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Messages - ben_g

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 ... 71
Minecraft Discussion / Re: Others unable to connect to server
« on: April 06, 2014, 06:59:09 pm »
Did you remember to update the ip it should forward to? It's possible that your router tries to forward the packets to your old laptop.

TI Z80 / Re: [axe] 2D minecraft game
« on: April 04, 2014, 04:25:11 pm »
I think the links got broken because of the forum update.

I've reuploaded the files and attached them to this post.

MINECR999.8xp is the executable (MirrageOS iirc), MINESRC0.8xp is the main source file, and GENWRLD2.8xp is the world generator source.
To compile, make sure that you have both the main source and the source for the world generator on your calc, and compile MINESRC0. I think I used axe 1.0.3 for this game, but I doubt that I used anything version specific, so it'll probably work in most recent axe versions.

Web Programming and Design / Re: My 404 pages
« on: April 04, 2014, 03:25:27 pm »
I like the "catch me" one :P
yay for Tab + Enter :P

Axe / Re: Running Basic in Axe from an application
« on: April 04, 2014, 03:13:02 pm »
I don't know why that code wouldn't work in an application, but if you really can't find a way to do it, then I guess you can copy that asm code to a temporary program, or to a ram page, and run it from there.

Gaming Discussion / Re: Wanting to trade Mirror's Edge - Steam
« on: March 31, 2014, 04:33:09 pm »
I have Faster Than Light, which I never play. I heard that it was about the same price. That's my only steam game that isn't freeware.

Well, they give a fairly accurate description about how it works, so if you have the materials, I'd say try it for yourself.

But first of all: they lit the light bulb with only one AA battery. That kind of batteries has a voltage of only 1.5V per cell, which is not nearly enough to power a standard light bulb. Even an LED needs more than 1.5V to light up, especially a blue/while one like in the video.
It is, however, possible to increase the voltage using an op-amp. This can be built-in into the light bulb and this way, a low voltage energy source (like the AA battery) will be able to power an energy-efficient type of lamp (like a LED). So, while this doesn't prove that the video is wrong, this already indicates that the lamp is certainly not a standard lamp.

There are also facts that support the video, though. Let's start with the fan: It contains a DC electric motor, which is meant to convert DC electricity into motion. This also works in reverse; when you rotate the axis of a DC electric motor, there is an electrical tension generated between the contacts of the motor. And as the lamp seems to require only a tiny bit of elektricity (see the paragraph above), this fan should be able to power it when it acts like some kind of windmill.
Then there's the fact that two opposite magnetic poles attract each other, while similar poles try to push each other away. In the video, it looks like the magnets are pushing eachother away, which in itself is physically perfectly possible.
BUT there are more than two magnets in this rig, and the magnetic fields of those other magnets will lickely distort each other, giving slightly different results than you may expect.
And while the magnetic forces push one magnet of the fan out of place, an other magnet has to take it's place. And physically speaking, the magnet taking the place of the previous one should require a force to get in it's place equal to the force that the magnet going away from the one you hold provides.

Finally, there's still the fact that magnets, once placed on a magnetic field opposite to their own, will gradually lose their magnetic force. So if it works, it won't provide you with electricity for ever.

In conclusion: It will most lickely not work, and if it does, then it will only provide a small amount of electricity, and it won't last forever. So in this case, it's actually some kind of battery. B[size=78%]ut anyway, I'd love to be wrong on this one.[/size]

Miscellaneous / Re: Calc Wars
« on: March 24, 2014, 12:43:07 pm »
I need help on deciding what sort of 3D animation software to use. My one sticking point is that the sotware must be 1) Free and 2) Not Blender.
Well, as far as I know, Blender is the best (or at least most popular) free animation software. If you really dn't want it, you could try a product from DAZ 3D. They released their software for free ('for a limited time', but as far as I know, they still do that). I'm not sure if they can render annimations though.
There's also a software called 'annim8or', but I found it quite limited.

If none of these are what you want, then you might want to check out if you can get a free student lisence for Maya or 3DS MAX. I know Maya can render annimations well, and 3DS max is the editor most commonly used in professional game design. Again, I'm not fully sure on how well 3DS Max can render annimations.

Computer Usage and Setup Help / Re: Need computer help ASAP
« on: March 19, 2014, 02:47:55 pm »
I got a very similar problem when updating my windows 8 laptop to windows 8.1. Explorer.exe didn't refuse to start on my laptop, but it kept crashing and restarting over and over again. I tried several things back then, but the only thing that worked for me was a system restore and downgrading to windows 8.0.

TI Z80 / Re: GLIB a graphics axe 3d librairy
« on: March 16, 2014, 09:25:35 am »
It sounds good, but what is this test really based on? Is it only transforming vertices from world space to screen space or is it drawing stuff too?

The Axe Parser Project / Re: [Axiom] Floating Point Math (and other stuff)
« on: February 28, 2014, 03:48:11 pm »
WARNING: untested code

I think the following code should do the trick:
Code: [Select]

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Quadratic Burd Solver
« on: February 28, 2014, 03:26:38 am »
How to run it btw? I get "A java exception error has occured" ???
Unzip it before running. Then it should work.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Omnimaga in 2015
« on: February 27, 2014, 09:38:25 am »
Quadratic solver and flappy bird clone combined? Sounds like a great, evil idea  :evillaugh:

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: hosting with streaming
« on: February 26, 2014, 06:49:04 pm »
You can also host video files on youtube and embed them where you need them to limit the bandwith usage. And if you don't need them embedded, then iirc VLC media player can stream video files when you enter a direct link to the file.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Weird/funny pictures thread
« on: February 25, 2014, 02:22:51 pm »
Also this poster is everywhere :

There are similar ones here in Belgium as well. The design is slightely different and it's in Dutch, but it still says "The Game".

* Ben_g loses the game every time he sees those.

TI-Nspire / Re: nGL - a fast (enough) 3D engine for the nspire
« on: February 22, 2014, 07:28:29 pm »
You are using fixed-points, right? Well, then you can kinda cheat a bit by setting the coordinates to e.g. 0.1 and 15.9 instead of 0 and 16. It's just as fast as the previous code, but after experimenting a bit with the values, you can get rid of the lines witouth visuall distorting the texture.

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