TI Z80 / Re: Pokemon Topaze (Axe)
« on: April 07, 2012, 02:03:26 pm »Did the calc asked you to Garbage collect at some point ? (If yes, what did you answer ?)No it never asked it
(est-ce que la calculette a demandé Reorganiser mem a un moment ? (si oui, qu'as tu repondu ?))
Yeah, the PC is not that intuitive, even with the arrows around the number of the box. Sorry TongueNo problem ^^. And I think I am really dumb, I could understand much quicker if I had saw the box's number at the right.
(ouais, c'est vrai que je pouvais faire mieux question intuitivité pour la boite Tongue)
If you are only level 7, I doubt any Pokemon can beat the Onix. I usually use level 12 Butterfree to beat him.I Actually used a Pikachu,Roucool(pidgey) and oddish(mystherbe) lvl 10-12 with no potion.
(au niveau 7, tu risque d'avoir du mal, quelque soit le Pokemon que tu utilise. En general j'utilise un Papilusion niveau 12 pour battre Pierre)