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Messages - ben_g

Pages: 1 ... 31 32 [33] 34 35 ... 71
TI Z80 / Re: Nemesis- a new axe 3d rpg
« on: September 12, 2012, 10:38:05 am »
Is this still full axe? and does the speed drop a lot when you add more walls?

Also, will there be objects like plants, trees, chairs, ... to pretify the levels?

Minecraft Discussion / Re: Minecraft Screenshot thread!
« on: September 05, 2012, 02:05:14 pm »
are those on your server?

ASM / Re: TI 83+ asm parser for the TI 83
« on: September 02, 2012, 12:59:22 pm »
yea, but I think this program/patch/watever it'll be is meant to convert or run the programs which were only released for the 83+ series, and their author has been unactive for a while so you can't just ask him to port, and also for the programs compiled by axe parser. But for axe parser, I wonder if programs compiled for ion would run on a ti-83. When you transfer them to a computer, they are saved in .8xp format.

ASM / Re: TI 83+ asm parser for the TI 83
« on: September 01, 2012, 05:13:48 pm »

Look at you ben_g, I remember back when you couldn't multiply, and now you are converting 83+ programs to 83 program, I am very impressed by your progress. And yes, in theory, that should totally work.
That's mainly because this requires a different way of thinking. I'm a lot better at pogramming this kind of stuff than at programming low-level math routines.This is probably because in any programming language I knew before assembly, the math functions were already there and when I'm doing some math-related things, I calculate the result using multiplication and division and other math functions, without thinking about how they themselves are calculated.

Back on topic:
A rom from an 83+ might work, but it would probably require a lot of disassembling and recoding to deal with the different hardware and with ti's safety that prevents you from installing OSes from other calculators on it. Besides from that, there might also be some legal issues, because the operating systems are copyrighted by ti. Heaving an 83+ OS when you don't have an 83+ is, as far as I know, not legal, and modifying the OS, and redistributing that modified OS might make TI very unhappy. But if you can modify the OS so it runs on a TI-83, it will be a good solution as it requires no conversion of the programs and will also work on all programs.

When you want a live shell, there are other problems: First, there is the limited hardware. A conversion like the one I suggested can take some time to complete, and it uses a lot of RAM, because you need to have a secound copy of the program in RAM which is being converted and the convertor needs some additional data. Then there's the limited memory. A converter, which needs a database of bcalls and routines, gets very big very quickly, and on a calc with no flash memory, not everyone wants a big program. If you decide to do this, you should deffinately look into compression.

If you decide to go for the shell which manages it live, I might be able to help you with writing the conversion code. If you decide to create a computer program to convert programs (every program that was downloaded passes trough a computer anyways), I could write all of the computer code (If I can use java), but for the assembly routines, I might need some help. Also, I would need a list of all Ti-83 bcalls and I would need to know the .8xp and .83p format. When you shoose for the modified OS, I doubt that I can help much, but I'm willing to try.

Minecraft Discussion / Re: Redstone logic gates
« on: September 01, 2012, 01:54:46 pm »
I think you made a mistake with posting the pictures of the XOR gate: It's twice the same one.

BTW: what texture pack are you using?

TI Z80 / Re: Temple Run [Axe]
« on: September 01, 2012, 01:39:38 pm »
Graphics look really simular to those of my racing game. What does the engine support? Does it support rotation of camera and changes in the FOV (zooming in/out)?

ASM / Re: TI 83+ asm parser for the TI 83
« on: August 31, 2012, 06:09:56 pm »
calc84 has clearly said in his ti-boy project thread that it's an emulator, not a convertor. The main problem with a convertor is finding the difference between data and code. If you convert data, or leave parts of code untouched, you may have some nasty results. One way of doing this would be to create a very simple 'emulator', that starts reading the program from it's start, and that knows which sequences of bytes represents jumps, calls (and ret's) and bcalls. Also code in the size of optcodes so that it won't recougnize a jump or bcall in what is actually just the end of one optcode and the beginning of an other one. Then you need a boolean array. Use one boolean for every byte of the program. These should all be false at start and mark if a byte is read. Then, 'emulate' the program. At every byte you pass, mark the byte as read (set boolean to 'true'). When you encounter a call instruction, push the position of that instruction to a stack, and continue emulating from where the call points to (substract $9D93 from the label behind the call to get the number of bytes from the start of the program). When you encounter a ret instruction, continue emulating from the location in the stack, or if the stack is empty, stop the emulation. When you come across a jump instruction, check if it's conditional or not. If conditional, save it's location to an other stack than the one used by calls. Then just continue emulating from the location the jump points too, just as you would do with normal jumps. If you encounter a bcall, replace the label with the corresponding ti-83 label. If the bcall isn't supported by the ti-83, replace it by a call to a routine that does the same and that you add at the end of the program (and make sure you don't add it multiple times.) Befoire 'emulating' the next instruction, check if it was already read. If not read, then continue emulating normally. Else, continue emulating from the location stored in the relative jump stack. If that stack is empty, stop emulating, show the user that the conversion failed and terminate the program.

If it exited correctely because of a ret, then add some code at the start that sets up free, useable RAM memory at the standard 83+ locations (when nessicary). Keep 3 bytes free at the end of this one and save the location. At the end of that routine, add an other routine that cleans up that ram and formats it in the way that the ti-83 OS suspects it, and add a ret to the end. Now replace the 3 bytes you kept free with a call to the start of the program (thus to the end of the 2nd routine). Save the program in the proper 83p format, and show the user a message that it finished converting and that he has to try it on an emulator first, backup his data, and that you're not responsible for any damage to calculators caused by this program, ...

This should work on any program (not app) that doesn't use a shell, jump tables or SMC.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: Hi There!
« on: August 31, 2012, 11:29:12 am »

Have you already saved Zelda?

TI Z80 / Re: polygon-based 3D engine (with textures)
« on: August 25, 2012, 04:54:33 pm »
It's not really transparency, but in this picture, the texture was rendered before the wireframe, which means that everything that is white on the texture looks transparent in the final result. If the texture is rendered after the wireframe, white on the texture will be fully white.

also, to give an impression of the resolution of the textures: the tick border is 3 texels (pixels of the texture) wide.

TI Z80 / Re: polygon-based 3D engine (with textures)
« on: August 24, 2012, 07:39:56 pm »
I just decided to pick this back up, using routines and experience from my racing game. The improvements so far are: Wireframe model support (copied from racing game), support from models with both textures and wireframe, and support for solid triangles (not supported in models yet), and support for multiple textures (but a model can't have more than 1 texture). I also removed some outdated comments (stoff like TODO:'s which have already been done) and removed huge parts of useless code. It now also runs slightely faster.

Included is a screenshot showcasing the support for wireframe and wireframe-texture combination models.

Minecraft Discussion / Re: My new Minecraft Server- DungeonCraft
« on: August 23, 2012, 07:05:53 pm »
Yould you please ask your ops to don't randomly kill players with a rain of TNT? (the 'may death fall upon them' thing) I enjoyed the server untill then: I lost every single item that I had, and a lot of those items are really valuable (one of them was a superenchanted diamond sword).

TI Z80 / Re: Silence: Lost Memory
« on: August 21, 2012, 06:56:50 pm »
The title screen looks nice. Is this going to be an other point and click game?

Other Calculators / Re: So Excited!
« on: August 21, 2012, 06:52:41 pm »
you can redownload those at ti's website if you would ever need them again (which is very unlickely).

Other Calculators / Re: What should I buy?
« on: August 21, 2012, 06:49:19 pm »
Do you store them in RAM? You should keep as much as possible in th flash memory. It's much bigger and everything in there is (usually) safe during a crash.

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Duke Nukem Mod for Doom
« on: August 20, 2012, 01:30:46 pm »
By the way, does blender support .md3 files? The models I am using are .md3 files.
not by default, but you should be able to find a python script for that.

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