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Messages - Xeda112358

Pages: 1 ... 313 314 [315] 316 317
General Calculator Help / Re: RAM loss?
« on: November 09, 2010, 04:40:00 pm »
I am not familiar with the game. Is it an APP or Assembly program? Does it use a shell of any kind?

Do you have the RAM loss after clearing your RAM?

Art / Re: My Sprites
« on: November 09, 2010, 04:12:21 pm »
I dabbled with making a programming language in ASM a while ago. "Pause " was one of the four commands I finished before I set it aside :D Anyway, I also used an input to pause based on a time period and Pause 0 did the same thing. The reason is very simple. The Pause command decrements the value by 1 before checking if it is 0. Luckily assembly is not like BASIC which would approach negative infinity. In Assembly, when you subtract 1 from 0, you get FFFFh or 65535. So Pause 0 is actually Pause 65536.

D'accord, mais je pense qu'il est possible d'archiver un programme en le meme page, mais le OS ne fait pas.
(Les adresses sont 4000h et 7FFFh respectivement).

Okay, but I think that it is possible to archive a program on the same page, but the OS does not.
(The addresses are 4000h and 7FFFh, respectively).

Je ne peux pas traduire cette (désolé):
When archiving, does the OS check for chunks of free memory? If it does, does it just skip over APPS? It would be cool if it didn't, because then that extra memory could be put to better use...

Mon français est horrible (désolé), mais je sais une raison. APPS sont lues à l'adress 4000h. ils restent en place dans Flash. Si un APP a débuté à la mauvaise adresse, tous les "calls" et les "jumps" serait une erreur.

Si une application a été seulement 200 octets de code, est le reste de la page utilisée comme mémoire archive supplémentaire?

My French sucks, but here is what I know. APPS are read at 4000h and they do not move around in Flash. If an APP started at the wrong address, the calls and jumps would be wrong.

If an APP was only 200 bytes of code, would the rest be used as extra archive memory?

(Actuellement, je sais la raison, mais il est trop difficile pour expliquer.)

Miscellaneous / Re: What is your code like?
« on: November 08, 2010, 08:49:27 am »
My code is almost decipherable by me
Is always optimized
"spaced" out in development
No comments

In Assembly:
Only I can read it and know what it says
Takes a few times to properly optimize
"Spaced" in development
No comments
Confusing to follow, even when translated
Code: [Select]

*not an actual code

Miscellaneous / Re: Post your desktop
« on: November 04, 2010, 03:38:28 am »
I have a directory for my stuff...

Ah, got it. That makes sense. And yes, now that I think about it, there is probably so much garbage on the website that it would be irritating to search through.

Cool! Why isn't it like that now, nut with a filtering option? That might be nice, I like to look at everything on one page as opposed to going back and forth... (then again, I am one of the last people that advice on organisation should be taken).

Other Calculators / Re: Simple yet useful virus
« on: November 04, 2010, 03:15:30 am »
Its machine code for simulating pulling a battery.  along with C8

ironically, C4 works too.  XD
Using C4 is a Call and it will use the next two bytes in memory to jump to. This could be very bad.
C7 is rst 00h, so it doesn't do much harm
C8 is ret z so it doesn't properly exit

TI-BASIC / Re: Quadratic Formula
« on: November 04, 2010, 03:00:08 am »
Sorry, in my program above, on my calculator I forgot the :ClrHome part. hehe...

Introduce Yourself! / Re: hi I'm good at BASIC
« on: November 03, 2010, 07:36:12 pm »
I check TIBD regularly because I find that the topics there deal with things I can help with. If you ever need an opcode, just let me know and I'll see what I can come up with :P I program in hex and that can be an advantage to some BASIC programmers. I get to make a bunch of random things happen...

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hello-ha!
« on: November 03, 2010, 01:46:42 am »
I still have to work out chaining. I think that the first version will not have the ability, but after a while I will get to it.

TI-BASIC / Re: Quadratic Formula
« on: November 02, 2010, 01:42:26 am »
As long as we are keeping the list output (as a pause) and the
Code: [Select]
:Disp "AX²+BX+C=0

Then here is a smaller version (by 1 byte):

:Disp "AX²+BX+C=0
:Prompt A,B,C
:Pause .5A-1(-B+{Ans,-Ans

(The code box didn't allow the -1)

ASM / Re: Tokens Test
« on: November 01, 2010, 11:56:08 pm »
I don't know, but I am liking the sound of this thing...

ASM / Re: Tokens Test
« on: November 01, 2010, 11:24:58 pm »
So what do I do with it once I have it downloaded on my computer?

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