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Messages - ben_g

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38 39 ... 71
Girl at School(With a TI-83+): I want to make a program with my name as the title. How do I make a new program?
Me: *grabs calculator and makes program(takes less than 5 seconds)* *Hands calculator back*
Girl: Wow! That was fast! Thanks!

Not trying to make fun, but really?
It's also funny how most people I know that have a graphing calc have a program with as name their own name, with just some random stuff typed in it. They think that when it asks for a name, you have to fill in your own name instaed of the name you want to give to your program.
Even funnyer is that they often don't even know they made a program, and sometimes they don't even know the calc can run programs.

News / Re: TI-84 Plus emulator released for the TI-84 Plus
« on: June 08, 2012, 07:04:45 pm »
Well, 2.57 MP works as well, and 2.59MP/2.59 has no problems either.

tripple post! xD
I actually read it 3 times , witouth noticing.

News / Re: TI-84 Plus emulator released for the TI-84 Plus
« on: June 08, 2012, 02:10:05 pm »
OMG Now we can finally play 83+ games on an 83+!!! That sounds sooooo cool!!!

Sorry, couldn't resist posting that :P

Miscellaneous / Re: How cheap is your keyboard?
« on: May 31, 2012, 04:08:05 pm »

18 different letters. That does seem a bit les than the avarage here.

Miscellaneous / Re: Dutch and Belgian people unite!
« on: May 31, 2012, 03:57:18 pm »
yeah, probably because then only the text in the posts is dutch, and all the buttons etc. are in english.

Introduce Yourself! / Re: i say hello
« on: May 30, 2012, 01:35:20 pm »
Welcome. Have some more peanuts.

If you can't get your game to work, you can always ask it here.

I'm think I'm going to participate. I started on a new game already, but there is something I still have to ask:

according too rule #2:
2: You are not allowed to enter a project that was started prior the start of the contest. You can use code, images, and ideas from it, though.
I can use code from my unfinished fps game. I want to use it's 3D engine, which is almost all of the code. The project I want to submit is based on an entirely different idea and is a completely different type of game than the fps. But some parts of code of this project might be used again for the fps. Is this still allowed for the contest? Or does that make it count as a project started prior?

also: rule#1...
1: The game must not contain adult material or extremely offensive content (such as racial slur).
...Made me lose.

Oh wait, I got two seconds after disabling the highlighter :P

It's actually more like five minutes ... so yeah, it is slow. Whoops.
You can always only highlight the visible lines, then make the editor usable while the rest of the lines are highlighted in a separate process. When the user scrolls, then continue to highlight from the new position, if that hasn't been highlighted yet.

Humour and Jokes / Re: Influence of The Game
« on: May 25, 2012, 01:33:28 pm »
* ben_g lost

* ben_g kills jimbouwnes

Once I lent out my graphing calc, while it was turned on and on the homescreen. He then typed in a calculation and asked me "How can I see the result? There is no = key?".

Computer Projects and Ideas / Re: Back to cretaceous
« on: May 09, 2012, 02:51:49 pm »
just too prove I'm still working on this: here's a screenshot of the terain in the cretaceous period. The terrain can easily be made bigger because only a few tiles are loaded at the same time.

Minecraft Discussion / Re: Minecraft
« on: May 07, 2012, 04:30:14 pm »
Isn't this an awesome practical joke?

It's just a square 16x16 hole. If someone sees this, he wil probably try refreshing to see the whole building :P

TI Z80 / Re: [axe] 2D minecraft game
« on: May 04, 2012, 01:29:20 pm »
I'm sorry, but I haven't really done anything else to it. I have made almost all of this when I had nothing to do in school, and there haven't been many of those moments lately. And the progress that I did make was eaten by one of the glitches in the operating system.

ASM / Re: how to program
« on: May 01, 2012, 02:21:03 pm »
Your topic doesn't seem to be in the correct place...
EDIT2: now it is: It was moved.

But to turn of that scrolling thing, you can either do bcall(_RunIndicOff) or just DI

EDIT: Welcome to omnimaga, introduce yourself to get some peanuts.

Computer Usage and Setup Help / Re: Making an old computer faster?
« on: April 30, 2012, 02:35:03 pm »
You could add some radium to make it faster.

Usually for games, the graphics card should be really good to have a reasonable speed. It's much more important than the CPU. But if the computer is made in 2000, then you should also check if you can replace the CPU with a faster one. A lot of things change in technology in 12 years.

At last: The RAM: I think 0.5GB is enough for minecraft, but a bit more won't hurt.

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