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Messages - Adriweb

Pages: 1 ... 25 26 [27] 28 29 ... 115
Indeed, pretty nice demo :)

Grabbed this from :

Overview of new features

These are the most important new features in SDL 2.0:

Full 3D hardware acceleration
Support for OpenGL 3.0+ in various profiles (core, compatibility, debug, robust, etc)
Support for OpenGL ES
Support for multiple windows
Support for multiple displays
Support for multiple audio devices
Android and iOS support
Simple 2D rendering API that can use Direct3D, OpenGL, OpenGL ES, or software rendering behind the scenes
Force Feedback available on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
XInput and XAudio2 support for Windows
Atomic operations
Power management (exposes battery life remaining, etc)
Shaped windows
32-bit audio (int and float)
Simplified Game Controller API (the Joystick API is still here, too!)
Touch support (multitouch, gestures, etc)
Better fullscreen support
Better keyboard support (scancodes vs keycodes, etc).
Message boxes
Clipboard support
Basic Drag'n'Drop support
Proper unicode input and IME support
A really powerful assert macro
zlib license instead of LGPL.
Lots of old annoyances from 1.2 are gone
Many other things!

Indeed, congratulations, looks very nice :)  (and quite simple !)

Although that would mean for ndless-calcs only (at least for non-standard stuff I suppose?), the main purposes would be to enhance the features by sending commands to the nspire to, like, automatically move files, for example, once transferred, right ?
Or do you have other usecases in mind ? (I guess you opened a door for imagination ^^)

Lua / Re: Updating WZGUILib
« on: August 16, 2013, 08:00:38 am »
Indeed (among other) suggests there is no problem getting returned values.

Other Calculators / Re: Nspire error
« on: August 16, 2013, 07:58:36 am »
Indeed that sounds like a FS corruption, which may have been induced by going too much into the danger zone in Nover.
If not that.... I'm not sure.
I'd recommend saving everything if you can, then completely reformat the calc (in the maintenance menu), and try from scratch at a "clean" state

Computer Programming / Re: [Help]Eclipse C++ OpenGL on a mac
« on: August 15, 2013, 08:39:51 am »
It's free on the mac app store.
Once installed (it may take a while to download and install), also make sure to go to Preferences -> downloads (or something like that) and install the command line tools, it's quite useful

Anyway, I believe the OpenGL stuff will become available as a framework for projects

(mods: feel free to merge if judging as double post, meh)

I have integrated the &gz=1 (default 0) flag, but I don't really know how to test - at least it gives me no error, either on the client side not the server side :
Delete that useless header( stuff. It will only confuse file_get_contents on the other side, me, and my browser, which wants to download a file api-response-something.gz  Just output it directly. BTW: gzencode is PHP > 4.0.4, but gzdecode is PHP > 5.4 -.-

I'll be looking at http auth (but there may be some underlying issues with apache/lighttpd that I don't really control / know about
Lionel ?)
Just a .htaccess with auth user file and requre valid-user. In the PHP file you can get the user with $_SERVER[PHP_AUTH_USER].
Or make the authentication optional, then serching should only be allowed if the user is authenticated.

Ok, for the header; do I just leave one for the charset or something ?
And... what about encode/decode, do I need to do something else ?

And for the .htaccess that's exactly the problem, we don't use them our tiplanet as they don't work (don't ask me why) - last time we tried to understand, we couldn't see...
Maybe it's changed since some updates recently, but I doubt it, it's been like this for quite a while...

btw, for us lighttpd is for http and apache for https.

(mods: feel free to merge if judging as double post, meh)

I have integrated the &gz=1 (default 0) flag, but I don't really know how to test - at least it gives me no error, either on the client side not the server side :

I'll be looking at http auth (but there may be some underlying issues with apache/lighttpd that I don't really control / know about
Lionel ?)

Lua / Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« on: August 15, 2013, 06:31:36 am »
Well, you should always try to avoid that your script throws errors to the user level (so that you need to catch it with registerErrorHandler). Of course it's not bad to implement it in case that something goes wrong unexpectedly, but still a well designed script should never actually be able to arrive to that point.
Of course :)

Lua / Re: Numstrat - Stumbling into Lua
« on: August 15, 2013, 05:50:02 am »
if for 3.2, [lua]platform.registerErrorHandler[/lua] ftw :P

(/me runs or not, but meh, why not)

Anyway, as I'm sometimes saying, these scrits are indeed old-generation, with no techniques that have been "found"/written more or less recently, using deprecated code, not using the new things (obviously), etc. etc.

- the key would only be for the app store software, so just one key, not for its users.

Then it's a public key, it can't protect you from anything.
Well, running a strings command on the executable would reveal it, probably (depending on how it's hardcoded, though), but 0.01% of the people would try that - and I'm not sure to see why they would do it if they can get their own by "asking".... It's certainly not the best protection but at least it's not nothing, and would stop 90% of novice "hackers"-wannabe. But anyway, without a secure connection, a wireshark sniffing could reveal the data sent... like any program using an api with a key, when not over an encrypted connection

- I'm not sure a cache would be such a great ID as the request can vary quite enormously, and the cache would get quite huge (?)

It would make sense for requests heavy for the database, search as full-text search (these one are actually not so random) or app listing (a few hundred kb, not so big but I/O intensive for a database).
Well, we'll have to see after some usages what the most often requested things are, and plan accordingly ?

Hmm, sorry I don't have time to reply correctly to your messages (maybe tomorrow, but then, I'll be leaving for some days, so I'm not sure), in the meantime, you can find the source here :

In a few words :
 - gz compression seems like a good idea
 - the TI-Planet archives don't feature a version field in the database (see what I did to hackily find the nspire_os already when there wasn't ...)
 - the key would only be for the app store software, so just one key, not for its users.
 - I'm not sure a cache would be such a great idea as the request can vary quite enormously, and the cache would get quite huge (?)
 - with the source now available, you're welcome to contribute :P

Nice start adriweb.
Thanks :)

What is the API key for?
Basically to avoid misuse/abuse of the API by flooding our server from easily doable (big) requests ... :(
So, the simpler it is for the third-party user (app store developers etc.), the better it is.
Here, it's just another variable to pass, vogt suggested the HTTP auth, I'll take a look.

Also don't we want any calc archive site be able to become repository? (i.e. have a TI-Nspire repository API instead of a TI-Planet API).
Well, I suggested that the App Store could read several calc sites indeed, but the reply was that it would be quite difficult to handle multiple versions/duplicates, and such problems.
Ideally... with proper filtering, it could be great to have multiple sources...

But anyway, I can't make any APIs for websites I don't have the DB control ^^

I can also release the API source code, if that helps, only the queries will have to change, the rest is pretty generic.

the current apikey (will change later...) for the appstore is ... the name of the package manager ndless program followed by the number 42.
Right now it's for debugging/coding purposes I guess, but for production, we'll get a new, "secret" api key (and this current one disabled)
Why not HTTP auth?
I'll look into that. How is it different/better ?
But the good side of that is having the possiblity of getting results through an ajax call in JS, for example, while I'm not sure if it's possible with the http auth.
If I do get it to work, I'll try to support the 3 ways.

Could you change the author to be always an array? It's better to use foreach($authors as $author) than if(is_array($author))..
Also, it should be possible to retrieve the apps for a given platform. How else should the appstore fetch all available apps?
Why not. Then, same for the categories.

Also, it should be possible to retrieve the apps for a given platform. How else should the appstore fetch all available apps?
Yeah, for the App Store, I guess I'll have to support that, but this would have to be some kind of "unique" request (like, no more than once every x hours), since it's going to be huge....
I thought of having that supported with some "pages" system. Like, request from 0 to 1000, then 1001 to 2000, etc.

(For now, the max amount of results is 500, and I haven't implemented this "page" system nor the cooldown)

What do you think : page or cooldowned big request ?

All right, I've finished the first version of the TI-Planet API.

Documentation is here :

- search within the archives with filters
- get info about an archive by its id
- output possible in json, xml, php-serialized-array, php-print_r
- get/post requests supported
- http & https supported

tell me what else would be needed for the software

the current apikey (will change later...) for the appstore is ... the name of the package manager ndless program followed by the number 42.
Right now it's for debugging/coding purposes I guess, but for production, we'll get a new, "secret" api key (and this current one disabled)

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