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Messages - ZippyDee
Pages: 1 ... 47 48 [49] 50 51
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:42:00 am »
Well let's break it down.
Basic probability states that... P(A<N) = N/100 P(B<N) = N/100 P(A<N and B<N) = P(A<N)*P(B<N) = (N/100)^2 That's all easy. But that's not what we want to know.
In order for the average of A and B to be less than N, A+B must less than 2N. (again, simple) So we can safely say P(A+B<2N) is the probability that the average of the two is less than 2N.
In order for A+B<2N to be true, A must be less than 2N and B must be less than 2N-A
In that case, basic probabiliy also states that... P(A<2N) = 2N/100 P(B<2N-A) = (2N-A)/100 P(A<2N and B<2N-A) = (2N/100)*((2N-A)/100) = (4N^2-2NA)/1000
And there's your answer. Unless there's an error in my math, the probability that the average of A and B is less than N is (4N^2-2NA)/1000.
Edit: Just to clarify, A is the larger of the two numbers.
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:22:09 am »
I think he's talking about mono/stereo as in left/right balance. Unfortunately to have stereo output there need to be separate frequencies being sent to two separate places (one for the right and one for the left). The calculator can only send the frequencies to one place, so stereo output is impossible.
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:09:17 am »
Yes it does i hope. And if you are setting a constant bit and not a variable, the bit setting routine can be auto optimized to take up 4 bytes methinks.
Ld HL,adress SET/RES #,(HL)
Actually, that's 5 bytes (set/res are 2-byte instructions). But if this gets implemented, there should be inc/dec as well I think
Both SET/RES and INC/DEC would be incredibly useful. I'm working on a sprite editor, and it certainly is annoying to have to turn all the bits on and off using individual bitmasks.
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:03:43 am »
Ah, okay. Well I think I'd like to learn how to do that once I understand all of this a little more.
Thanks for all your help, everyone.
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:01:07 am »
Also, it's pretty easy to remember that the columns start at $20 and the rows start at $80.
What do you mean by that?
« on: March 26, 2011, 04:58:58 am »
I'm working on a game in which I want to use 12x12 sprites, and I would REEEEEEEEEEALLY rather not have 48 wasted bits for every sprite, so I'm looking for an efficient method of displaying 12x12 sprites. If I knew how to access data from an Axe program, I'd just figure out a 12x12 routine using my small knowledge of ASM. Sadly, I don't know how to do that, so I can't. Any suggestions? Thanks! -Zippy Dee Edit: I know how I'd write one in Axe, I just don't know if it would be very optimal, so I guess that's really what I'm looking for: either an assembly routine or an optimized axe routine.
« on: March 25, 2011, 05:46:58 pm »
Sounds like it's out of my range of possibilities right now. I'm new enough to ASM that writing any more than a basic "Hello World" is a feat for me.
« on: March 25, 2011, 05:42:07 pm »
That isn't actually the case. The LCD has its own internal memory, which stores the contents. DispGraph copies the buffer to the LCDs internal memory. Bitmap(, for example, can optionally copy straight to the screen.
Yes, dispgraph reads from the buffer, so a way to write directly to the LCD would be nice. Is Bitmap( the only way to do that right now? EDIT: Another idea is to have a way to jump to program source from the axe compile menu. I have a lot of programs, so would faster to go through the axe menu to open up my axe programs for editing.
« on: March 25, 2011, 05:38:12 pm »
Is that bresenham's? Also, can someone who really knows what they're talking about confirm that my horizontal line routine is actually correct?
« on: March 25, 2011, 05:36:59 pm »
Isn't the LCD done with columns x rows instead of rows x columns though? I thought I saw that somewhere...
« on: March 25, 2011, 06:14:13 am »
I know I'm new here, so I don't really know how much this post really counts for anything, but I completely agree with this. I'm new to ASM, but not to programming. I stand in awe of anyone who not only writes an entire language and parser, but who also pushes it to the limit of optimization. I am also one of those people who starts a project and never finishes it. I always have been that way. That being said, even if I did have the programming knowledge and the understanding it would take to write something so big as Axe, I would never have gotten anything even close to what Axe is. In this sense, I respect everything Quigibo has put into this project and he surely deserves credit for it. I could never imagine how much effort and time it would take to write in assembly what I could easily throw together in a matter of minutes in Axe, even though I only started using it three days ago. In THIS sense, Quigibo definitely deserves credit for being the one who has empowered so many people by creating this language. Thank you for everything you've done.
I feel like I'm stating the obvious, so I'll just leave at that.
EDIT: Quigibo, the issue with your argument is that most of those things weren't made primarily by ONE person.
« on: March 25, 2011, 05:50:30 am »
Ah yes it seems that is the case. B contains the page. Well thanks, this has been quite helpful!
« on: March 25, 2011, 05:25:59 am »
How do you access archive data from a program? And would you care to define "clever" a bit more?
« on: March 25, 2011, 05:08:39 am »
But when it's in Archive, wouldn't it only be accessible by an app and not by a regular asm program?
« on: March 25, 2011, 04:42:51 am »
Ah okay, thanks. What's the size limit for an appvar?
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