Math and Science / Re: Math! (and that is not a factorial)
« on: January 31, 2011, 10:45:05 am »
I would love to be a teacher for other things, but I would prefer to be a professor for math.
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Math and Science / Re: Math! (and that is not a factorial)« on: January 31, 2011, 10:45:05 am »
I would love to be a teacher for other things, but I would prefer to be a professor for math.
BatLib / Re: SpriteLib« on: January 31, 2011, 12:59:12 am »
Oh, I still plan to add a whole lot more, but I had to get all the syntaxes finalised and I had to make a final decision about which token to use. Now that that is done, I can go fix everything up and I can start adding new functions.
TI-BASIC / Re: Zeda's Hex Codes« on: January 31, 2011, 12:56:58 am »
Oh, how do I put them there?
BatLib / Re: BatLib Demo Programs« on: January 30, 2011, 09:28:35 pm »
Ah, I don't do any ClrDraw or AxesOff because of the Copy/Paste function. I was using this program to copy back and forth between two sprite sets, so I needed to preserve the copied image.
TI-BASIC / Re: Zeda's Hex Codes« on: January 30, 2011, 09:26:01 pm »
Yeah, I know what you mean
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Math and Science / Re: Math! (and that is not a factorial)« on: January 30, 2011, 07:51:32 pm »
I am a math major in college and I do plan to go as far as to get a doctorate. I am not 100% sure, but I am fairly certain I will choose a math oriented career such as being a professor.
*By the way, Galandros, I'm Thunderbolt from UTI ![]() 4162
Math and Science / Re: Math! (and that is not a factorial)« on: January 30, 2011, 06:44:00 pm »
That is okay, I do not know how to properly "write math" yet. But yeah, my goal was to use that to test for primes. I'll look into this when my brain is functioning again, but I think I understand
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BatLib / BatLib Demo Programs« on: January 30, 2011, 06:40:27 pm »
This topic is here to showcase projects using the BatLib library. Now that BatLib is stable, I have made a useful program: A spriteset/fontset editor.
BatLib does not use pictures to store sprites like some other libraries. This makes sprite display faster and if you don't need a whole pictures worth of data, more memory friendly. Plus, you can use pretty much any data type you want to store sprite data. Because of this, I made the command GetSprite (35) so that the user could copy a sprite from the graph screen in the correct format to be used for other commands. I decided to take this one step further by making this program. This program makes it easy for you to edit individual sprites in a sprite set or fontset. It includes simple routines to change pixel states as well as clearing, inverting, copying, and pasting sprites. The program also allows for some customization for the layout of the editor. I hope this is useful! Oh, P.S.- Str9 is the cursive fontset ![]() 4164
BatLib / Re: SpriteLib« on: January 30, 2011, 06:18:39 pm »
BatLib is almost out of the Beta stage. Since the last version, there have been major changes. Any programs made with the last version of BatLib will not work with the new version. The changes:
1) sum( is no longer used. Apparently DCS7 uses the sum( command. BatLib now uses dim(. 2) All instances where the arguments use "VarName",Type is now in the form Type,"VarName". This way, if the variable is a token (like Str1 or Pic3), the type can be omitted. 3) Removed some stuff that wasn't needed, saving some memory I also finally made a sprite editor so that making tilemap or font data will be easier. I will upload that program in a "Demo" topic. Here is the new version of BatLib as well as the updated readme. Also, one of the features that has been with BatLib from the beginning is one that I don't believe I have talked about. I call it stringing command. As an example, say you have some code that looks like this: Code: [Select] dim(29,0,8,0,8,2 You can actually string them all together with one dim( command:Code: [Select] dim(29,0,8,0,8,2,99,10,67,43,29,0,8,0,8,2→A This will save speed and memory, so if you can string commands, you should.
Math and Science / Re: Factorials« on: January 30, 2011, 04:22:17 pm »
COOL! Awesome! Wow! (and a half)
Math and Science / Re: Factorials« on: January 30, 2011, 04:17:25 pm »
Cool, is there a TI-BASIC representation of that?! That looks really cool!
Axe / Re: Full Normal Slow?« on: January 30, 2011, 04:05:11 pm »
Ah, okay. Still, it is pretty easy to just type in the hex if you find that you need it. I have used the Asm( token for Axe (but that is about it
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Axe / Re: Full Normal Slow?« on: January 30, 2011, 03:59:21 pm »
Ah, okay! Cool! Again, I'm not Axe literate, so I was just curious. So are you saying that you can do this in Axe? There is a command to save it and a command to restore it? That would be useful for programs that require user input that could destabilize the stack.
TI Z80 / Re: TI 83+/84+ randomness« on: January 30, 2011, 03:48:01 pm »
Okay, I have a few mini games if you are interested. They are on TICalc:
http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/424/42409.html http://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/426/42645.html 4170
Axe / Re: Full Normal Slow?« on: January 30, 2011, 03:08:22 pm »
Nope, that is why you save the stack pointer to a spot in RAM. Then, if you need to exit, you just restore it and use C9. So for example, in BatLib, OP5 and OP6 are never used, so I use some RAM there. Here is some code at the beginning:
ED73AF84 Then I have a call that ends with this (I call it HardExit): F3 ;disable interrupts ED7BAF84 C9 |