Okay, as a quick update, I haven't done much work on an example program, but that is mostly because I kept running into the problem of wanting features to use. It took me a second to realise that I was pretty much feature requesting myself to help make a program... Anyway, the updates are:
-Changed prgmZINSTALL to work with the new BatLib name
-The menu bug is fixed (before it wasn't highlighting correctly after a mod to the rectangle routine)
-Pixel testing of archived pictures work
-ShiftScreen now works in 8 directions (instead of 1)
-Includes new commands:
64-CopyProg (still needs work)
The last one simply makes Ans a string of some size and 67 was made to allow for easier manipulations of sound routines and other hacky things (it can be used to convert upper case to lowercase, for example).
Anywho, here is the update with a few of the older example programs updated