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Messages - Zera

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TI Z80 / Re: The Legend of Zelda
« on: June 28, 2010, 11:18:35 am »
Well, there would need to be smooth-scrolling. I'm planning to do each area in 16x16 blocks. While you're exploring a block, the tiles underfoot would smoothly scroll around.

Would it be possible to do this in Axe if there were only one gray?

Miscellaneous / Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« on: June 28, 2010, 11:15:35 am »
It doesn't sound like his parents would concede - they're just too reactionary.

IMO, I think his best bet is to play along until he's 18, then immediately move out and estrange himself. (although, he could seek emancipation if he has a convincing case) It might be financially tedious, but he could look into income-based housing, dormitories, or other options. If you're a student, the government will do its best to help you out financially. If you're going to a college with relatively low tuition and apply for financial aid, you could possibly have enough left over to live on. It all depends on how quickly he wants to claim independence from his parents.

I have a friend who went this route. His parents were trying to arrange for him to go to specific schools, tried to control pretty much every aspect of his social life and even tried to arrange for a girlfriend. Since he couldn't make any other move without having to deal with consequences at home, he packed his bags, ran off to another state and went to a local school. He may not be getting the best quality education, but at least he has his freedom.

TI Z80 / Re: The Legend of Zelda
« on: June 28, 2010, 10:56:19 am »
I was thinking about downcoding it to monochrome, as perhaps it could be done in BASIC + xLib, Axe, or whatever else.

Just considering my options, assuming anyone might volunteer to do the coding part. I don't know if anyone would be interested if it's 4-level grayscale, and thus likely not doable in anything but ASM.

Miscellaneous / Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« on: June 26, 2010, 10:46:36 pm »
On second thought, maybe Kevin's "Nazi" comparison was fairly accurate after all. :P

TI Z80 / Re: The Legend of Zelda
« on: June 25, 2010, 11:01:40 am »
Despite a lack of updates, I am actively working on this.

I have decided to use less "classical" approach to the rooms. Maps will be divided into rooms, but rooms will expanse areas larger than a single screen. (without the need to transition from screen to screen)

Miscellaneous / Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« on: June 25, 2010, 08:18:00 am »
I really can't understand why some parents are so insistent on sheltering their children from life. You're not teaching them anything. They're eventually going to become adults and be exposed to the horrors of the real-world. Do you think they're going to be anymore prepared for it then? Certainly not if you deceive them. Besides this, children aren't completely naive. I'm sure they know a good deal about their own anatomies, basic politics, the existence of crime, and whatever other "bad" things you want to censor out of their lives.

Maybe Sir's parents are afraid we'll be a bad influence on him, because that's what calculator communities are all about: Debauched orgies, drugs and good ol' fashioned devil-worship. In fact, I imagine his parents home-school him so he doesn't get any exposure to the depravity of the external world, and 60% or more of the curriculum is Bible-study from the Old Testament. ::)

It's really not funny, though. I hate to imagine some children growing-up with such a naive mindset, and not being prepared for all the adversities of life because their parents kept them under their wings too long; but I'm digressing now...

I haven't really conceived many ideas for the side-scrolling one. All the assets and documentation are there for the fixed shooter, though.

I think English was once a lot more inflective. In fact, I think Early Modern English still had the dative case. Early Modern English seems to require that most every word in the sentence be modified as you go. No doubt, the context behind this is so subtle that a native speaker didn't even understand why they were modifying words, so much as they simply repeated them because they memorized inflection on a situational basis. I don't even think most Modern English speakers understand the function of an article. We may as well engage each other in caveman syntax. :P

I've heard German grammar will rape you in the ass. Sounds a lot like Latin, plus or minus the ridiculous amount of inflection.

Before "whom" becomes all but forgotten, I thought I would take the time to detail this rather complicated usage rule in hopes of simplifying the process for others. Frankly, it's a usage rule that probably shouldn't exist in English anymore, as it really serves no practical purpose. The fact that one must sometimes make a conscious effort to distinguish subject and object in order to understand when "whom" is called for also complicates matters further. Professional writers have sometimes encouraged people to either never worry about this rule, or reword themselves to avoid necessitating its appearance altogether. On the other hand, the usage of "whom" can aid one in having a more formal speaking manner.

First, it's important to understand why "whom" is used in the first place. Usage of "whom" indicates the object of a clause to your listener(s). On the other hand, the rule is rather irrelevant, as a listener can distinguish subject from object on their own. This really just leaves a superfluous burden on you to make this distinction for others. In sentences where a subject is only implied, I suppose it makes more sense to indicate that someone else is an object; but it's still understood.

Secondly, it's important to understand the functions of a subject and an object in a sentence. Obviously, the subject is the subject - the very thing being discussed. If I say, "I'm going to the market," I am the subject - the person going to the market. The market is the object. It gets more confusing when you include other people in a sentence, or have a sentence that includes many different objects. Just remember that anytime you're speaking about yourself, you're the subject. If you don't appear in the sentence, anyone else you speak about is likely the subject. It just depends on who or what (subject) is doing what to whom or what (object) ... If that makes any sense.

One easier way to look at this is to consider whether or not a preposition is appearing in your sentence. (of, for, to, from, over, toward, between, etc.) These show some relation to an object. If I say, "I spoke with him today," "to" is the preposition that indicates my relation (the subject) to "him." (the object) Now, if the sentence were something like this, "With whom where you speaking today?" we notice that "whom" is used, because it describes the object. (the thing modified by a preposition) "You" is the subject, in this case. It's tricky at first, but you get the hang of it. This is probably the easiest way to remember whether or not to use "whom," as opposed to consciously distinguishing between subject and object. As long as you understand good and well what a preposition is, you're pretty much set.

On a final note, I wanted to elaborate on relative pronouns, as well. These are less direct usages of who, that, which, etc. It's important to use the right pronouns, as some are reserved for sentient beings only. If you mix and match them, it can sound like you're implying a person is a physical object rather than a person. Example:

"The person who went to the store." Proper. "Who" indicates the person is a human being.

"The person that went to the store." Improper. "That" implies the person is a physical object. The only time you use "that" is in a sentence like, "The book that fell from the shelf." The book is a physical object, so you wouldn't refer to it any other way.

In some way, using "who" as a relative pronoun is almost like a mandatory honorific. If you imply that a person is anything other than a person, it can be misconstrued. (sort of like referring to a person as "it," instead of using a gender pronoun) This might be a rare occurrence, but still...

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: June 21, 2010, 03:57:48 pm »
184: You spend several years of your life conceiving a calculator RPG called Escheron.

Since this is before they had a label, Amy Lee and Ben Moody stated in an interview that fans should simply download and redistribute these materials. There's no way to actually purchase them.

EvanescenceReference has graciously hosted these materials. Some are even available in FLAC lossless.

I'm not necessarily a fan of Evanescence, but I really enjoyed a lot of their pre-label material. I just can't get into anything beyond that. I figured I would share this, in case anyone has a similar interest in their demos and pre-label works.

For clarification, this is not piracy, nor the encouragement thereof. As stated, the band gave explicit permission to download and redistribute this material. It is not covered by a label.

Humour and Jokes / Use your panties
« on: June 20, 2010, 01:09:48 pm »

Miscellaneous / Re: A Formal Explanation for Today's Events
« on: June 20, 2010, 03:52:54 am »
It's not that I look at the situation too lightly. I do recognize that people vary differently about how they handle circumstances, or overcome them altogether. I just want to encourage you, and keep you motivated. I don't want you to spiral into less optimism , or subtly justify a lack of improvement because you look at the bigger picture and feel overwhelmed.

Miscellaneous / Re: A Formal Explanation for Today's Events
« on: June 20, 2010, 01:14:30 am »
I don't want this to sound preachy, or seem negative in any context. Just giving you a foreword so you know I'm being compassionate...

I'm not sure what anyone means by "haters." Trolls? They exist all over the Internet, regardless of who you are or what you do. It's not that trolling / flaming is being directed at a person because of who they are at the core, but just because this person may respond to the flaming; and thus be a vulnerable target. Kevin's best defense against this would be to never reciprocate it. Some people certainly try to troll me, but it never progresses because I just don't care. I don't even believe I have an online reputation. When I close my browser, none of this matters to me.

Kevin - don't get the impression that people are aligned against you, because they aren't. There are just a lot of immature people using the Internet. They apparently have no grasp of the fact that other people exist behind their monitors, and that any of their interactions can carry the same gravity these actions would carry in real-life, interpersonal communications. Some people look at Internet communities more objectively - and don't pay any attention to things like trolling or flaming - but some people feel it has a more serious impact. You just have to train yourself to be more like the former: Try to look at these communications more objectively. If you appear vulnerable and reciprocative to negativity, then people are only going to pile it on you even more. It's not fair that things happen this way, but I'm just saying... There's no other way to fix the problem, other than to prevent yourself from caring about it in the first place. You can try to hermit yourself up in a single community where you believe you have control over everything, but that won't help you to desensitize yourself.

I say go out there, post wherever you like, and if someone gives you lip about it, just don't pay any attention to them. Nothing is going to happen to you, other than what is being done by your own emotions. This is the underlying truth, here. Absolutely nothing negative can come from trolling, other than your own, relative opinions and emotions of these events causing you to beat yourself up; and that's exactly why people troll. They find a target who is vulnerable to this, and start piling it on. It's like being a puppet on a string. Are you in control of your life, or are other people in control? If people can this easily manipulate your emotions and turn them against you, then wake-up! You need to fix this before someone goes too far and throws you over the edge. Your well-being is important to us, Kevin. There are some people on the Internet who do try to troll to the point of inducing suicide in their victims, or interfering with someone's real-life reputation. (e.g., blackmailing them, or giving very personal information to their families and co-workers) It would be terrible for something like that to impact you, because you were a vulnerable target to it.

So, consider that this all comes back to you - your emotions. You can take control over that with practice. Albeit, you have improved over the years. Just keep working on it. In the meantime, you really shouldn't worry about anything that transpires on Everyone here has been supportive of you, through and through. I don't think anyone has any intention of causing problems for you. Just remember who your friends are before you get carried away. If you aren't careful, you may push them out of your life by making them feel betrayed. If you come to a major disagreement with someone, at least give yourself time to think about your response before you take any actions. You might cool-down, and then think, "Well, maybe I was getting carried away."

Either way, this all blows over pretty quickly. I don't think anyone was seriously offended by any of this.

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