2) It is typically a lot smaller than assembly/axe
3) It has graphics stuff !
4) It can run inside BASIC programs
5) It can run assembly code

The disadvantages are:
1) I haven't added much in the past few weeks
2) Math is kind of lacking
3) There is almost no error handling, so you have to be sure not to make mistakes

So here is a link

Axe is a programming language that uses the same program editor as BASIC, but the tokens are changed a little. Since the code is compiled to assembly, you get really fast programs and graphics that could never be achieved in BASIC :)

:P So do you want to program in assembly directly on the calc? If so, I suggest Mimas :D

BatLib / Re: BatLib
« on: April 04, 2011, 10:07:13 pm »
Hmm, well I guess I could do that... (sometime later...) Okay, so I removed the commands below, so if you use them, it returns ".SAFE"
41-GetStats (It might be buggy)
64-CopyProg (This doesn't work for some times... the program version works, though :P)

There shouldn't be any other commands that edit vars or memory that could be unsafe XD

EDIT: Also, I forgot to not include commands 91 and 92, so this has command 91 and 92 XD
91 is DelElements: deletes elements from a list
92 is InsElements: inserts elements into a list (with a value of 0)

Both use the syntax dim(91,Offset,#Elements,List#

Offset starts at 0
#Elements should be greater than 0
List# can either be a direct list or a number representing a list. 0=L1, 1=L2, 2=L3, et cetera

I didn't mean to include them because I haven't added an error handler for if #Elements is 0. Don't let it be 0!! :D

Axe / Re: Quick question about archived programs' VAT entries
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:41:25 pm »
I understood almost none of that XD Is there a maximum size that it will need to be? If so, you could create an appvar as a temporary memory buffer.

Axe / Re: Quick question about archived programs' VAT entries
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:30:06 pm »
Okay, so will the var be guaranteed to be small enough to fit there? And do you by any chance know the address of L1? (I can find it if you don't). I almost have the code ready :D

Axe / Re: Quick question about archived programs' VAT entries
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:27:04 pm »
Okay! Also, I just realised that it won't actually be any more difficult for an App XD. So that helps... where do you want to copy the data to?

Axe / Re: Quick question about archived programs' VAT entries
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:19:47 pm »
Okay, well if the program is going to be an app, then it will be a little more complicated (not too complicated, though). How do you want to read it? Is there a specific number of bytes you plan to read? Or will it be variable?

Miscellaneous / Re: What is your avatar?
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:17:01 pm »
* Xeda112358 likes numbers ♥
Actually, 3116 is a number I find really "pretty." I wonder if I should ask 3116 out  ;D

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