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Messages - ben_g
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« on: November 14, 2013, 01:01:12 pm »
But if you make the program edit it's data, just make sure that you can also save it back, because if you don't, all the changes will remain if the player starts a new game.
« on: November 13, 2013, 04:39:47 pm »
About the poll:The poll is to decide what would be the best graphical style. These are the screenshots: 'old' b&w graphics | 'new' grayscale graphics | | |
Original post:Hi, As you might know, Themachine created a great axe library to make 3D things in axe. While he is working on making his lib easyer to use, creating models with it is still rather inconvenient, as it requires you to fill in the raw point data. This is fine for a cube, but for anything more complex, it can help to have a more visual way of doing it. That is why I started working on a simple model editor. For now, it can only add vertices and move them, but I plan on adding more funtionality as soon as more tutorials are available. The planned functionalities are connecting vertices by lines and polygons and exporting models <format not yet planned>. If you have suggestions for what to add, please post. There isn't much more I can say about it yet, but I do have a screenshot of it in action:
« on: November 13, 2013, 03:48:32 pm »
GOt an Idea: The Impossible Game at 25MHz...
I think that it would be too fast for the screen. It's already very blurry on 15MHz, so on 25MHz, you won't see a thing.
« on: November 13, 2013, 03:34:57 pm »
the 83+se overclock and overclocking the 84+se are two completily different beasts the 84+se doesnt have the pads that the 83+se does so its virtually impossible to overclock and if you cant figure out how to do it from kerms posts I feel you dont have enough experiance soldering/ doing ee work to trust you not to break your calculator.ive had plenty of experiance with working on fine pitch hardware.
Sorry, but could you repost this in English? (no offense)
Also as cool as getting overclocked calcs would be, did you ask permission to the participants first? Maybe they want a normal calc to run games for them, which means that if overclocked, some games might run too fast to be playable. (Unless you're adding a switch that allows the contest winner to switch between 15 MHz and other modes)
If you look at the program telling the CPU speeds, you see that he just unlocked the 2 faster speed modes, but it still has a 6MHz and 15MHz speed, which means that games will still run at the correct speed, and only games that use the extra modes will gain advantage of it (and maybe the OS as well, if it's patched to do this).
« on: November 13, 2013, 12:39:48 pm »
I think there isn't much that can be done, since the entire image seems stretched, I doubt there would be much of a difference. What would need to be done is making it really full screen resolution (not stretched to full screen or anything).
The main problem with this is that elimination is a raycaster, which means that some complicated (for the z80) calculations have to be done for every collum of pixels, so if you increase the resolution to fullscreen, a lot more of those complicated calculations have to be done, which slows it down a lot. That is why most raycasters have a reduced resolution.
« on: November 13, 2013, 12:36:08 pm »
If you handled the sensitive components of the computer on the carpet as it appears in the image, and you didn't take any measures to reduce static electricity, then it's very lickely that it broke. Some components of a computer are extremely sensitive to static electricity, especially the CPU.
« on: November 13, 2013, 11:29:48 am »
So a little bump to this. I ordered some parts from digikey and overclocked 2 83+se's for omnimaga's contest. they can be found here
Whats next. Make an OS patch that stops the Ti-OS from interfering with the setting. Make sure all external functions work, and finally set up a set of hot keys to arbitrarily change hot keys as long as the Ti-OS interrupt is running.
After I get that done I might offer overclocking services for a fee because its not a hard soldering job but if your not practiced its very easy to mess up. 0603 parts are small
Are the parts in the same place in the ti-48+? And could you post a small tutorial/description of how to do it yourself, together with a list of the parts needed?
« on: November 11, 2013, 04:37:02 pm »
Oh, I just assumed that it was wrong because it was different in the tuturial as in the full code. I don't really know many of the axe optimisation tricks.
« on: November 11, 2013, 04:09:06 pm »
This is a good and easy to follow tutorial, and I was amazed at the speed of this thing: 55fps on 6MHz and 75fps on 15MHz! * ben_g is deffinately going to use this in some programs. I did notice a small mistake in the full code, though: you did rect(,{°GVertex+2}r,2,2 instead of Rect( {°GVertex}r,{°GVertex+2}r,2,2 It is correct in the tutorial itself, but I thougth it would be best to report this.
« on: November 10, 2013, 02:09:26 pm »
I'll try to write a simple program like that, but I don't know yet if it'll work.
EDIT: I attached the program to my post. It is tested and worked, but as I wrote it as fast as possible, it could be a bit unstable, use at your own risk.
How to use it: First, fill in the extensions of the files you want to view in the textboxes (you can use up to 10 extensions, leave the ones you aren't using blank). Then, use the file shooser to select the directory in which you want to look for files. When you click open on the file shooser, the window will close and a new window will open, which displays the name of the first file with a correct extension, with the options to keep or delete it. Keep moves on to the next file, delete deletes it and moves on to the next one after that. Once it has reached the last file, the program will exit.
EDIT2: I have updated the program. It now looks trough 1 level of subfolders and it prints the first 50 lines of each file in the console.
« on: November 10, 2013, 08:39:48 am »
It looks supprisingly well, but if you have to scale so many images at runtime, isn't 'normal' 3D or raycasting more efficient? EDIT: but if they are pre-rendered (or rendered at the start of the program) it would indeed be more efficient.
« on: November 07, 2013, 05:57:14 pm »
- turning pixels on and off perfectly in sync with the display driver: while this is very uncommon, this can be damaging to your screen (not nearly as bad as blue lines of death, but it's still best to avoid). If this is happening, some pixels wil be lighter than normal white pixels, and others will be darker than black pixels.
What? (I'm confused as to how this is bad, maybe I don't understand what you were saying) ...
I meant what Runer said as the thing that looked interesting: ... However, flashing large areas of the screen on and off together near the LCD's refresh rate is not fine. It may look interesting, but don't do it.
« on: November 07, 2013, 04:47:03 pm »
Greyscale is not bad for the screen. The things that are bad for the ti-84+ screen are: - blue lines of death (a.k.a. "test mode"): one or multiple blue horizontal lines on the screen. This can destroy the LCD if left on for too long (a minute or so), so pull a battery as fast as you can when this happens. - leaving it on for too long: as with all screens, leaving the LCD on for too long (here, too long means a day or more) with the same image on it will "burn it in", which basically means that some spots will be darker than others (even when the screen is turned off). - turning pixels on and off perfectly in sync with the display driver: while this is very uncommon, this can be damaging to your screen (not nearly as bad as blue lines of death, but it's still best to avoid). If this is happening, some pixels wil be lighter than normal white pixels, and others will be darker than black pixels. (EDIT: this) The only issue is that they drain batteries twice faster, especially ASM games with nearly perfect grayscale.
Does grayscale really use more battery power? I thought that most games (running at the same CPU speed) drain the battery equally because most of them use 100% CPU (meaning they never put the processor in halt/low power mode).
« on: November 05, 2013, 12:53:51 pm »
This looks great, and it seems to be fast too.
However, sometimes, there seem to be glitchy horizontal black or white lines. Does this happen on a real calc as well or is it because of the screen capturing software?
BTW: does this already work for all polygons or only solid black ones?
« on: November 03, 2013, 03:33:57 pm »
I have already done multiple attempts to get ti-lp to work on this windows 8 laptop, but every time i try to use it, my usb ports just stop working. It never finds the calculator, and it also can't detect other usb devices, like flash drives, regardless of the usb port they were inserted in (Not only the port the calc was in). It stays like this untill the computer is restarted.
After a while, I got tired of this problem and installed Ti-connect, but Ti-Connect seems to have the exact same problem. The usb ports also stop working from the moment Ti-Connect is launched.
This made me think that this problem could be related to windows 8, and I heared from a friend that Ti-Lp works better on Ubuntu, so I used a virtual machine (VM Player) with ubuntu. While the virtual machine was running, I tested it with a flash drive, and it was detected fine in ubuntu(but called "128MB file system" instaed of "MP3 flash drive" like in windows), witouth windows giving me a pop-up about a flash drive being inserted. I think that this means that the virtual machine has full control over the usb ports. Then I downloaded tilp from the ubuntu store, connected a calculator and ran it. And again, it didn't find a calculator, and just like in windows, all usb ports stopped working, and not only in ubunto, when I swhitched back to windows, the problem remained. This made me think that the problem might be hardware-related.
Does anyone know the cause of this idea, a fix for it, or something else that I can try to get it to work?
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