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Messages - Xeda112358

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BatLib / Re: BatLib Demo Programs
« on: March 13, 2011, 03:13:17 pm »
Okay, so I found two older versions on my computer, prgmBLOCKEAT is a copy of the original and prgmBLCKEAT2 is a more optimised version. Both make use of some small assembly opcodes (to turn off the run indicator and for "sleep mode"). Here is a screeny I made real quick as well as the downloads. As a note, prgmGA is used by the second version, not the original. I also noticed that the ReCode version is over 200 bytes smaller than the optimised older version!

BatLib / Re: Creepy-Crawlies (Bugs)
« on: March 13, 2011, 02:58:22 pm »
Yep, I'm working on it at the moment. It actually isn't that difficult to fix, I just never thought about the possibility of the bug until after I made the code. I will just use a counter to find Then, Repeat, While, and other such statements that increments and have it decrement every time it hits an "End" so that when it reaches 0, that is the proper End to end at.

BatLib / Re: BASIC ReCode v2.00
« on: March 13, 2011, 02:55:21 pm »
Hehe, BASIC ReCode works inline with BASIC. in prgmBLOCKEAT, the last few lines that display score are BASIC. So for example:
Code: [Select]
Disp 2,0,ER...I MEAN, RECODE!
Pause While getkey≠15

BatLib / Re: Creepy-Crawlies (Bugs)
« on: March 13, 2011, 02:51:26 pm »
I fixed another bug that was plaguing the dim(41 command (GetStats), yesterday. I couldn't find the problem until I was working on ReCode yesterday and it kept crashing whenever I tried storing to Ans. I opened the debugger in Wabbitemu et voila! The RAM area I was using to store the value of the stack pointer was getting corrupted whenever a new variable was created, apparently. Too bad nothing about that is mentioned in the system call documentation (that I read). I moved the location a few months ago into OP5 so that I could use OP6 is temporary RAM (it is very temporarily used) because I figured that since BatLib uses very few bcalls, OP5 wouldn't get affected... Oh well, now it is in a safe place in RAM that doesn't get affected by the OS.

BatLib / Re: BASIC ReCode v2.00
« on: March 13, 2011, 02:38:46 pm »
Yep ^_^ The only problem is that when I started it, I hadn't heard of Axe, so I modeled the math differently :( Apparently Axe does math in the exact opposite order as ReCode, so it could be confusing for Axe users !_!

BatLib / Re: BASIC ReCode v2.00
« on: March 13, 2011, 02:35:15 pm »
Oh, that's not Axe... This is an interpreted language, like BASIC!

BatLib / BASIC ReCode v2.00
« on: March 13, 2011, 02:33:32 pm »
Now that I have put some serious work into BASIC ReCode, I figured a topic should be started to explain routines, help people out, and to share ideas. First off, here is what I have managed to make using the current version of ReCode:

That took 809 bytes of memory, but you can see it has speed and ability. You can download a PDF of the commands and syntax below, but as a warning, the While command will fail miserably if there is an End statement inside of it. So for example:

Code: [Select]
While getKey≠15
If A=9
This will fail because it will try to pick up at the second End when it exits the loop and that End will send the parser to another random spot in memory. This isn't a problem if the parser can reach a Stop, but it isn't likely. For now, using a trick that results from the way the parser is designed, you can avoid If Then...End statements by putting a space after non-text commands (text is read until it reaches a newline token). For example:
Code: [Select]
While getKey≠15
If A=9
Fill(2 DispGraph
It uses less memory, anyway and is faster, but I added the If Then...End form for readability.

Here is the readme to ReCode:

BatLib / Re: Ideas-BatLib
« on: March 13, 2011, 02:09:49 pm »
So I have made good on what I wanted to add (not the search function, yet), plus I added more, so I feel good about that. For now, I have been working on BASIC ReCode for the past few days and I think I will be working with that some more. Between ReCode and the dim( commnads, BatLib contains 135 commands (92 dim( commands and 43 ReCode functions). It is far enough along that games can be made with it, but it still has a lot more that I can add. For now, I want to add:
-Sprite routines using Pt-On(, Pt-Off(, and Pt-Change(
-I need to fix up the While loop to allow for End statements inside it
-I want to add string variable support
-I should add support for recalling and storing to pictures
-I should add support for modifying variables like programs.

As a note, I was thinking of adding the command Get( to act as another command subset... so something like Get(Line(EBLOCKEAT,2 could return a pointer to the second line of code in the program BLOCKEAT while Get(Shade( could return the current contrast level.

If anybody has ideas for ReCode commands, feel free to mention them!

BatLib / Re: BatLib Demo Programs
« on: March 13, 2011, 11:50:28 am »
Thanks! I still have yet to add in Sprite commands, but what I was thinking was that Pt-On( could draw a sprite using some logic, Pt-Off( would draw the inverted sprite and Pt-Change( would exchange the data on the graph screen with the sprite data, so doing Pt-Change( again would result in no change. Also, this would mean that I need to add BASIC String support, too... which shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Yes, I have been planning to add in variable manipulation like that for programs, appvars, and groups... it would help out a lot!

BatLib / Re: BatLib Demo Programs
« on: March 13, 2011, 11:43:35 am »
I have been adding stuff to it for the past 3 days in order to make programming in ReCode feasible :) The best part is that you can use it with TI-BASIC and you can use the BASIC real vars if you want. It even lets you run Assembly opcodes so you can essentially combine BASIC and Assembly using ReCode!

BatLib / Re: BatLib Demo Programs
« on: March 13, 2011, 11:40:13 am »
This is a little demo program I made to show off the progress of ReCode. It is a remake of an old BASIC program I made... 'cept faster :D

You will need at least BatLib v4.00.92.43 to run the program. As a note, the 92 is the number of commands in BatLib and the 43 is the number of commands in ReCode :D

EDIT: v2.01 now lets you press clear to exit.

BatLib / Re: BatLib
« on: March 13, 2011, 11:35:37 am »
Okey dokey then, I feel a little happy! I have actually fixed an old problem where some variables didn't seem to register properly after they were newly created (so the GetStats command seemed to crash on new variables). I fixed that up and as promised, here are the new additions ^-^

Also, the BASIC ReCode programming language is functioning enough that I actually made a remake of a game I made years ago in BASIC. It now has over 40 operations including variable storage, math, logic, loops, drawing, and conditional stuff. I will upload Block Eater to the demo programs topic shortly ^-^

BatLib / Re: BatLib
« on: March 11, 2011, 04:20:57 pm »
Okay, so good news and bad news... The good news is, I have about 50 minutes of computer time and I have added more to BatLib. The bad news is, I forgot my flashdrive...
I believe when I left, there were 71 commands in BatLib... now there are 92. I've also been meaning to get to BASIC ReCode... and I have :D

Unfortunately, I cannot remember all of the 21 added commands, but I do remember adding a bunch of matrix stuff (such as reading diagonals) and string manipulations as well as a fixed-width 4x6 BatLib font. I made the BatLib font for future use if I make a menu command, but for now it draws to the graph screen and wraps text to the next line if it would go off the screen. Since each character uses only 3 bytes (1 nibble per row), I have already added in the potential to set customized font sets (though it hasn't been implemented).
Out of randomness, I decided to add the ability to get the ASCII length of a string, so you can check how many letters are in "sin(ln(1))" if you need to know (it would return 10).

As for ReCode, I have added about 15 or 20 commands for logic, boolean logic, loops (kind of), storing and recalling from 2 byte ReCode variables, and displaying text. When I get back home later tonight, I plan to finish up the "If " command and maybe I will add a "Goto " command. If I am feeling really ambitious, I will add some more drawing and sprite routines... For now, I did manage to create a simple demo that made use of mostly text, variables, math, conditional relative jumps, rectangles, and screen shifting to create some animations :D

If I had my flash drive I could be much more specific, sorry... I've been on a bit of a programming kick for the past few days, so I have litterally been adding 8 or 9 new things every day (9 so far, today). It is now at over 10 000 bytes of code, too!

TI-BASIC / Re: Zeda's Hex Codes
« on: March 04, 2011, 03:31:21 pm »
Well would a code to draw sprites be better? I have one that takes hexadecimal sprites here:
It has the opcode included :D

FreeRAM stored to Axe "Ans" is this: 2A1598, I believe. If that fails, just do EFE542

Axe / Re: Basic or Assembly?
« on: March 04, 2011, 03:27:49 pm »
If it is BB6C, then it is an uncompressed assembly program.

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