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Messages - apcalc

Pages: 1 ... 92 93 [94] 95 96
Calculator C / Re: Nspire C Development
« on: July 06, 2010, 09:44:55 am »
Here is an example of a program that causes a problem.  It compiles successfully, but when I send it to the calculator it shows the dialog box and then freezes.  Also, this is just the start of a simple tunnel program I was writing to get used to the syntax, at this point, all it should do is show the dialog box and wait until escape is pressed.  Although this code made me discover this problem, it is still there even if I used a completly unmodified version of the Ndless demo (I tried a fresh downloaded copy).

Code: [Select]
#include <os.h>
#include "utils.h"
#include "common.h"

asm(".string \"PRG\"\n");

int main(void) {
unsigned char marker[]={0x18,0x3c,0x7e,0xff};
int c,key,lengthchange,ycord,leftx,length;
unsigned long int score;
float spritepos;
showSimpleDialogBox("TI-Nspire Tunnel","TI-Nspire Tunnel\n\nUse the Left and Right keys to control your ship!");

for(ycord=0;ycord<SCREEN_HEIGHT;ycord++) {
  if (c==0) {
  else if (c==1) {
return 0;

Calculator C / Re: Nspire C Development
« on: July 05, 2010, 11:16:43 pm »
I think I may actually have a problem with my C compiling :(

When I compile the Ndless demo, it runs correctly when you first start it (which led me to believe I had it working) but after crashing the emulator with a few of my own programs, I went back and compiled the demo again.  I discovered, sadly, that the demo runs until I hit a key.  Escape will work to exit the program, but when I press any of the other keys for commands in the program (*,/,t,c) it just freezes.  I have not idea what could be causing this, but I suspect that this may be caused by the newer versio of YAGARTO that I am using.  I had to edit the makefile (source below) and I thought I did everything right, but I may be wrong.  Also, although the esc key works in the demo, it will not work in any other programs I make, even if I just take all of the code out of the Ndless demo except the escape part. Does anyone here know what could be causing this? Thank you very much for your help!

Edit- In case this is needed, I am on Windows 7 using MinGW, MSYS, and YAGARTO
Code: [Select]
//Make File

AS = arm-none-eabi-as
ASFLAGS = -mcpu=arm7tdmi
GCC = arm-none-eabi-gcc
GCCFLAGS = -mcpu=arm7tdmi -Os -Wall -W -fpic -fno-merge-constants
LD = arm-none-eabi-ld
OBJCOPY = arm-none-eabi-objcopy
OBJ = main.o syscalls.o utils.o vector.o particle.o particle_system.o gravity_particles.o

all: demo


demo: $(OBJ)
@rm -rf [email protected]
$(GCC) $(GCCFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -T $(SYSTEMDIR)/ldscript $(SYSTEMDIR)/crt0.s $^ -o [email protected]
$(OBJCOPY) -O binary [email protected] [email protected]
mkdir -p ../../res/$(NSPIRE_HARDWARE)
$(TOOLSDIR)/MakeTNS/MakeTNS [email protected] ../../res/$(NSPIRE_HARDWARE)/[email protected]
rm -f [email protected] [email protected]

.PHONY: clean

@rm -rf *.bin *.elf *.o

Other Calculators / TI-Nspire OS 2.1 out in two weeks???
« on: July 04, 2010, 09:45:39 pm »
I am sorry if this has already been reported, but today I was reading some posts on the nspire google group and I came across this:

TI's website confirms these facts:

Apparently, they are only adding three things, which are described on TI's page.  I hope they don't add any other things that block us from downgrading or running assembly programs.

EDIT--I included the wrong link in the original post.  Thanks DJ Omnimaga for pointing this out. :)

TI Z80 / Re: The Impossible Game
« on: July 04, 2010, 09:02:58 pm »
This game is looking nice! I wish I could try it, but I don't own any Z80 calcs.  I have an Nspire, but it is downgraded to run Ndless, so I can't send any 84 programs to it. :(

Edit- I just lost "The Game" when I read the title of this game. :(

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: July 04, 2010, 10:43:06 am »
I am happy I have never had a dream like that ^^ :)

385. Because you experienced 384, you now stay up all night programming.

Calculator C / Re: arm-elf-gcc Compiling error
« on: July 04, 2010, 10:41:14 am »
You need arm-elf-gcc. Try downloading an older version of Yagarto (the version I have installed under WINE says 23.12.2009).

For all new Nspire developers, I do not think the old version of Yagarto (23.12.2009) is available on the website anymore.  To switch to the new version, download and then, In the Makefile, replace "arm-elf-" with "arm-none-eabi-".  This should let you use the new versio (it worked for me).

Calculator C / Nspire C Development
« on: July 03, 2010, 11:02:45 pm »
Hi.  I have been trying to set up a C development environment for my computer (running Windows 7).  In the Ndless development readme, it says, after downloading MinGW to "* Copy Ndless/Makefile.config.tpl to Ndless/Makefile.config and configure the latter".  I am kind of new to C programming/programming in general and using things like the command prompt on the computer and I have no idea what this statement means.  Could someone explain what I have to do in this step?  Thank you in advance!!

Also, Do I only need to downlaod MinGW, MSYS, and YAGARTO, or do I need the other files listed below in the readme?  Thanks! :)

EDIT *********************

Nevermind. I was able to compile the Ndless demo tonight, so I think I am ok!!!!!!!

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: July 03, 2010, 10:16:45 pm »
371. You argue with the manager at "Blue Lobster" because they insist the the restuarunt name is "Red Lobster"
372. You have extra rubber grips in case one falls off your calculator
373. You painted your bedroom with pictures of calculators
374. Your SAT math score would drop significantly if you didn't have your calculator
375. You have a room of your house dedicated to storing you calculators and calc-related parts
376. The room in 375 has the same paint design as the room in 373

TI Z80 / Re: The Impossible Game
« on: July 03, 2010, 10:06:12 pm »
It dosen't really look that bad to me.  Also, in the video you posted the scrolling is not as perfect as it is in your first screen shot.  Still, I think the game looks great!

TI-Nspire / Re: Virus to crack RSA for nspire? :P
« on: July 01, 2010, 05:56:55 pm »
I was thinking: if we used ndless, could we ever access the area of the memory to change the factor required? We could make our own rsa key and replace ti's (making a key takes like 3 seconds)

I really don't know much about this, but I don't think TI would make it that easy on us.  If that was the case, I would think that the same thing would have been done to get the keys for all of the other calcs.

TI 68K / Re: z80 emulation on 68k
« on: June 30, 2010, 08:08:17 pm »
I am by no means an expert on programming (all I know is TI-BASIC and a little C) but I question if this would be possible.  I think calc84mainiac, who is writing a TI-89 emulator for the TI-Nspire, said that it would run slower than the actual calc despite the fact that the Nspire is (i think) 150 MHz.  Also, since TI is essentinally phasing out all 68k calcs in favor of the Nspire, I don't know how many 68k programmers are left. The number of new good programs for 68k calcs has dropped dramatically in the past few years.  I would love to try to do this, but I only know a little bit of C (I am in the process of learning) and I don't think a good emulator can be written in C; likewise, I would have no idea where to start when writing an emulator.

Miscellaneous / Re: Birthday
« on: June 28, 2010, 02:53:50 pm »
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day!

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: June 27, 2010, 10:09:37 pm »
344. When you need a break from doing homework, you just program
345. You are more worried about fixing a bug in you program than getting your AP scores
346. You hack the code of a calculator game if you can't win
347. You own at least two of every calculator made by Texas Instruments
348. Same as 347, but with HP and Casio
349. You would actually by a Texas Instruments computer because you are addicted to TI
350. You would do 349 in order to drive them crazy by hacking everything they make
351. You use your calculator more during the summer than you do during the school year
352. If TI doesn't answer a simple question that you e-mail them, you keep sending the questoin until they answer it.
353. You delibratly send TI questions you know that the TI reps. can't answer just to laugh at their response (I do this a lot :))
354. TI has ignored several of your legitimate questions because of all of your random questions (This happens to me a lot :)).

300: Thanks to a few minutes of programming at the beginning of the period, you finish tests in half the time that everyone else takes.

I have done this so many times.  I am happy my teacher does not even touch my calculator before or after tests.  She had made me use my TI-Nspire instead of my TI-89 on my final because she knew it could do more math wise, but thanks to a few minutes of programming the night before (radical simplifer, facotring trinomials) I was able to do about 90% of the problems completly on my calc. :)

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: June 20, 2010, 04:56:57 pm »
116- You fall into severe depression if you have to go for more than 24 hours without using a calc or visiting omni.
117- You have a backup of you calculator data with you at all times in case you crash your calc and lose all data
118- You backup your entire memory at least twice a day, if not more
119- You want to cry when you see people using graphing calcs as four function calculators (which is everyone in my school except me :))
120- You can go completly unnoticed when you play games on your calc in school

Sadly, I think about half of these reasons actually apply to me :)

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: June 19, 2010, 11:32:12 pm »
85. Instead of writing "Let x=..." you write (BASIC) Define x=...,(C) int x; x=...;
86. You write out "5^6", with the "^" symbol (I have acutally done this one before)
87. Your teacher relies on you to teach them how to do things on a calculator
88. You can't sleep until you fix all bugs in your programs
89. You spend all of your free time in school programming
90. You can amaze people with stupid math programs (like a quadratic solver)

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