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Messages - Xeda112358

Pages: 1 ... 286 287 [288] 289 290 ... 317
Miscellaneous / Re: Amanda
« on: January 25, 2011, 04:18:55 pm »
Yeah, good point. It's just that I hear people complaining about writing and stuff, so I just assume that this isn't a normal recreational activity. But yeah, it definitely makes more sense here than other places... it's just too bad that more artistically oriented sites don't let us upload programs there... Plus, poetry and math DO go together well...

General Calculator Help / Re: msd8x won't work
« on: January 25, 2011, 04:15:14 pm »
Yeah. See, what apparently happened was for a short time TI made calculators with 8 RAM pages, but only 2 were used for user RAM. Somebody noticed this and they decided to start working with it. Unfortunately, TI stopped production of calcs with extra RAM without making anybody aware of this, so several awesome programs and features lost compatibility, even with the same OS and model.

Most new calcs DO have one extra RAM page which the OS makes slight use of. Still, it can be used for a little less than 16K of RAM. I'm working on making a mini VAT for this 16K to allow users to actually use that extra RAM.

Miscellaneous / Re: Amanda
« on: January 25, 2011, 04:10:29 pm »
Yeah, I liked the sound of it when I wrote it, so I kept it. I decided that it would be pretty irritating if the whole poem was that way, though. Thanks! ^-^

General Calculator Help / Re: msd8x won't work
« on: January 25, 2011, 04:09:26 pm »
Some calculators don't work, I believe, due to missing RAM pages. At least I think that is the reason.

News / Re: The world's first finished Prizm program published online
« on: January 25, 2011, 04:05:12 pm »
They are pretty gorgeous numbers, aren't they?! :D

News / Re: The world's first finished Prizm program published online
« on: January 25, 2011, 04:03:22 pm »
Blegh, 69 is an uglyish number. But seriously, those are some of my favorite numbers ♥
Also, I'm glad people are keeping with the tradition of Quadratic solvers :D
If I ever get a Prizm, it will be one of my first programs.

(and I'm not married :P )

Miscellaneous / Re: Amanda
« on: January 25, 2011, 04:00:37 pm »
Ooh, I like poems! Who'da thunk it on a calculator website... most of my poems go elsewhere, but I kinda wanna post one. Here is one I kind of like:

             I am I
             By Zeda E.
I do not want to change, but I want to heal,
I want to heal the wounds,
The wounds of discovery,
The discovery of myself.

I walk the dark at night,
The stars my only light,
Facing my daytime pains,
With nighttime questions.

When the world is my problem,
How do I answer the question,
When everybody is the question,
And only the stars are there to guide me?

How do I break away from who I am,
To change the world I live in,
After years of searching for myself,
How can I throw it all away.

I want to change, but I do not want to die,
I do not want to lose who I am,
To lose what I have become,
To lose myself.

I want to cry,
I truly do,
But I cannot,
And so I try,

I look to the sky,
The guidance of my stars,
I look to the ground,
The path of my life.

My eyes won't,
So I let my body,
I let it seperate from me,
I let it lose itself.

I search my soul,
To cut out the cancerous growth,
And I find it,
The patch of life that has been stealing me.

I draw it out,
Separate it from the rest,
And I go to cut,
To hesitate.

It is still a part of me,
How can I cut it out,
Something that has defined me,
For all these years?

Why take the easy way,
And kill myself,
When I can just heal,
The hard way?

So I leave it,
Away from my body,
But still connected,
Healing what I can.

I will be back,
I will take over,
I will be myself,
But for now I am I.

News / Re: The world's first finished Prizm program published online
« on: January 25, 2011, 03:59:55 pm »
Oh, geez, I bet the program PORNO looks like:
Code: [Select]
* Xeda112358 likes numbers >.>  <.<

BatLib / Re: Ideas-BatLib
« on: January 25, 2011, 08:12:30 am »
At the moment, BatLib can chain with any other parser hook, however, if another APP uses the same RAM, then there will be problems. I recently found that Axe does not work well with BatLib, so I am going to adjust some RAM locations. Also, I have the Delvar command made and I have the Picture drawing finished, so I think I will make an update soon...

Edit: I have to fix the pixel test function for command 56 and 62, but once I find the error, I will make a release... The new functions are:
     Deletes a variable whether in archive or RAM
     Draws a rectangle (using the same syntax as command 29-Rectangle), but draws to the variable, not the graph. So if you use sum(61,"Pic1",0,48,0,32,2 you would invert the upper left quarter of Pic1
     Uses the same drawing functions as command (56-Draw) to draw directly to a variable.

Note that the last two were aimed at drawing to pictures, but other vars can be used, too. However, when drawing to a named variable, the variable type MUST be included before the name.

I also recently found a bug in command 41 that doesn't seem to like archived variables (it crashes when used on an archived variable, usually).

Miscellaneous / Re: Guess who's back.
« on: January 25, 2011, 12:20:57 am »
He's back from the dead...?!?! Are... Are you a zombie tapeworm?

News / Re: The Psyche and BatLib v4.00 Beta released
« on: January 24, 2011, 08:35:16 pm »
Eh, be careful... I added some error handlers, but for some reason that I still cannot figure out, it occasionally crashes even during BASIC code execution... Maybe I should post in the subforum a request for help. By the way, I am working on adding those functions!

ASM / Re: Hexadecimal Assembly Programming
« on: January 24, 2011, 08:31:16 pm »
Yeah, I can see how that might be useful, but I feel much more comfortable typing on my calculator than I do on the computer. The keyboard on my computer is just so big! The calc is just so nice and compact and easy to handle. However, it is a bit cumbersome to program in hex on the calculator, so I usually type up the hex in Notepad and then transfer it to my calc to edit and debug.

Math and Science / Re: Factorials
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:34:16 pm »
ooooh! That sounds very nice! When I get back from my classes I'll have to check out Wolfram... For now, I have to go :'(

Math and Science / Re: Factorials
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:24:16 pm »
You may...
Also note that I do a lot of things just for fun and so that I can figure it out... I've also done work that leads to the Zeta functions.

So about this Gamma function...

Miscellaneous / Re: Guess who's back.
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:55:56 am »
Well, as we say back where I come from when tired people work on a giant banner "WECLOME!" (back) :P I hope everything works out...

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