ASM / Re: Fixed Point Logarithm
« on: June 30, 2013, 06:21:22 pm »
I found a few errors in the log_2 routine (translation issues from hex->assembly). As well, I rearranged the code and in all saved a byte and some t-states I updated the first post with my preferred version which is slightly speed optimised in the same way as the last version. Here is a cleaner, smaller version and is only slightly slower (about 39 t-states on average):
Code: [Select]
; HL is an unsigned 8.8 fixed point number.
; HL is the signed 8.8 fixed point value of log base 2 of the input.
; pass HL = 3.0, returns 1.58203125 (actual is ~1.584962501...)
;averages about 39 t-states slower than original
;62 bytes
ex de,hl
ld hl,0
ld a,d
ld c,8
or a
jr z,DE_lessthan_1
srl d
jr z,logloop-1
inc l
rr e
jr $-7
ld a,e
dec hl
or a
ret z
inc l
dec l
add a,a
jr nc,$-2
ld e,a
inc d
add hl,hl
push hl
ld h,d
ld l,e
ld a,e
ld b,8
add hl,hl
jr nc,$+5
add hl,de
adc a,0
djnz $-7
ld e,h
ld d,a
pop hl
rr a ;this is right >_>
jr z,$+7
srl d
rr e
inc l
dec c
jr nz,logloop
Also, I used 'rr a' here for the flags to test if a>1 (the c flag is reset before hand, but I could have used sra a or srl a or bit 1,a or bit 1,d).