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Messages - alberthrocks

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OTcalc / Re: Let's build our own calculator!
« on: August 07, 2010, 03:15:15 pm »
My goal is to get the OTZ80 to be a little smaller than the TI-8x, but stronger in terms of speed.
And that design looks good :) Just wondering - is it possible to place the arrows in the middle? (horizontally, top)

[OTcalc] Z80-Hardware / Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« on: August 07, 2010, 03:08:29 pm »
Well, as I said, OT Basic (or KOS Basic, whatever) should be superb and easy to write.
Maybe convert TI Basic files too? That's probably really easy.

For ASM programs, a decompiler needs to be written, then a converter which can convert bcalls and such to OTZ80 assembly/programs.

[OTcalc] Z80-Hardware / Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« on: August 07, 2010, 03:01:32 pm »
Well, we're not going to throw away every single fun game written for the TI-8x series, are we? :P

I like the converter idea though. That would be very efficient, and avoid even including any of TI's stuff.
We would still need a Basic editor for TI (er, OT) Basic. Something similar, but with more features.

[OTcalc] Z80-Hardware / Re: eZ80 Hardware Discussion
« on: August 07, 2010, 02:49:29 pm »
And you guys are missing my point. We can do a bigger screen, assuming we just enlarge pixels.
But you still have 2 things to consider:
1) Teacher/student friendliness. We need to make it so that teachers can accept it, students can buy it without complaints, and the testing board can allow it. Having a super big screen isn't going to really help. I'm not against enlarging the screen a little bit, but don't make it into an iPod Touch. :P
2) TI compatibility. That's something interesting, eh? Although we are more or less trying to be better than TI, are we really going to throw years of ASM, Basic, and other TI-8x stuff away? This calc has the potential to run over TI's calcs. If we ever want to see some good stuff from TI-8x programs and applications without endless porting, we need to create a compatibility layer. Of course, programs designed specifically for KOS will do MUCH better, and will even look better too.

[OTcalc] ARM-Hardware / Re: Hardware Discussion
« on: August 07, 2010, 02:42:41 pm »
I was thinking about adding a regular USB slot. Any objections anyone? :)

[OTcalc] ARM-Hardware / Re: Hardware Discussion
« on: August 07, 2010, 02:32:12 pm »
@graphmastur, sircmpwn: I agree. Touchscreens won't work. Editing it off.

@fb39ca4: Well, idk. Battery life is a problem. You really can't get 200 mhz - there's only 600 mhz and 1 GHz.
It's definitely going to be full, 32 bit color (we're more free in this part of the project, and the other ARM based devices have it).

I'm not sure - is there any other dev kits out there that is power efficient?
I think the xM should have improved it's power intake, and the calc also will shut off by its own.

@SirCmpwn: That was for a Z80 calc. This is an ARM calc, aka the calc in which you can stuff plenty of things in.
Including the SD card. ;)
And were you saying you want micro USB or not?
AND the GPU, as I just found out, is integrated. No stealing the GPU now, eh? :P
The GPU is just there for easy 2D/3D stuff with the interface. Nothing else.
Of course, if you wanted to, you could try playing TuxRacer on it... :P

@freezway: Wow, so many new members! ;) Anyway, this is the wrong project to look at for competition against TI-8x calcs. Go here:

[OTcalc] Z80-Hardware / Re: Hardware Discussion
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:40:45 pm »
Hehe, I like 50 mHZ better than 20.... ;) But, I assume 20 MHz is enough speed, right?

[OTcalc] Z80-Software / Re: KOS - OTz80
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:25:07 pm »
@fb39ca4: Oh sorry, I was replying to souvik1997. And yes, emulation can be done for testing, although real hardware is best to test field conditions.

[OTcalc] ARM-Hardware / Hardware Discussion
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:22:57 pm »
A super speedy calc that even makes you look slow!

Let's start the discussion for the OTARM! :)

Processor: OMAP TI Processor SoC, 1 GHz (??)
RAM: 512 MB (??)
ROM: 256 MB (??)
LCD: Colorful display, full color here! I suggest res of 320x240, or higher with same aspect ratio. Also, backlight adjustment is also a good idea.
LCD Driver: Not sure, OMAP core might power it
Touchscreen: ??
Keypad: Nspire like, but not copying them
Ports: Mini USB, regular USB, Eithernet, Video (???), 2.5/3.5mm port (??)
Wifi/Bluetooth: Yes, if possible/allowed. AM/FM radio integration perhaps?

SD Slot: Yes

Dev hardware: BeagleBoard xM (or older), found at
Note that this is DEVELOPER hardware, NOT production hardware. Usually it's modified, recreated for prototype, and then sent for mass production.

Some images of the dev hardware:

Old, non xM one:

Non xM dev hardware is $149, the xM dev hardware is $179.
Check the specs out here:
Non xM:

And here's a link to an example implementation of BeagleBoard:

So after all that.... it boils down to:

1) Which processor do you want: fast or slower one? (Note: xM is 1 GHz, old one is 600 MHz)
2) What other features do you want?
3) What screen (and where)? (And other hardware decisions)

[OTcalc] Z80-Hardware / Re: Hardware Discussion
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:01:20 pm »
SirCmpwn: I like that idea! :) Old calc emulation can just enlarge the pixels. The question is - will it slow down at all?

[OTcalc] Z80-Software / Re: KOS - OTz80
« on: August 07, 2010, 12:45:56 pm »
OTZ80 is a calc project. This community and Cemetech are attempting to build a new calc to sell on the market. This one will compete against the TI-8x series. :)

[OTcalc] Z80-Hardware / Re: Hardware Discussion
« on: August 07, 2010, 12:12:25 pm »
I'm still not sure about that though. We actually need to mimic TI to get the calculator to sell. If it's cheaper but doesn't look like a TI-8x, people will think it can't do anything.

As for screen size, I still think the 96x64 is a good size to work with.
Since we want the old TI programs and others to still run, how are you going to do that with a bigger screen?
Centering it isn't exactly interesting, nor is scaling it up.

[OTcalc] Z80-Hardware / Re: Hardware Discussion
« on: August 07, 2010, 11:33:46 am »
@fb39ca4: Are you sure you're talking about the right device? The OTZ80 will have to stay the same as the regular TI-8x series screen.
The OTARM (this topic is OTZ80) will compete with the Nspire, and have a nice colorful screen :)
The OTZ80 will have a small screen WITH grayscale. ;)

[OTcalc] Z80-Software / Re: KOS - OTz80
« on: August 07, 2010, 11:20:40 am »
@meishe91: You could be a tester though! :) No programming experience required. Photos (also videos, if possible) and words are all that is needed to do testing and debugging. ;)

Also, for those testing, keep in mind that you will be testing the TI version of the OS. For OTZ80, you'll need a serious prototype to run it, and we haven't even finished with the external design/buttons yet! (You'll get a prototype if you are available to test it at that stage.)

Anyway, as long as I can: 1) Get a SilverLink from someone (USB to I/O port), or 2) Be able to open up the calc, remove and install a new USB mini B lead, I'm willing to test this OS out! :)

[OTcalc] Z80-Hardware / Re: Hardware Discussion
« on: August 07, 2010, 11:13:55 am »
@matthias1992: No QVGA. That's a bit too big, especially for this kind of calculator.
No worries though - you'll get a big screen for the ARM based calc (OTARM)! :)
@fb39ca4: Maybe, but no one uses HPs these days. Many students use TI, and then seeing a SD card slot will make it look weird. Just my 2 cents.

Also, this will be an 84 sized calc, with a similar build to it.
In general, some thoughts:

1) SD slots are really not needed. I just can't envision anyone who would really want to do that. And besides, this is a calculator, not a phone/iPod Touch.

2) Mini USB is great. You could also put in a regular USB lead to allow USB devices and such. Of course, that's optional, and we still have to stick to "It's a calculator" rules.

3) Link port works perfectly (with the speaker jack size). I also suggest including a regular link to link cable, USB mini to USB mini cable, and an adapter to work with the TI calcs. (Adapter is optional, you can debate on whether or not to support it)

4) ABCDE is my preference. Not many people know the DVORAK format anyway, so why confuse them with it?

5) There was also a mention of a nice backlight, which would be a really cool idea to use. The OP (matthias1992) might want to include that in the list.

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