One small issue: When using the clickpad hardware, I can't get the game to load, but when I switch to the touchpad, everything works fine.
Hmm, that's not a small issue, that's huge! Does it freeze the calculator? Reset once you run it? Or just not run at all? I've never encountered anything like that, but then again I don't have a Clickpad...
If freezes on the "Loading" screen when I run it using the clickpad. I have to pull the keypad and pull a battery to get it to go back to normal. Its been a little while since I tested it, as I have not used my Nspire much, but when I get a chance, I will test it again!
Well, technically, I would say that this is only a double post, as the first was created automatically by the download system when Ashbad uploaded his file. Nonetheless, the next two should probably have been merged.
Out of the three languages I know, I prefer C. Although, this could be because I have more experience/usage with C than any other language. TI-BASIC is nice, but it does have many drawbacks, like speed. As for Java, I still prefer C to it, as I still can't say I 'love' the features of an Object-oriented programming language.
Wow! This is certainty starting to look very amazing! I am confident my friends in school (who have all resorted to calc gaming during homeroom ) will want to try this when they see it!
That's all! Now to add an idea to the ring - someone should create an app/prgm that lets you have everything new in 2.53, sans bugs or slowness! This includes MathPrint (if possible), and the new commands, esp those in the Alpha-F1-4 menu (in the "smart" navigation form, if possible).
A complete CAS for the Z80. That's what we need
I would strongly suggest to start small and implement my idea first. Seriously - CASes are no joke. They are some serious mathematical logic. AMS (from TI-89) was made when TI was a smart company. These days? I doubt they could do anything...
On a sidenote, I should really create an awesome suggestion/implementation box linked to this forum. It would be AWESOME! Unfortunately, I don't have time atm, so I'll plant a memory box here:
Spoiler For Mini Memory Box, please ignore!:
PHP based, with MySQL database. Interface should be like this: Except with + and - and yadda yadda things on the right side of each bar, plus a comment link. Hopefully forum integration can occur where when a suggestion is made, a new topic is created, as well as comments being replies. (And they sync back and forth) Users in omnimaga are transferred over to the suggestion system. a person can mark an idea as "working on it", in which the person obviously works on the thing. When they're done, they can upload the program/app, and mark it as done. After 5 days, if there's no complaint, it will be moved to the "epic win"/"success" category!
This will probably be hosted as a subdomain - brainstorm, ideacentral, innocalc, etc.
Similar to this will be made - ProjectFrenzy!, but with a bug reporting system as well (looking like this), plus it will only be limited to one project (the other is suggestion project ideas!)
As always, it's up to the admins on whether or not to implement such a thing. This is an open idea - you are free to go ahead and implement this idea before I do.
TI did not create the CAS in the 89 (or the Nspire CAS, for that matter). It was made by a company called Soft Warehouse, which TI would later purchase.
The calc course in my school was telling the students how wonderful the nspire is with 2.1... until I gave em ndless 1.7 after downgrading their nspires. The teacher was ppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddd
Wait, your school has a calc course!
* apcalc is jealous
Good job distributing Ndless. I am sure the teacher met a lot of protest trying to get them to upgrade!