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Messages - Xeda112358

Pages: 1 ... 238 239 [240] 241 242 ... 317
Axe / Re: Quick question about archived programs' VAT entries
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:11:43 pm »
So do you need a way to read the archived data and obtain information about it?

Miscellaneous / Re: What is your avatar?
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:09:32 pm »
I have 2 guesses: either that phone number is of a guy you really like or some random toll free number with that called you :)
Actually, my job is to help obtain funding for the university I go to, so I make lots of calls. I am notorious for making notes about certain numbers :D I saw 3116 and I circled it and wrote that I really like that number.
3 for me is blue for me, 1 is white(as is 11) and 6 is dark blue
Edit: As for as I know I'm not synesthetic...
1 white
2 red
3 blue(bit vage)
4 brown(bit vage)
5 yellow
6 darkblue
7 green
8 brown
9 purple(very vage)
10 black(vage)
For me:
3-greenish a little darker than the one in the pic. It is a strong number
4-blue ♥
5-orangish red. Think of a peach on an edge where it is red transitioning to orange. This is a number that is like one of those friends that is nice to you but you know is a jerk. (so I don't like it much)
6-♥ It is a pretty color that is a nice engulfing dark purple and blue and it is a number I really like. It is like the absolute best friend and it reminds me of hugs <(^_^)>
7-It is an orangeish yellow color that I don't like much, but as a number it is okay.
8-A mix of red and blue that kind of merge into one, but are distinctly separate. I can only see one color at a time.
9-I like pink, sometimes, but not this pink :D It is a really dull, boring pink
10-brown, but I don't like it
11-This always reminds me of black and white (not gray, but distinct blobs of black and white flowing together). It also reminds me of a rational and irrational mix (like using rational reasoning for irrational things or visa versa). I actually met somebody that I almost instantly associated with 11 :D
13-Eh, it is a shade of red, but it is far away in front of me. It is like looking through a tunnel at it
18-♥ This is a mix of red and black blobs and it is really emotionally driven. I know another person that I associate with this number
19-Ewwwwww. I don't like this number much. It just feels gross
23-I dunno, I just like this one, but it seems crazy (a little imbalanced, mentally)
27-Is more of a yellow color
28-I don't know how to describe this.
34-More brown, but other colors mixed in
42-I have associated this with myself for as long as I can remember. It reminds me of green and purple with a slight mix of blue. Think of a material that is well mixed, but if you look closely you can still see the individual bits.
43-it is kind of a sharp, but pleasing number. The color is more toward a green you would find somewhere in the woods. I know a person that reminds me of this :)
69-I have been asked about this one a lot. It has always been a really dull, gray, lifeless number. Imagine my surprise when I learned its other meanings x.x
72-It is just a messed up, crazy number. It is a sick yellow color and it is something I don't like to be around. There is a person that reminds me of this, but usually when I don't want to be around with him. Otherwise, he reminds me of 73
73-This is another yellowish color with a slight tint of orange and it can be pleasant for a little while.
86-Kind of like 34
Lots of other numbers :) I had to go through each of the numbers and figure out what they remind me of, so I picked out the ones that have the most pronounced feelings up to 86 :P Numbers like 11 or 18 typically change shapes, but otherwise the colors are always there and many numbers make me see colors. Also, in some situations I don't see colors. For example, when I program in hex, B means something else than 11. It only happens when I see the numbers and recognise them as numbers. Also, many numbers I see as individual numbers (like when I see 86 I don't think of 8 and 6. It is just 86).

Miscellaneous / Re: What is your avatar?
« on: April 04, 2011, 08:26:18 am »
Mine is the last four digits of a phone number that I found rather pretty ♥ The green of the three and the purplish blue of the six aren't exact, but those are pretty much the colors I get when i think of those numbers ^_^
The number one doesn't have a color, but 11 is a black and white color :D
(I am synesthetic :P )
Spoiler For Spoiler:

So you have 99 posts already, but hello! The way you play with words is pretty similar to how I play with numbers ^_^ I have a form of synesthesia that makes numbers have colors, feelings, and physical shapes and locations. I cannot really think off the numbers the match the feeling, but if I think of a numbers, I usually get a feeling ^_^
Hehe, I just changed my profile pic ♥

Introduce Yourself! / Re: SALUTATIONS
« on: April 04, 2011, 07:52:36 am »
*cough* King graphmastur spelled "won" wrong *cough*

BatLib / Re: BatLib
« on: April 03, 2011, 11:15:39 pm »
There are two things that I know of that can cause a crash:
1) Improper syntax (usually problems are caught before they can cause an error)
2) Certain Apps or assembly programs might overwrite the RAM areas used by BatLib

To fix the first one, just make sure you use proper syntaxes. To fix the second one, after running an app or assembly program, you can reinstall BatLib either by running BatLib or using the included prgmZINSTALL. Not all asm programs will cause problems and not all apps will.

Also, I realised as I was posting this that I never updated prgmZINSTALL from the beta version of BatLib, so here is the version that should work on all future versions of BatLib.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: SALUTATIONS
« on: April 03, 2011, 03:51:46 pm »
I am sure there are plenty XD
Maybe female computer programmers are more common...

[Edit] I have seen evidence of weird stuff going on all over the world (not just in Japan). I don't know what is going on, but something is happening. I can post evidence (not in this topic, tho).
Anything in there including birds and fish? I have been keeping track of odd things that disappear from the news, too.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: What if....
« on: April 03, 2011, 01:47:31 am »
Oh, it converts from braille...

The Axe Parser Project / Re: What if....
« on: April 03, 2011, 01:39:15 am »
Mine is 225 bytes :D But anywho, the point is, I might be able to make a braille font hook.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: What if....
« on: April 03, 2011, 01:28:52 am »
Hehe, check this:
I made that one last year in assembly :D I made a BASIC version the year before that :D

The Axe Parser Project / Re: What if....
« on: April 03, 2011, 01:04:42 am »
Well, yes. As long as you are using the Text( command. You can only have up to 128 chars on the homescreen no matter the size. Well, if you were to really hack it, you could make it anything you wanted, but that would require some major hacking.
* Xeda112358 recalls the fun she had to create her 6x8 and 8x8 font routines

EDIT: Oh, braille!
* Xeda112358 knows some braille
That is a really cool idea! In that case, that might be easier to accomplish! and the font would be 64 bytes!

The Axe Parser Project / Re: What if....
« on: April 03, 2011, 12:35:13 am »
Oh, there is :) Font hooks are your friend, there. The problem is, you would need to use one of the 768 byte buffers if you wanted to use small font as well as another buffer to hold the text.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: What if....
« on: April 02, 2011, 11:34:08 pm »
Hmm, I wonder how possible that is. BatLib has a fixed width 4x6 font, so something could be done there.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: SALUTATIONS
« on: April 02, 2011, 11:18:04 pm »
Cool! And you're funny, too! I love doing math ♥ I am horrible at it in school, but I love it so much! I would give you some more peanuts so you build up a resistance, but I'm out, sorry x.x I wonder where Holmes is...

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