Okay, well it is for BatLib so I do know the type and the value of BC already. I did check WikiTI, too. The thing is, all of the arguments are parsed by the time my parser hook gets to have control and use the arguments. I will see what I can do with the debugger, though...
I was logged on then Too bad we lost the 200 posts per day streak... !_! Maybe there should be a daily post counter near OmnomIRC that increments for every post? That could be pretty cool.
(Yes, the subject title was stolen from Hot_Dog... Hi Hot_Dog!) I was wondering if there was a way that I could parse the inputs of a command manually using a parser hook. One reason I want to do this is because I want to modify the dim( command to accept archived variables and strings without throwing an error.
At the moment, I have added 3 commands not in the newest released version: 70-PlayNote 71-Logic 72-MatrixList
And I plan to add these ones soon: 73-SearchStr: similar to inString(, but meant for use with the next few 74-left: gets the left part of a string (byte offset) 75-right: gets the right part of a string (byte offset) 76-mid: gets a portion of a string (byte offsets) 77-diag: gets a diagonal from a matrix (1,1) 78-diagI: gets a diagonal from a matrix (1,n) 79-subRow: Grabs a portion of a row of a matrix 80-subCol: Grabs a portion of a column of a matrix 81-ListToRow: copies a list to a Row in a matrix 82-ListToCol: copies a list to a Column in a matrix
With that in mind, if anybody has any similar ideas, feel free to let me know I am going to be gone for most of the day, but I will be back later tonight. EDIT: Here is a glimpse at the syntax I am aiming for:
Spoiler For Spoiler:
*I want to make it so that the string/matrix can either be a name or the data itself. So if you want to get the right part of Str6, you enter 5, but if you want the right part of "HELLO" you input "HELLO" instead. Just some extra features that can be memory savers Again, this is what I plan to do, I don't know if I will be able to, immediately.
SearchStr dim(73,"String"|Str,offset,"Search" left dim(74,"String"|Str,offset right dim(75,"String"|Str,offset mid dim(76,"String"|Str,offset,NumBytes diag dim(77,[matrix]|Matr,Col,Row,NumElem diagI dim(78,[matrix]|Matr,Col,Row,NumElem subRow dim(79,[matrix]|Matr,Col,Row,NumElem subCol dim(80,[matrix]|Matr,Col,Row,NumElem ListToRow dim(81,[matrix]|Matr,Col,Row,{List}|List ListToCol dim(82,[matrix]|Matr,Col,Row,{List}|List
Awesome, I didn't even know it was out, but then I realised it was the last day of February, so I figured it would be out I really do like this newsletter!
Uh-huh, I remember something about that, I cannot remember... what did he call it again, Gaelic? I still think an opcode would be nice for those who don't have connectivity stuff to download
You mean like have it overwrite the data following Lbl 0? Hehe, if that is what you mean then you can do something like that with CopyProg because you can store the program as a string and manipulate it and you can use CopyProg to execute the string as a program
CopyProg was originally requested as an opcode by mrmprog, so I decided to include it in the list of opcodes
However, if you mean edit a line of code following Lbl 0 and to be able to edit it inline like that (while the program is executing), that could be fun... I might need to adjust a few pointers to make it possible, but it can be done, I believe.
I like the idea of having memory game where you get to see a maze for few seconds and then you stop seeing it and you have to finish it. The maze could be visible periodically for a few seconds then go back off. To make it challenging, make different levels of difficulty where the maze is visible for shorter lengths of time and then add in a time limit... I did that with a memory game, once.