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Messages - ben_g

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 [25] 26 27 ... 71
Humour and Jokes / Re: Making up code for you habits
« on: June 06, 2013, 01:38:55 pm »
Code: [Select]
public static void getUp(){

Gaming Discussion / Re: Show off your Rollercoaster Tycoon parks!
« on: June 05, 2013, 03:27:46 pm »
Does anyone remember the Omnimaga themed park I posted about? I'll try too dig up the file later...
Also, I can't play RCT3 since got scratched on the disc... ughhhhh.
Maybe you can find it on the internet somewere? Normally, if you still have the disk, it should be legal to have a copy of it on your computer.

TI-BASIC / Re: Can StorePic damage Flash ROM? (84+CSE)
« on: June 02, 2013, 04:32:43 pm »
I guess you can test it by filling the memory of your CSE untill it can only store a few images, then call storePic a few times. If it starts garbage collecting, you know it can't be used in games.(That is, assuming that pics are handled as normal files, and that the calc doesn't reset the pages the pic is on every time you call storePic)

I voted, Ti-84 because I would assume that there are more Ti- 84 users than 89 right?
Not really, in France 82 are majoritary, then 83+ (non SE) come, then Nspires, then 89T, then others. I only know 4 calcs in my class which termination have a "84" in here, and I own two of them. The other ones are a 84+ and a 84+SE.
It depents on your location. Here in Belgium, the 84+(BE) is the most used graphing calc. At the second place, there's the 83+. Any other kind of calculator is very rare.

Humour and Jokes / Re: The awkward moment when...
« on: May 31, 2013, 07:10:26 pm »
When you've just sent an email, and then realize you have forgotten something in it.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi, it's Stolen Goods.
« on: May 25, 2013, 04:32:55 am »
The peauts are a tradition here. Everytime when a new member arrives, we give him loads off peanut.
Ha e some more!

Miscellaneous / Re: Religion Discussion
« on: May 24, 2013, 04:38:04 pm »
It is a bit off-topic, but I would like to bring it to attention that the post rating system is meant only for the quality of the posts. Reading trough this thread, I get the feeling that the upvoting and downvoting buttons are sometimes used to express wether or not you agree with the opinions in the posts. Especially posts written by a religious persons seem to have a much lower avarage rating that posts made by a scientific person.
It might be just a coincidence, but I just wanted to point this out.

To make this post not completely off-topic, I'll add a relevant statement:
We have already discussed wether or not God exists, and while it's true that the arguments given by the believers are a bit vague, it does not actually seem that important if He is real or not. You might become a better person by just believing in Him, and your belief in Him can also add a lot of mental support. And almost all religious persons agree that God doesn't influence our lives (directly). So, does it realy matter that much that He exists or not?

Miscellaneous / Re: Yearbook
« on: May 23, 2013, 01:32:27 pm »
I think a digital yearbook would be better than a real one. It should be only approximately the same work to make as a real one, but it's far easyer to distribute, it allows animated images/screenshots, and it's easy too look thinks up using CTRL+F.

Miscellaneous / Re: Religion Discussion
« on: May 22, 2013, 03:04:46 pm »
Also, if there is a God, then there is proof that he is a Christian God. He has to be omnipotent, He has to be all-merciful, and He has to be all-Good. Nothing good can come from an evil creator.
Why can't anything good come from an evil creator? Didn't God create everything, so evil as well? And if evil can come from a good creator, why won't an evil creator be able to create something good?
EDIT: don't understand this statement wrong. I'm not trying to prove that God is evil. I'm just asking a question.

Also as far as I know nobody has ever seen evolution take place.
And as far as I know, nobody has ever seen God create a species. But nobody having seen it take place doesn't nessicarely mean it didn't happen.

Miscellaneous / Re: Religion Discussion
« on: May 21, 2013, 04:38:59 pm »
In science, all proof is based on what we think is true. A lot of the theories in science either have their proof based on other theories, or just seem to 'work' in formulas, but aren't fully proven. When you look at it that way, you can see science as a religion, in which you have to believe in the not (fully) proven theories, and in the mathematics that connects and 'proves' those theories.
Nope, simply because religions and sciences are not in contradiction. Sciences and religions are not at all the same thing.
I know science and religion aren't the same thing. Science is very wide, but I was mainly referring to the part that tries to explain how our world was created (theories around the big bang) and how humans were created (theorie of evolution).
Abouth the other parts of science, I think most of us agree that if you drop a ball it gets pulled down by gravity, and that birds can fly because of the shape of their wings.

Probably the main difference between science and religion is that science has some applications in our current lives, while religion is often mostly based on the afterlife.
Religion is not only based on the afterlife. It does have applications on the present.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't really think of an application of religion in our present lives. But religion is at least partially directed at the afterlife, while science stops at death.

Personally, I believe in science. I believe that the big bang created the universe, and that humans evolved from other live forms. It just seems the most logical to me. And what has triggered the big bang? We'll never know. It's one of the mysteries of life, a gap that science will never be able to fill.
The idea that a god creates everything feels more like moving the problem. The fact that you just have to believe that He always existed, and that he is a creature so advanced that he can create everything doensn't sound logical to me, but I guess the big bang doesn't sound logical to a religious person either.
I find it easier to believe that an explosion suddenly started to exist than that a creature so advanced as a god suddenly started to exist and createdeverything. But it all comes to your point of view. There is now way to prove for the other parties that you are correct. Because there are hundreds of religions (let's just count science as one for now), the chance that you are fully correct is very small. That is why we should respect anyone who shooses an other religion as you.

Miscellaneous / Re: Religion Discussion
« on: May 21, 2013, 04:01:12 pm »
In science, all proof is based on what we think is true. A lot of the theories in science either have their proof based on other theories, or just seem to 'work' in formulas, but aren't fully proven. When you look at it that way, you can see science as a religion, in which you have to believe in the not (fully) proven theories, and in the mathematics that connects and 'proves' those theories.
Science is the religion for people who want evidence. For those who want to know the math behind everything, to be able to predict what is going to happen in certain scenarios.
Believing in one or multiple gods/godesses is the religion for those who don't need to know how everything works. It's for the people who want to see the spiritual parts of life, which is a thing science has no answers for.
And when it comes to explaining our existance, both are pretty much a tie. Anyone who believes in a god can tell you how his god created the world with everything that lives on it, just like any scientist can tell you abouth how the big bang created our universe, to which earth belongs. But ask a religious person what everything looked like before there was a god, and how the god was created, they won't be able to give a good answer. Just like scientists can't tell you what everythink looked like before the big bang, or what triggered the big bang.
Probably the main difference between science and religion is that science has some applications in our current lives, while religion is often mostly based on the afterlife.
A very important question that you might want to ask yourself is: What are you looking for: the spiritual part of life, or the mathematics behind life?

But it doesn't mather whether you put your faith in religion or in science. Let's just all try to be good people.

Miscellaneous / Re: My Existential Philosophy
« on: May 20, 2013, 08:48:31 am »
Are you saying that to convince us that you do exist ? How could we trust in you because you say that you could believe that we don't exist ?

Moreover, how can you be sure that you really exist ? Isn't it an illusion ? As a case in point, AI in computer games have the illusion that they exist, but it is not true.
Anything that you imagine does, in some way, exists, but they aren't always what they look like. For example if you think of a dragon, that makes it exist. Not as a dragon, but as a pattern in the electromagnetic fields incide your brain. Even ai in games exists, but what you think is a zombie walking towards you is yust a pattern of bits in ram, which gets continuosly modyfied based on other patterns of bits. A part of those bits is then sent to a screen, in which they control tiny dots of light, which our brain sees as an image of a zombie. But for us to be able to see the zombie, the patterns of bits must exist.
So we do deffinately exist, but we might not be humans, but just some patterns of something.

Other Calculators / Re: Mr Oops!!
« on: May 15, 2013, 01:58:14 pm »
It's a nice game. Maybe I should try to find it for my tablet as well.

I made a screenshot so others can see what your game is like:

TI Z80 / Re: [axe] 2D minecraft game
« on: May 13, 2013, 04:50:59 pm »
Sure you can have the source code. It's an open-source project.
On the previous page, there's a download. The two upper files are the source code.
I once had a working inventory, but I lost the source of it some time ago, so what you can find in this thread should be the most recent one.

If you don't understand something in the code, or want to know why I handled it like that, you can always ask me.

Miscellaneous / Re: While sitting in the car
« on: May 12, 2013, 07:14:06 am »
Iirc you can buy the combination of your plate.

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