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Messages - ben_g

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21] 22 23 ... 71
TI Z80 / Re: Motherload
« on: August 14, 2013, 03:49:38 pm »
You can save the seed in the save file.

TI Z80 / Re: Motherload
« on: August 14, 2013, 03:29:35 pm »
If you want to make it generate levels, can't you generate them at runtime and only save the things that change during gameplay (like positions of enemies)? I wouldn't mind having loading areas when you move to an other part of the map.

Other / Re: The use of a tablet ?
« on: August 10, 2013, 04:46:39 pm »
That just looks like a laptop falling apart... Especially the one on the right.

Other / Re: The use of a tablet ?
« on: August 10, 2013, 04:18:59 pm »
Finally, an other important factor may be that you can get them for free in a lot of places.
Bring me to one of those places lol. I have never heard of such a thing (I don't say "LIES !", I just say that if that happened in France, there was not much advertising about it).
Have you never seen an advert on tv where you get a free tablet when you buy something? Or an advert in a magazine where you get a free tablet with a subscription?
I once got a tablet for free when buying printer ink, and 2 of my cousins got a tablet for free when buying a tv.

EDIT: an other argument: Most people don't have graphing calcs, or don't know their potential, so they start looking for things to replace it with, and a tablet is a candidate for that.

Other / Re: The use of a tablet ?
« on: August 10, 2013, 02:23:26 pm »
A samsung galaxy note is a tablet, not a smartphone (or at least, there are tablets that are called samsung galaxy note)

But basically, people buy tablets because they're a lot lighter than laptops. And a tablet doesn't need much space in a backpack, where as a laptop takes up almost half of the backpack. Further, there's the battery life. Most laptops have a very crappy battery that only manages to power it for an hour or two, while a tablet can often last a lot longer witouth needing a recharge. This makes it very suitable to use it in a train, bus, boat,...
An other argument for tablets is that they have tons of free or cheap games, that are very aesy to download and install.
And for the touch screen, it makes it look and feel more modern, and it makes the device a lot more user-friendly. Even very young children (from 4-5 years) can use a tablet because of it's touch screen.
Finally, an other important factor may be that you can get them for free in a lot of places. And some other people may buy them because 'everyone' has got one these days.

Oh, and by the way, they are useful to have an even surface to move the mouse on when your using your laptop while sitting in the couch (yes, I did that once).

Ooh, an other jMonkeyEngine coder.

The combination of voxels and fps seems quite interesting. I can't wait to see how the gameplay turns out.

I noticed that the video is quite laggy. jMonkeyEngine has a video recorder appstate. Maybe you'll get better results if you use that.

BTW: did you code your own voxel engine or did you use a plugin?

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Back to cretaceous
« on: August 08, 2013, 06:34:13 pm »
I just decided that it might be better to update this topic a bit more often. That way, you guys know how the project is coming along, and for me, writing about it makes me more motivated to do more.

Since my previous post, I've done a lot of programming. This is what I've done:
 - I have created a crafting interface. This works by having a central item, and on the sides of the item, you can add more items. When you've laid out a combination that matches a recipe, you can craft the item. There's a textbox next to the craft button to decide how many times you want to craft, and the result (item + amount) you will get after crafting one time is displayed. Next to the crafting grid, there's a list that contains the recipes that can still be made by expanding the already present items on the grid.
The only thing left to do here is making the interface give you hints abouth how to make a recipe selected from the list of possible recipes. Adding/moving items in the crafting interface or between the inventory and the interface is done by drag&drop.

 - The entity system is slightely improved. Okay, this doesn't really change anything gameplay-wise, but it makes it easier for me to add more entities with having to worry less abouth crashes (in the previous system, they were poorly initialized), and it made it possible to add:

 - An interaction system! A simple interaction system was already present in previous versions, but this one is a lot better. Firstly, it allows the player to interact by using items on entities. This is done by dragging an item from the inventory and dropping it on the entity you want to use it on. Secondly, the interaction system is now entity-based, which again makes it easier for me to add new ways of interacting with new entities, without having to worry a lot abouth typing mistakes. And finally, the interactions with entities give feedback, which makes it possible to make interactions do more than just change the entity. For example using a key on a door could destroy the key while opening the door (zelda style).

 - You can chop down trees again! This feature has also been present in previous versions, but it has been temporarily taken out because I converted the tree from being a model with interaction data stored in it's name and a controller class (for usage in the old interaction system) into an entity. The tree entity also has the added feature of supporting multiple types of trees with different propperties (like the time needed to chop them down), and it can react differently on different types of axes. The way you cut down the trees has slightely changed as well: instaed of right-clicking them with an axe in your inventory, you have to drag an axe from your inventory and drop it on the tree.

I've also fixed some things in the multiplayer controller class that were poorly initialized.

That's what I've done in that time. And as soon as I've improved the graphics of the new interfaces, I'll post some screenshots or a video.

Miscellaneous / Re: Awesome pictures thread
« on: August 08, 2013, 01:29:04 pm »
Wait ... is that your desktop background? O.O

Anyway, it reminds me of this:

Except that that's a demo of pure-JavaScript graphics, not an image.
That really looks awesome. I think it looks better than HD renders.

Site Feedback and Questions / Re: Signatures & ponies
« on: August 07, 2013, 09:19:08 am »
I have cleaned up mine. Is it ok like this or should I remove the dead project? I let it in for now because multiple people have asked for the source code.

Gaming Discussion / Re: 100 Games that are hard to 100%
« on: August 06, 2013, 01:15:35 pm »
Has this already been mentioned? Games where you can't win and you can't lose.
Eg: Minecraft, Garry's Mod to name a few.
Well, for minecraft, I'm gonna say that getting 100% would entail mining/processing every block in the in-game world, which is 10 million * 10 million, IIRC. So, hard to 100%, to say the least.
I guess that for minecraft, getting into the end and killing the ender dragon counts as finishing it, as you then see the credits. You don't have to process every block to win, same as you don't have to kill everyone of the other side to win a war.

Humour and Jokes / Re: The awkward moment when...
« on: August 02, 2013, 05:27:40 pm »
The awkward moment when you're in a place where they speak a foreign language and say something in that language you've searched on the internet (something like asking the bill in a restaurant), then get an answar in that foreign language and you don't understand anything of it...

True story for me, and maybe some of you recougnize this as well.

Miscellaneous / Re: Awesome pictures thread
« on: August 02, 2013, 02:10:32 pm »
Using multiple monitors is cool, but isn't 6 a bit too much? You can't possibly watch them all at the same time , can you? Besides, it'll probably take up a lot of RAM and CPU.

Miscellaneous / Re: Random YouTube Videos
« on: August 01, 2013, 06:17:05 pm »

Axe / Re: Problem with shooter code
« on: August 01, 2013, 05:49:39 pm »
Also note that Axe is not Basic. The main difference being that Axe is compiled while Basic is not. This means that "forgetting" parentheses in Basic saves space in the executable and in the source (since they are the same), but in Axe, that doesn't save anything for the executable. And saving space in the source only is not useful except if you have a 83+ non-SE. Otherwise, I'd advise you to close your parentheses to avoid mistakes such as writing A+(C=1→A which you understand as A+(C=1)→A but which the parser understands as A+(C=1→A).
Ah yes. I've been coding with ti-basic for a while and its sorta confusing because my brain is still thinking on how I'd do a program in ti-basic when here things like speed dont matter as much.
Even when you code in axe, it's bets to try limit the size of the executable as much as possible and making it as fast and optimized as possible. Axe is a great and powerfull language, but the calc's hardware is very limited. When you have to handle a lot of objects at once, that work really pays off.

Other Calculators / Re: Your calculator names
« on: July 30, 2013, 05:59:05 pm »
I just call it "Mijn grafisch rekenmachien" (="my graphing calc"), or, when it's clear that I'm talking abouth the calc, "da ding" (="That thing")

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