IMPORTANT: This project hasn't been worked on for a while, and I'm sorry to say it, but it's very lickely that this game, in it's current form, will never be worked on again.
If you want to see the source code, check this post.
original post:
During a few days of being bored while no computer was available, I started to make a game similar to minecraft in axe. Right now, you can only play in creative mode and save only one 24*25 world (can be easily changed in the scource code). It has got 9 blocks so far (the engine supports 15(air not included)), and sand will fall when there is no block underneath it (but only when it's visible). The world isn't generated yet, so you just start with an empty square of 22*23 blocks (edges are made of bedrock, which can't be broken to avoid corrupting memory).
Here's a screenshot showing it in action:
If you want to play minecraft during class: here's a (DCS) executable: you need an other shel or you want to see or modify the source:
arrow keys: move
5: build mode (indicated by a black block at the right bottom of the screen)
2: break mode (indicated by the grey block at the right bottom of the screen)
+: next block (the current block is shown in the bottom right part of the screen)
-: previous block
1, ., 3, 4, 6, 8: place or break a block. 5 and 2 represent the character. The keys around it represent the places around the character. Press one of those keys to place or break a block in that place (depends of if you are in build mode or in break mode)
CLEAR: quit game. This will automatically save the world, but you will always start in the upper left corner of the world.
Bugs? Feature suggestions? comments? complaints? If you have them, please post them.