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Messages - Xeda112358

Pages: 1 ... 272 273 [274] 275 276 ... 317
TI Z80 / Re: Samocal
« on: February 06, 2011, 01:28:36 am »
Ah, it fit in 4096 bytes. I used Str0 to contain the font data and the tilemap data, so Str0 was 4108 bytes of data. Luckily it could be archived :D

Math and Science / Re: Math Question Help!
« on: February 05, 2011, 07:01:52 pm »
Ah, lemme see... This isn't really my area of expertise, but I think the new equation can only be defined on the interval [-1.5,1.5], so I think you are done. Were you told that you had to find the graph on the range of [-3,3]?

TI Z80 / GetName: Another great BASIC tool
« on: February 05, 2011, 06:28:13 pm »
GetName is a program inspired by a request from mrmprog over on UTI. This also happens to be the same person who inspired the idea of CopyProg. So what does this program do? Well, it is really simple, actually. It returns the name of a program. Let me elaborate a little more. Say I wanted the name of the first program in the program menu. I would do:
Code: [Select]
If I wanted the name of the second program, I would use 1 instead of 0. Also, instead of just returning "RAH" it will return the name of the program with a prefix byte. So if it is a normal program, the string starts with "E" followed by the name. If it is a protected program, it starts with "F" and if you are familiar with CopyProg, you will start to see the usefulness of this.

If the program does not exist, "." is returned. This program makes it easy to show a list of all the programs on the calc. It also makes it easy to play with that list, especially if you happen to have prgmCOPYPROG. You can make a BASIC shell with these two programs. If you want to play prgmRANDOM and it happens to be in the archive, that is no problem!
Code: [Select]
:B                  ;the number for program to copy to RAM and execute
:"[TEMP             ;This tells CopyProg to create and copy to prgmTEMP
:prgmTEMP           ;Executes the program
:"-[TEMP            ;This tells CopyProg to delete prgmTEMP

Axe / Re: Interrupts
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:53:17 pm »
I don't know much about interrupts, but I do believe that they are executed around 140 times per second

BatLib / Re: Ideas-BatLib
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:35:10 pm »
Oh, okay. Well, I did just make a routine that lets you use a picture as a tileset. But that being said, I did add that routine a week or two ago that lets you pixel test pictures without recalling them to the graph screen.

TI Z80 / Re: Samocal
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:32:22 pm »
I meant 64 tiles tall by 128 tiles wide-- I was using the font hook method, so there were 8 maps by 8 maps that were each 8x16

I'm telling you, there is a spy for TI that knows DJ is a major leader in the community and that Ashbad is a member. Ashbad never sent an e-mail, but TI was playing a practical joke to make it look like Ashbad did and they sent it to DJ for kicks.

BatLib / Re: Ideas-BatLib
« on: February 05, 2011, 11:32:08 am »
Ah okay :D Yeah, I've never used a whole picture for tiles, so I just made BatLib able to use strings or appvars or any other var that could be variable size to store the sprite data. I mean, you can actually use pictures right now, but you would have a tough time recognising your sprites if you did RecallPic. But yeah, I'll work on a code to convert pictures to sprite sets right now.

TI Z80 / Re: Samocal
« on: February 05, 2011, 11:27:33 am »
Ah, I actually find it pretty easy to do, now. I always use the same basic outline, though. Move the tile, press enter to place it, use two keys to cycle through tiles, and press clear to the clear the map. The map editor I currently have only does one map at a time. From the old BatLib version (including the program version) I made a map editor that handled the whole 64x128 map... I am currently working on that again :D

BatLib / Re: Ideas-BatLib
« on: February 05, 2011, 12:06:05 am »
I'm confused... Pictures use more space unless you use the whole thing... and 3 tiles? I can do it, but it will be at the cost of speed. I will try to add it :D I mean, I have over 8000 bytes to fill up yet!

Also, how about making a command to convert a pic to the form of map data used for the current tilemap command...

IDEA! Okay, before I forget, I just thought of a way to make a fast version using pics. It will be slightly slower, but much faster than what I originally thought. I am jotting this down before I forget...
Okay, so I will copy the pic to the graph buffer, convert it to saveSScreen in the proper format, and then just use the regular tilemap routine using the pointer to saveSScreen as the tile data!

Thanks DJ ^-^

Other Calculators / Re: ZToolPack
« on: February 04, 2011, 08:11:41 pm »
Yeah, they are available as individual programs on TICalc, but I will get to working on putting them together.

BatLib / Re: SpriteLib
« on: February 04, 2011, 08:10:25 pm »
I do not plan to do it that way, I plan to make it more like the TI-89 command PopUp. It will have menus that you can scroll through using small font. I can probably make nested menus, too.

Other Calculators / Re: ZToolPack
« on: February 04, 2011, 06:20:34 pm »
Hm, should I compile these all into one, simple program? I could do that, too. Also, BatLib doesn't have DataString, ListToReal, MultiGraphs, or Xtra. However, using HexToken in BatLib can do the same thing as Xtra. The rest are already part of BatLib (minus the need for input variables like X,Y,Str1).
So, should I put this all into one program?

Other Calculators / ZToolPack
« on: February 04, 2011, 06:07:51 pm »

ZToolPack is a small collection of useful and small assembly programs that I have made for BASIC users. In this collection you will find:

ASMCall    -Allows you to use asm hex codes in a BASIC program
BSprt      -Draw 8x8 sprites using X,Y and a hex string
CopyProg   -Copies variables from RAM or Archive to another var
DataString -Converts a list to a string or visa versa
DataType   -Change variables to another type. Ex.: Pic to Str
ListToReal -Copies list elements to real vars
MultiGraphs-Manipulate 16 graphs/pics without using user RAM
MultiPics  -Manipulate any of 256 pictures with 6 functions
Xtra       -Get hacked vars and tokens (like greek alphabet)

BatLib / Re: Ideas-BatLib
« on: February 04, 2011, 11:46:36 am »
Okay, so I just got an idea for a super complicated command... for a new tilemap routine. I have not changed the current routine in over six months, so I think it is time for an update. So here is kind of a projected syntax:

So it will take, say, a 32x96 tilemap, display a portion of it using sprites from a variable of some size. Then, if you choose to flip a sprite vertically, say a 8x8 sprite, it will display a 16x8 sprite and flipped horizontally will make it display each tile as 16x16 (useful for symmetrical tiles).

As a note, I doubt I will add it anytime soon, but it is a neat idea that I have wanted to add for a long time.

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