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Messages - Zera

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Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: E:SoR Images
« on: January 14, 2010, 11:53:50 am »
Is that the full map for the game, or just part of it?

This only represents the overworld. (but all of the location markers are there) There's also an underworld to explore, and various dungeons located within other maps; so they aren't indicated on the main overworld itself.

It's a fairly small world, and there are quite a few locations that are linked together by detours and alternative exits.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: LL2.5 Concepts
« on: January 14, 2010, 02:30:50 am »
I thought I would share a few more general details and features. I can't get into specific details about the plot, because this is a continuation of events after Escheron. I would be spoiling too much! Still -- I don't want to leave everyone hanging. In the meantime...

 - A dark and dismal world set against the political machinations of demonic rulers. Face death and destruction at every turn as you attempt to fight your way through hoards of demons and undead, and dethrone the Four Crown Princes of Hell. Only then will the plot of the Rephaim be revealed, and the forces that have scourged mortal existence for centuries.

 - An expansive, open-ended world. Many maps sport resolutions as high as 128x128 tiles. The world is 1:1 to scale, with no icons representing towns and dungeons; instead, the player seamlessly moves from one area to the next. Vessels can move in and over entire kingdoms and dungeons. In some instances, it is necessary to use a vessel to travel to sections of dungeons that can't be reached on-foot. A single dungeon from the world of Rephaim is practically larger than every map from Escheron put together.

 - Approximately 40 hours of gameplay. Moving to and from areas will demand extended exploration.

 - The ability to call upon guardians to change the tide of battle. Guardians also function as a proxy between the mortal world, and the world of magic. A character who equips a guardian will gain access to an array of magical spells.

 - A revamped approach to combat: Fully-animated spells and effects, and the addition of background graphics to note scenery.

 - A traditional experience-level system that defines linear character growth, providing a strict, strategic role to each player character. Characters also learn a selection of personal skills and merits.

 - An extensive selection of equipment, and the addition of equipment "sets" that provide synergistic bonuses when certain items are simultaneously equipped.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: May 31, 2009, 11:24:51 pm »
I'm not even sure what you're talking about. You really must have misread something I wrote.

I'm going to stay out of IRC / forums since I really don't have time for this nonsense. Iam, just contact me via PM or e-mail to continue working these details out.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: May 31, 2009, 11:17:09 pm »
Well it works fine now. However try to watch how you talk to others. Not everyone got a IQ of 2000 like you do and there's no point in trying to make others who somehow say something that seems to make not sense like retards

What on Earth are you talking about?

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: May 31, 2009, 11:13:48 pm »
Well, Iam, I was going to mention the "undead" attribute, but IRC stopped working for some reason.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: May 31, 2009, 10:45:10 pm »
Got it. This will be yet another thing that I'll have to keep at the back of my mind when it comes time to programming the battle sequences.

At the moment, I'm going to spend some time putting in most of the textual and statistical data for things like place names and enemies.

EDIT: Under the "bestarium" section, would you further explain what each entry is supposed to mean? I mean, some of it's clear-cut and some of it really isn't. A better explanation of "rank" would be good.

Rank serves two purposes:

1.) To limit character growth from fighting the same enemy over and over, or fighting too many weaker enemies.

2.) To give characters experience points in their proficiency merits.

A character's attributes can only be raised to a certain point, depending on the rank of the enemies they're fighting. Each rank level indicates what this limit is:

 1 star -  64 mHP / 32 for normal attributes
 2 star - 128 mHP / 64 for normal attributes
 3 star - 255 mHP / 99 for normal attributes
  n/a   - no growth

So, what this means is that a character can only gain up to 64 mHP by fighting rank-1 enemies. That character would need to start fighting rank-2 and rank-3 enemies in order to increase his or her mHP beyond 64. This prevents the character growth system from being exploited, in that the player can't simply fight weaker enemies over and over to achieve endless status growth.

You understand the basic character growth system, right? Characters will randomly have their status increased after battles, depending on how their equipped items influence that growth. You pair this with the enemy ranks to determine how that growth is limited.

Secondly, each rank translates into experience points for each characters' proficiency merits. Whatever a character has equipped during battle, they gain experience in those proficiencies based on the total rank levels of all the defeated enemies. So if character-A fights a battle against two ruhks, that character gains 4 experience points (because each ruhk is rank-2) in every proficiency that applies to his or her equipped items. Remember -- experience for proficiencies counts down. Each proficiency level will have an experience requirement, like 20, 30, 60, etc. This means you need to gain that much experience (accumulated from defeating enemies based on their ranks) to lower the experience requirement until you finally reach the next proficiency level.

Miscellaneous / Post your desktop
« on: May 31, 2009, 02:19:44 pm »
Hey, what's a forum without one of these redundant threads? :P

You know the drill -- take a screenshot of your current desktop, and post it here. (preferably as a thumbnail, or a direct link)

Current Desktop - Windows XP Pro SP3, 256 MB RAM, Sempron 1.6 GHz (yes, you can have a pretty desktop without buying 2 gigs of RAM and a dual-core processor!)

I had to do some registry tweaking to get the Windows 7-like taskbar going, but it's totally native. I'm not running any special programs to run the theme.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: May 31, 2009, 12:49:30 am »
All right. I made a few changes to the statistics so you could swap the data out:

            | DAM | DEF | WIS | AGI | HIT | EVA | mHP | DMG. Redux
Kenpo-gi    | +12 | +10 | *** | +05 | +02 | +04 | n/a |   (n/a)
Dark Shroud | *** | +14 | *** | n/a | +02 | +02 | n/a |   (n/a)
Minerva     | *** | +14 | +12 | +05 | *** | +02 | n/a |     8%
Serpentskin | *** | +16 | *** | n/a | *** | +02 | +08 |   (n/a)
Brigandine  | *** | +14 | *** | n/a | *** | +02 | +12 |    10%
Cuirass     | *** | +20 | *** | -10 | *** | -02 | +20 |    12%
Flame Mail  | *** | +22 | *** | -10 | *** | -02 | +20 |    12%
Mirror Mail | *** | +28 | *** | -10 | *** | -02 | +20 |    16%
Ornate Ring | *** | *** | +08 | +05 | *** | +02 | n/a |   (n/a)
Murasame    | +18 | *** | *** | +05 | +64 | +02 | n/a |   (n/a)
Sylvan Bow  | +14 | -02 | +12 | +05 | +64 | *** | n/a |   (n/a)
Artemis Bow | +22 | *** | +16 | +10 | +64 | -02 | n/a |   (n/a)

I marked empty stat slots with three asterisks to give you an idea of which slots you could swap out. I completely removed the mHP bonus from the Minerva since it had too many statistical features, so now that shouldn't be a problem.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: May 31, 2009, 12:11:04 am »
I kinda understood what you meant about the mHP and the Agi modifiers that were sorta left out. I has a solution to it that only slightly changes the data structure that *should* work, but it will limit some options. Since they are so few and far in between, the solution is to add another property that remaps an unused stat (unused modifier or stat change) to the mHP and the AGI. If I were to do that, the item would lose the ability to add to that stat, but then again, it might be worth it. After all, most armors don't have an attack bonus and most weapons don't have have anything to do with defense by themselves.

I realize these bonuses are few and far. The idea is that certain categories of equipment will influence them, but there are so few items within each specific category. These effects are important to the balance of the game. For instance, heavy armor will always penalize agility, but boost mHP. This distinguishes the category of heavy armor from lighter armor. (along with heavy armor having extensive damage reduction)

If you can be more elaborate about how your structure would work, and what sort of edits I would need to make, I can consider it. Are you suggesting swapping out unused attribute slots for each specific item that affects mHP and AGI?

Though, I've gotta wonder why the "Minerva" is listed twice. One that doesn't modify mHP and one that does.

Oops, typo. Minerva should add +12 mHP while worn. Just delete the other one from the notes.

EDIT: I see what I did. Minerva is supposed to add +05 AGI and +12 mHP. I just... organized those notes very badly. Just note the bonuses there.

EDIT 2: Also, let me note something about why AGI bonuses are so scarce...

Basically, AGI's main purpose is to influence hit% and evade%, but items already receive direct bonuses for those attributes without affecting base AGI. Base AGI itself just determines things like a character's initiative in battle, their chance of fleeing combat -- or when you pool the party's total AGI together, chances for pre-emptive and ambush attacks. These latter aspects of AGI -- for the sake of balance -- should be difficult to inlfuence. This is why I've kept AGI bonuses so small, and so infrequent. These bonuses aren't negligible, though.

TI Z80 / Re: Raising The Dead
« on: May 31, 2009, 12:00:02 am »
Though I don't know the project, I would believe it's a cheaper form of preventing the tilemap from overrunning its boundaries, since the player would not be allowed to see the outer edges in this fashion. If the tilemap were to be centered on the character, you'd have to make a larger tilemap in the event the character wants to go toward the edge of the map, where the tilemapper would have to then start displaying things outside of its original boundary.

Ah, that makes sense. Designing map-boundaries in Escheron was a pain for this reason, but I opted to do so anyway.

Art / Re: Ye Olde Font - free!
« on: May 30, 2009, 11:55:18 pm »
omg. thats so cool.. but how do i get the font.

This is just the bitmap. You would have to convert it to binary yourself.

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: May 30, 2009, 11:48:01 pm »
A little more propaganda couldn't hurt.

TI Z80 / Re: Raising The Dead
« on: May 30, 2009, 11:16:44 pm »
Could I make a suggestion regarding the map scrolling? I noticed that the map only scrolls when your character approaches a border. Wouldn't it look better to center the character sprite and have the map scroll underfoot? It would give the player a better view of the surroundings so they could ascertain the situation. For instance, if the character just moves along the screen borders, the player might run straight into enemies or obstacles without being aware of their presence; having the map scroll underfoot would make such surroundings more apparent.

Project M (Super Mario) / Re: Project M Screenshots
« on: May 30, 2009, 11:10:52 pm »
That's pretty impressive for being 1BPP 8x8 graphics. :)

Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth / Re: Escheron: Shadow over Ragnoth
« on: May 30, 2009, 11:07:30 pm »
I was wondering why I had difficulty with attachments earlier. I got it to work the second time around, though. I had to attach the images to the board because ImageShack is quirky about uploading images that are smaller than 1 KB.

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