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Messages - ZippyDee

Pages: 1 ... 49 50 [51]
ASM / Re: How do apps work?
« on: March 24, 2011, 01:24:23 am »
Why does it have to be signed? (I've never understood the whole signing thing with apps)

ASM / Re: Bezier curves HELP!!
« on: March 24, 2011, 01:20:45 am »
I swear I tried that. I tried putting time in H and L and I tried both multiplying and dividing (which is why I had both Div_HL_D and HL_Times_D there). Oh well, thank you so much! And thanks for all the comments and for that other example (which is obviously 10,000,000,000 times better than mine, and way over my head)!

Can you explain what you mean about making all the numbers .256 decimal? You mean like fixed-point numbers? I was going to try to make it fixed-point, but all the scaling that's involved for the multiplication confused me, so I gave up. I also was going to try to make it write to the LCD, but I figured it's probably best to get one that just WORKS before trying to get too fancy (Well, what an ASM noob like me considers fancy).

Thanks for all your help! I'm really trying to learn to navigate ASM, and this alone has been very enlightening. It's always the small things that get you. :P

ASM / Bezier curves HELP!!
« on: March 20, 2011, 11:19:52 pm »
Hi, I'm quite  new to ASM, so I probably made a bunch of mistakes.

I'm trying to write a program that draws a Bezier curve based on given control points. doesn't seem to be working. I think it's an issue with my math for calculating the next iteration of control points, but I've looked it over again and again and I can't figure out what's wrong.  :banghead:

Here's the code, complete with a surplus of comments (probably more than I really need, but I just wanted to show my though processes).

//EDIT: Here's an explanation for constructing Bezier curves. Hopefully it'll help :)

Code: [Select]
#include ""
#define    ProgStart    $9D95
.org    $9D95 - 2
    .db    t2ByteTok, tAsmCmp

b_call(_GrBufClr) ;clear stuff...

ld a, 255
ld (_time), a ;set _time to 255 (when used in calculation it ends up acting as a lower part of a fixed point number)
ld a, (_len) ;_len is always 4 right now. That'll change once I get this thing working.
ld (_level), a
call LoadVals ;load the _initx and _inity values into _px and _py
call Bezier ;calculate and plot the point on the curve at _time
call LoadVals ;reload the _initx/y values
ld hl, _time
dec (hl) ;dec _time
xor a
cp (hl)
jr nz, _tloop ;loop until _time is zero

call Plot ;plot the first point (shouldn't be necessary, but just in case)

ld hl, _px ;load points at _px+(_len) and _py+(_len) into _px and _py
ld bc, (_len)
dec bc ;_len is the total length, so subtract one to get the last one
add hl, bc ;set hl to address of _px+(_len)
ld de, _px

inc bc ;ldi decrements bc, so add 1 to restore it
add hl, bc
ld de, _py

call Plot

ld hl, _initx
ld de, _px
ld bc, 8

ld a, 0
ld (_n), a ;reset _n
ld hl, _level
dec (hl) ;go to next (or first) level iteration

ld a, (hl)
cp 0
jr nz, bez

call Plot ;if the level is zero, draw the point at _px,_py to the graph buffer
b_call(_GrBufCpy) ;display for testing purposes
jr bez_ret ;end the routine

ld hl, (_n) ;for each point p[_n] where _n=0 to _n=_level-1
ld h, 0 ;_n is one byte, so zero out h
push hl ;save _n
ld de, _px ;we want to calculate the _nth byte starting at _px
;Div_pt has add hl,de in it.
call Div_pt
ld (hl), a ;save the new x coordinate to _px[_n]

pop hl ;restore _n
ld de, _py ;now we want the _nth byte starting at _py
call Div_pt
ld (hl), a ;save the new y coordinate to _py[_n]

ld hl, _n
ld a, (_level)
inc (hl) ;_n=_n+1
cp (hl)
jr nc, bez ;loop until _n>=_level-1

call Bezier ;call Bezier again to calculate the next level iteration

ld hl, _level
inc (hl) ;reset _level to the previous level iteration before returning

; de = start address of point array
; hl = value at _n
; a = p[_n]+(p[_n+1]-p[_n])*(_time/256)
; hl = address of p[_n]
;note that p[ ] is either _px[ ] or _py[ ] depending on input de value

add hl, de ;find the address of the desired byte
push hl
pop de
inc de ;de = hl+1
ld a, (de)
sub (hl) ;subtract p[_n] (at hl) from p[_n+1] (at de)
;a is now the difference of the two points

push hl ;save location of p[_n]
ld e, 0
jr nc, _pskip
ld e, 1 ;if (de)-(hl) is negative, e is 1
neg ;make a positive

;This is the part that I guess isn't working

;Basically, I'm using _time as a percentage (where 256 is 100%)
;The point at _time percent of the line between p[_n] and p[_n+1] is calculated here
;    and stored in a (later stored in p[_n] back in the main Bezier routine)

;I'm calculating this:
;   p[_n]+(p[_n+1]-p[_n])*(_time/256)

ld h, a ;make hl fixed point with value a
ld l, 0
ld a, (_time)
ld d, a ;multiply by _time
push de ;save e, which holds the sign
call HL_Times_D
;because HL is 2 bytes and D is one byte, this SHOULD be the same
;  as multiplying by d as if it was the decimal part of a fixed point number

pop de ;restore e
ld a, e
cp 0 ;check for negative
ld a, h ;in case of negative, get the value to invert
jr z, _nskip
neg ;if a was negative before, make it negative again
pop hl
add a,(hl) ;add the original p[_n] value

ld a, (_py) ;get the y coordinate into l
ld l, a
or a
ret m ;ret if negative
cp 64
ret nc ;ret if y>=64
ld a, (_px) ;get x
or a
ret m ;ret if negative
cp 96
ret nc ;ret if x>=96
call GetPixel ;turn on pixel (x,y)
or (hl)
ld (hl), a

GetPixel: ;this came from the "Learn TI-83/84+ ASM in 28 days" or whatever guide
;a = x coordinate
;l = y coordinate
ld h, 0
ld d, h
ld e, l
add hl, hl
add hl, de
add hl, hl
add hl, hl
ld e, a
srl e
srl e
srl e
add hl, de
ld de, PlotSScreen
add hl, de
and 7
ld b,a
ld a, $80
ret z
djnz __gloop

HL_Times_D: ;this came from the "Learn TI-83/84+ ASM in 28 days" or whatever guide
;in the guide it was DE_Times_A, but I was already using HL and D for division
;  so I thought it was a good idea to just keep those values
ld a, d
ld de, 0
ex de, hl
ld b, 8
jr nc, __mskip
add hl, de
sla e
rl d
djnz __mloop

Div_HL_D: ;this came from the "Learn TI-83/84+ ASM in 28 days" or whatever guide
xor a
ld b, 16
add hl, hl
jr c, __overflow
cp d
jr c, __dskip
sub d
inc l
djnz __dloop

.db 0
.db 0 ;control point iteration level
.db 0 ;control point to calculate at any given time
.dw 4 ;number of control points for the curve
.db 4, 7, 13, 20 ;control point x values
.db 6, 23, 19, 2 ;control point y values
.db 0, 0, 0, 0 ;x values for calculations
.db 0, 0, 0, 0 ;y values for calculations

If anyone could help me out that would be wonderful!

-Zippy Dee

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