I understand how to do the picture inventory now, but it doesn't really suit my game. How would you create an inventory that just showed the names of items and scrolled, and when an item is selected, it shows more info? Also, how can you create a maximum unique item count?
that's even easyer: you just create a list again which is the same sixe as the (maximum) number of items. Then you make everything 0 again at the start of the game. To get the name of an item, just do ID*13+9 and to get the description is ID*13+11 (those are the pointers). You can easily check before drawing the string if you reached the end.
Inventories aren't that hard to make. You just start with a location to store the data to. Here, I'll use L1, but you can store it to any location you like.
Now, We decide how many spaces we want. Here, I'll use an inventory 4 items wide (32 pixels) and 6 items tall (48 pixels). This will give us an inventory which can carry 24 items, So we'll need 24 bytes to store them (or 12, if a maximum of 16 items is enough for you).
An inventory doesn't contains any information about the items themselves, only the 'ID' of the item, So now we store the items themselves: This is the way I'd use to store the items: (there might and probably is a more optimised way to do this)
.the sprite [FF00FF00FF00FF00] -> GDB0 .only do the -> GDB0 in the first item [00] .type of item [Str000] .pointer to the string containing the name of the item [Str001] .pointer to string containing the description
.repeat for other items Now we have the data of the items, and a place to store which items are carried. Now we just need some code to make it useful:
.Here we'll make the inventory ready to use for(T,0,23) 0->{T+L1} End .this made the inventory empty, so we won't end up with random items when the game starts
.Now we add an item,of which the ID is stored in A, to the inventory 0->T while(T<24) if({T+L1}=0 A -> {T+L1} 0->A 24->T End T++ End .I made it so that when the item could be placed in the inventory, A is set to 0. If it couldn't store it becouse the inventory was full, A would still have the original value.
.What can also be useful is checking if the inventory contains an item. The ID of the item should be stored to A 0->T While(T<24) if({T+L1}=A) ... .remove those 3 dots and those below the code if you want to delete the item when it's found 0->{T+L1} ... 0->A 24->T End T++ End .A will be 0 when the item was found and will still contian it's original value when it couldn't find the item.
.Unless your game is entirely text-based, a way to draw the inventory is also useful For(T,0,5) For(U,0,3) If(4*T+U) .If there is an item here Pt_On(U*8+X,T*8+Y,4*T+U*13+L1) .you can use any sprite drawing routine you want End End End .Guess what X and Y are .Correct: They are the X and Y coordinates on which the inventory should be drawn. I hope this helped. Sorry, but none of the code is tested.
I have tried several different stuff with my code the last days, but I still can't get clipping right for the top and left edges. It keeps doing random stuff when it needs to clip of those edges.
;BTW: store 16bit integer hl in 16.8 fixed point var var: ld (var+1),hl \ xor a \ ld (var),a ; ld hl, (var1) \ ld de, (var2) \ add hl, de \ ld a, (var1+2) \ adc a, 0 \ ld (var1), hl \ ld (var1+2), a ; als var1 negatief is, doe adc a, $FF ipv. adc a, 0
; ld hl,(var1) \ ld de, (var2) \ ld a, h \ rla \ sbc a,a \ add hl, de \ ld b, a \ ld a, (var1+2) \ ld (var2), hl \ adc a, b \ ld (var1+2), a
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; START PROGRAMMA ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Start: di ;bcall(_RunIndicOff) ;call InitFPS call ClearGbuf call fastCopy ld a, 64*3 ld (direction), a in a,($02) rla sbc a, a out ($20), a ;ld l, a ;ld h, a
ld hl, 0 ld (x), hl ld hl, $0200 ld (y), hl
ld hl, 0 ld (x1), hl ld (y1), hl ld a, 0 ld (u1), a ld (v1), a ld (v2), a ld (u3), a ld a, 8 ld (u2), a ld (v3), a ld hl, 40 ld (x2), hl ld (y3), hl ld hl, 20 ld (y2), hl ld (x3), hl
call DrawTriangle call FastCopy bcall(_GetKey)
ld hl, 0 ld (zto2), hl
ld (saveIY), IY ld IY, tempFlags
SpelLus: call ClearGBuf
#comment ld a, $FF ld (plotsscreen), a ld hl, plotsscreen ld de, plotsscreen+1 ld bc, 767 ldir #endcomment
ld hl, (x) ld (xfrom), hl ld hl, (y) ld (yfrom), hl ld hl, 0 ld (zfrom), hl ;ld (zto), hl ld a, 64 ld b, a ld a, (direction) add a, b call SinA ld de, (x) add hl, de ld (xto), hl ld a, (direction) call SinA ld de, (y) add hl, de ld (yto), hl ld hl, $0100 ld (zup), hl ld hl, 0 ld (xup), hl ld (yup), hl ld hl, (zto2) ld (zto), hl call InitView
ld hl, (screenx) ld (x1), hl ld hl, (screeny) ld (y1), hl ld a, 0 ld (u1), a ld a, 8 ld (v1), a ld hl, (screenx2) ld (x2), hl ld hl, (screeny2) ld (y2), hl ld a, 8 ld (u2), a ld a, 0 ld (v2), a ld hl, (screenx3) ld (x3), hl ld hl, (screeny3) ld (y3), hl ld a, 0 ld (u3), a ld (v3), a
call DrawTriangle
call FastCopy
;knoppen ld a, $FE out (1), a push hl \ pop hl ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; in a, (1) bit 0, a call z, MoveBack bit 3, a call z, MoveForward bit 1, a call z, TurnLeft bit 2, a call z, TurnRight
ld a, %11111101 out ($01), a push hl \ pop hl ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; in a, ($01) bit 6, a jp z, Einde
ld a, $EF out (1), a push hl pop hl in a, (1) bit 0, a call z, LookDown bit 1, a call z, LookUp
jp spelLus
MoveBack: push af ld a, (direction) ld b, 64 add a, b call SinA call NegHL ld de, $0A00 call DivFP ld de, (X) add hl, de ld (X), hl ld a, (direction) call SinA call NegHL ld de, $0A00 call DivFP ld de, (Y) add hl, de ld (Y), hl pop af ret MoveForward: push af ld a, (direction) ld b, 64 add a, b call SinA ld de, $0A00 call DivFP ld de, (X) add hl, de ld (X), hl ld a, (direction) call SinA ld de, $0A00 call DivFP ld de, (Y) add hl, de ld (Y), hl pop af ret TurnLeft: push af ld a, (direction) inc a ld (direction), a pop af ret TurnRight: ld a, (direction) dec a ld (direction), a ret LookUp: ld hl, (zto2) inc hl inc hl inc hl inc hl ld (zto2), hl ret LookDown: ld hl, (zto2) dec hl dec hl dec hl dec hl ld (zto2), hl ret
Einde: ;Key port resetten ld a, $FF out ($01), a call ClearGbuf call fastCopy ld hl, 0 ld (CurRow), hl ld IY, (saveIY) EI bjump(_JForceCmdNoChar)
Cto0: ld c, 0 pop ix ret
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3D ENGINE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;TODO: bereken de zoom InitView: ;call once every frame, before C3DTo2D ;IN: The engine's vars ;OUT: vars are initialised ;DESTROYS: all registers and the engine's variables ld hl, (xto) ld de, (xfrom) SubFP ld (xto), hl ld hl, (yto) ld de, (yfrom) SubFP ld (yto), hl ld hl, (zto) ld de, (zfrom) SubFP ld (zto), hl ld de, (xto) ld b, d \ ld c, e call MulFP ld (temp), hl ld de, (yto) ld b, d \ ld c, e call MulFP ld de, (temp) add hl, de ld (temp), hl ld de, (zto) ld b, d \ ld c, e call MulFP ld de, (temp) add hl, de call SqrtFP ld (temp), hl ld hl, (xto) ld de, (temp) call DivFP ld (xto), hl ld hl, (yto) ld de, (temp) call DivFP ld (yto), hl ld hl, (zto) ld de, (temp) call DivFP ld (zto), hl ld de, (xup) ld bc, (xto) call MulFP ld (temp), hl ld de, (yup) ld bc, (yto) call MulFP ld de, (temp) add hl, de ld (temp), hl ld de, (zup) ld bc, (zto) call MulFP ld de, (temp) add hl, de ld (temp), hl ld de, (temp) ld bc, (xto) call MulFP ld d, h \ ld e, l ld hl, (xup) SubFP ld (xup), hl ld de, (temp) ld bc, (yto) call MulFP ld d, h \ ld e, l ld hl, (yup) SubFP ld (yup), hl ld de, (temp) ld bc, (zto) call MulFP ld d, h \ ld e, l ld hl, (zup) SubFP ld (zup), hl ld de, (xup) ld b, d \ ld c, e call MulFP ld (temp), hl ld de, (yup) ld b, d \ ld c, e call MulFP ld de, (temp) add hl, de ld (temp), hl ld de, (zup) ld b, d \ ld c, e call MulFP ld de, (temp) add hl, de call sqrtFP ld (temp), hl ;Multiply (temp) with the tangent of (angle)/2, which is, in this test program, equal to 1, so we don't need to multiply ld hl, (xup) ld de, (temp) call DivFP ld (xup), hl ld hl, (yup) ld de, (temp) call DivFP ld (yup), hl ld hl, (zup) ld de, (temp) call DivFP ld (zup), hl ld de, (yup) ld bc, (zto) call MulFP ld (temp), hl ld de, (zup) ld bc, (yto) call MulFP ld d, h \ ld e, l ld hl, (temp) SubFP ld (xcross), hl ld de, (zup) ld bc, (xto) call MulFP ld (temp), hl ld de, (xup) ld bc, (zto) call MulFP ld d, h \ ld e, l ld hl, (temp) SubFP ld (ycross), hl ld de, (xup) ld bc, (yto) call MulFP ld (temp), hl ld de, (yup) ld bc, (xto) call MulFP ld d, h \ ld e, l ld hl, (temp) SubFP ld (zcross), hl ret
C3DTo2D: ;IN: xpoint, ypoint and zpoint vars ;OUT: screenx and screeny are set to the onscreen coordinates for the point ;Will not work if InitView wasn't called before this routine ;destroys all registers and xpoint, ypoint and zpoint ld hl, (xpoint) ld de, (xfrom) SubFP ld (xpoint), hl ld hl, (ypoint) ld de, (yfrom) SubFP ld (ypoint), hl ld hl, (zpoint) ld de, (zfrom) SubFP ld (zpoint), hl ld de, (xpoint) ld bc, (xto) call MulFP ld (temp), hl ld de, (ypoint) ld bc, (yto) call MulFP ld de, (temp) add hl, de ld (temp), hl ld de, (zpoint) ld bc, (zto) call MulFP ld de, (temp) add hl, de ld (temp), hl ;kijk hier of het punt zichtbaar is bit 7, h jp nz, InValid
ld de, (xpoint) ld bc, (xcross) call MulFP ld (temp2), hl ld de, (ypoint) ld bc, (ycross) call MulFP ld de, (temp2) add hl, de ld (temp2), hl ld de, (zpoint) ld bc, (zcross) call MulFP ;ld de, (temp2) ;ld bc, (zup) ;call MulFP ld de, (temp2) add hl, de ld de, (temp) call DivFP ld (screenx), hl ld de, (xpoint) ld bc, (xup) call MulFP ld (temp2), hl ld de, (ypoint) ld bc, (yup) call MulFP ld de, (temp2) add hl, de ld (temp2), hl ld de, (zpoint) ld bc, (zup) call MulFP ld de, (temp2) add hl, de ld de, (temp) call DivFP ld (screeny), hl ld hl, $0100 ld de, (screenx) SubFP ld b, h \ ld c, l ld de, 48 call MulFP ld (screenx), hl ld de, (screeny) ld hl, $0100 SubFP ld b, h \ ld c, l ld de, 32 call MulFP ld (screeny), hl ld a, 1 ret InValid: ld a, 0 ret
DrawLine: ;(h,l)to(d,e) pop ix ld c, h push bc ld c, l push bc ld c, d push bc ld l, e push ix
p_Line: .db __LineEnd-$-1 ld ix,plotSScreen ld a,l pop hl pop bc pop de ex (sp),hl ;Called with 3 args pushed. Using call-back optimization. cp 64 ret nc ld b,a ld a,e cp 64 ret nc ld d,l ld l,b
ld a,d cp 96 ret nc ld a,c cp 96 ret nc
ld h,a sub d jr nc,__LineSkipRev ex de,hl neg __LineSkipRev: push af ; Saving DX (it will be popped into DE below) ld a,d ; IX+=D/8+E*12 (actually E*4+E*4+E*4) rra rra rra and %00011111 ld c,a ld b,0 add ix,bc ld a,e add a,a add a,a ld c,a add ix,bc add ix,bc add ix,bc ld a,d ; Calculating the starting pixel mask and %00000111 inc a ld b,a ld a,%00000001 __LineMaskLoop: rrca djnz __LineMaskLoop ld c,a ld a,l ; Calculating delta Y and negating the Y increment if necessary sub e ; This is the last instruction for which we need the original data ld de,12 jr nc,__LineSkipNeg ld de,-12 neg __LineSkipNeg: pop hl ; Recalling DX ld l,a ; D=DX, E=DY cp h jr c,__LineHoriz ; Line is rather horizontal than vertical __LineVert: ld b,l ; Pixel counter inc b rra ; nc at this point so (A=E/2) __LineVLoop: push af ld a,(ix+0) or c ; Writing pixel to current position ld (ix+0),a pop af add ix,de sub h ; Handling gradient jr nc,__LineVNext add a,l rrc c ; Rotating mask jr nc,__LineVNext ; Handling byte boundary inc ix __LineVNext: djnz __LineVLoop ret __LineHoriz: ld b,h ; Pixel counter inc b ld a,h ; Setting up gradient counter srl a __LineHLoop: push af ; Saving A ld a,(ix+0) or c ; Writing pixel to current position ld (ix+0),a pop af ; Recalling A rrc c ; Rotating mask jr nc,__LineHSkip ; Handling byte boundary inc ix __LineHSkip: sub l ; Handling gradient jr nc,__LineHNext add a,h add ix,de __LineHNext: djnz __LineHLoop ret __LineEnd:
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;ClearGbuf ;wist de graphics buffer ; ;IN: / ;OUT: wist de graphics buffer ClearGbuf: ld hl, gbuf-12-(-(12*64)+1) ld a, $20 ld c, a ClearGbufAgain: ld b, 64 inc c ld de, -(12*64)+1 add hl, de ld de, 10 ClearGbufLoop: add hl, de inc hl inc hl inc de ld (hl), $00 dec de djnz ClearGbufLoop ld a, c cp $2B+1 jr nz, ClearGbufAgain ret
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;fastcopy ;IN: / ;OUT: / ;copies the buffer to the screen fastCopy: di ld a,$80 out ($10),a ld hl,gbuf-12-(-(12*64)+1) ld a,$20 ld c,a inc hl dec hl fastCopyAgain: ld b,64 inc c ld de,-(12*64)+1 out ($10),a add hl,de ld de,10 fastCopyLoop: add hl,de inc hl inc hl inc de ld a,(hl) out ($11),a dec de djnz fastCopyLoop ld a,c cp $2B+1 jr nz,fastCopyAgain ret
ld hl, (y1) ld de, (y2) cpHLDE jr c, Y1SmallerThanY2 ld (y1), de ld (y2), hl ld hl, (x1) ld de, (x2) ld (x1), de ld (x2), hl #comment ld hl, (u1) ld de, (u2) ld (u1), de ld (u2), hl #endComment ld a, (u1) ld b, a ld a, (u2) ld (u1), a ld a, b ld (u2), a ld a, (v1) ld b, a ld a, (v2) ld (v1), a ld a, b ld (v2), a Y1SmallerThanY2: ld hl, (y1) ld de, (y3) cpHLDE jr c, Y1SmallerThanY3 ld (y1), de ld (y3), hl ld hl, (x1) ld de, (x3) ld (x1), de ld (x3), hl #comment ld hl, (u1) ld de, (u3) ld (u1), de ld (u3), hl #endcomment ld a, (u1) ld b, a ld a, (u3) ld (u1), a ld a, b ld (u3), a ld a, (v1) ld b, a ld a, (v3) ld (v1), a ld a, b ld (v3), a Y1SmallerThanY3: ld hl, (y2) ld de, (y3) cpHLDE jr c, Y2SmallerThanY3 ld (y2), de ld (y3), hl ld hl, (x2) ld de, (x3) ld (x2), de ld (x3), hl #comment ld hl, (u2) ld de, (u3) ld (u2), de ld (u3), hl #endComment ld a, (u2) ld b, a ld a, (u3) ld (u2), a ld a, b ld (u3), a ld a, (v2) ld b, a ld a, (v3) ld (v2), a ld a, b ld (v3), a Y2SmallerThanY3:
res 0, (IY) ;in bit 0, (IY) wordt opgeslagen bij welke helft het is. 0=eerste helft, 1= tweede helft res 1, (IY) ;bit 1, (IY) = interval texturen al berekend
ld hl, (y2) ld de, (y1) subFP ;hier gebruikt om 16-bit getallen af te trekken I.P.V. fixed-point getallen bit 7, h ld h, l ld l, 0 jr z,$+3 \ dec l push hl ld hl, (x2) ld de, (x1) subFP bit 7, h ld h, l ld l, 0 jr z,$+3 \ dec l pop de call DivFP ld (dx1), hl ld hl, (y3) ld de, (y2) subFP bit 7, h ld h, l ld l, 0 jr z,$+3 \ dec l push hl ld hl, (x3) ld de, (x2) subFP bit 7, h ld h, l ld l, 0 jr z,$+3 \ dec l pop de call DivFP ld (dx2), hl ld hl, (y3) ld de, (y1) subFP bit 7, h ld h, l ld l, 0 jr z,$+3 \ dec l push hl ld hl, (x3) ld de, (x1) subFP bit 7, h ld h, l ld l, 0 jr z,$+3 \ dec l pop de call DivFP ld (dx3), hl
ld hl, (y2) ld de, (y1) subFP bit 7, h ld h, l ld l, 0 jr z,$+3 \ dec l push hl ld a, (u2) ld h, a ld l, 0 ld a, (u1) ld d, a ld e, 0 subFP ;ld h, l ;ld l, 0 pop de call DivFP ld (du1), hl ld hl, (y3) ld de, (y2) subFP bit 7, h ld h, l ld l, 0 jr z,$+3 \ dec l push hl ld a, (u3) ld h, a ld l, 0 ld a, (u2) ld d, a ld e, 0 subFP ;ld h, l ;ld l, 0 pop de call DivFP ld (du2), hl ld hl, (y3) ld de, (y1) subFP bit 7, h ld h, l ld l, 0 jr z,$+3 \ dec l push hl ld a, (u3) ld h, a ld l, 0 ld a, (u1) ld d, a ld e, 0 subFP ;ld h, l ;ld l, 0 pop de call DivFP ld (du3), hl
ld hl, (y2) ld de, (y1) subFP bit 7, h ld h, l ld l, 0 jr z,$+3 \ dec l push hl ld a, (v2) ld h, a ld l, 0 ld a, (v1) ld d, a ld l, 0 subFP ;ld h, l ;ld l, 0 pop de call DivFP ld (dv1), hl ld hl, (y3) ld de, (y2) subFP bit 7, h ld h, l ld l, 0 jr z,$+3 \ dec l push hl ld a, (v3) ld h, a ld l, 0 ld a, (v2) ld d, a ld e, 0 subFP ;ld h, l ;ld l, 0 pop de call DivFP ld (dv2), hl ld hl, (y3) ld de, (y1) subFP bit 7, h ld h, l ld l, 0 jr z,$+3 \ dec l push hl ld a, (v3) ld h, a ld l, 0 ld a, (v1) ld d, a ld e, 0 subFP ;ld h, l ;ld l, 0 pop de call DivFP ld (dv3), hl
ld hl, (x1) bit 7, h jr z, TPos1 ld (tx1+1),hl \ ld a, $FF \ ld (tx1),a ld (tx2+1),hl \ ld a, $FF \ ld (tx2),a jr TEnd1 TPos1: ld (tx1+1),hl \ xor a \ ld (tx1),a ;store the 16bit integer at hl into 16.8 fixed point number tx1 ld (tx2+1),hl \ xor a \ ld (tx2),a TEnd1: ld hl, (y1) ld (_ty), hl
ld a, (u1) ld h, a ld l, 0 ld (tu1), hl ld (tu2), hl ld a, (v1) ld h, a ld l, 0 ld (tv1), hl ld (tv2), hl
ld hl, (Y1) ld de, (y2) cpHLDE jp z, __TEndLoop
TDrawLoop: ld a, (_ty) ld d, a
bit 7, a jp nz, Clip ld a, (_ty) cp 64 ret nc
ld hl, (tu1) ld (tmpu), hl ld hl, (tv1) ld (tmpv), hl ld hl, (tu2) ld (temp2), hl ld hl, (tv2) ld (temp3), hl ld a, (tx2+1) ld (temp+1), a ld b, a ld a, (tx1+1) ld (temp), a cp b jr c, TOrdered ld hl, (tu2) ld (tmpu), hl ld hl, (tv2) ld (tmpv), hl ld hl, (tu1) ld (temp2), hl ld hl, (tv1) ld (temp3), hl ld a, (tx2+1) ld (temp), a ld a, (tx1+1) ld (temp+1), a TOrdered: ld l, d ld a, (temp) call GetPixel ld (mask), a ld (pointer), hl
bit 1, (IY) jr nz, TPlotLoop ld hl, (tx1) ld de, (tx2) cpHLDE jr z, TPlotLoop ld a, (temp) ld h, a ld l, 0 ld a, (temp+1) ld d, a ld e, 0 subFP push hl ld hl, (tmpu) ld de, (temp2) subFP pop de call DivFP ld (tmpdu), hl ld a, (temp) ld h, a ld l, 0 ld a, (temp+1) ld d, a ld e, 0 subFP push hl ld hl, (tmpv) ld de, (temp3) subFP pop de call DivFP ld (tmpdv), hl set 1, (IY)
ld a, (temp) bit 7, a jr nz, TEndPlot cp 96 jp nc, Clip
ld a, (tmpv+1) ld hl, texture add a, l ld l, a
ld a, (tmpu+1) ld b, a inc b ld a, (hl) TshiftLoop: rla djnz TshiftLoop
;push af
ld a, (mask) ld hl, (pointer) jr c, TSetPixel
TResPixel: ;ld a, b cpl and (hl) ld (hl), a jr TEndPlot
ld hl, (x2) bit 7, h jr nz, TPos4 ld (tx1+1),hl \ ld a, $FF \ ld (tx1),a jr TEnd4 TPos4: ld (tx1+1),hl \ xor a \ ld (tx1),a Tend4:
ld a, (u2) ld h, a ld l, 0 ld (tu1), hl ld a, (v2) ld h, a ld l, 0 ld (tv1), hl
set 0, (IY)
jp TDrawLoop
getPixel: ld h, 0 ld d, h ld e, l
add hl, hl add hl, de add hl, hl add hl, hl
ld e, a srl e srl e srl e add hl, de
ld de, PlotSScreen add hl, de
and 7 ld b, a ld a, $80 ret z
rrca djnz $-1 ret
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MATH ROUTINES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
SqrtA: LD (Asqr),A SRL A JR DataOver DataOver: LD (Bsqr),A LD B,A LD (Csqr),A iterate: LD A,(Bsqr) ld b, a LD a,(Asqr) LD D,A LD E,B dividedbyEreturnA: RL D RLA SUB E JR nc,$+3 ADD A,E LD E,A LD A,D CPL push af ;1 LD a,(Bsqr) ld b, a pop af ;0 ADD A,B SRL A LD (Bsqr),A LD a,(Bsqr) ld b, a LD A,(Csqr) DEC A CP B JR z,done push af ;1 LD (Csqr),a ld b, a pop af ;0 JR iterate done: LD A,(Bsqr) RET
;SubFP: ; ;substracts 2 16-bit fixed-point numbers ; ;IN: hl, de ; ;OUT: hl - de in hl ; ;DESTROYS: a, hl ; or a ;clear carry flag ; sbc hl, de ; ret
Div16By8: ;divides a 16-bit number by an 8-bit number ;IN: hl and d ;OUT: hl = hl/d, remainder = a ;DESTROYS: a, b, c, d, hl xor a ld b, 16 _D16b8Loop: add hl, hl rla jr c, _D16b8Overflow cp d jr c, _D16b8Skip _D16b8Overflow: sub b inc l _D16b8Skip: djnz _D16b8Loop ret
MulFP: ;Multiplies 2 16bit fixed-point numbers ;IN: de, bc ;OUT: de * bc in hl ;DESTROYS: af, bc, de, hl bit 7, d jr nz, _MulFP_FirstNeg bit 7, b jr nz, _MulFP_AnsNeg jr z, _MulFP_AnsPos _MulFP_FirstNeg: bit 7, b jr nz, _MulFP_AnsPos _MulFP_AnsNeg: ld a, 1 push af ;1 jr _MulFP_Cont _MulFP_AnsPos: ld a, 0 push af ;1 _MulFP_Cont: bit 7, b jr z, _MulFP_BCPos call NegBC _MulFP_BCPos: bit 7, d jr z, _MulFP_DEPos call NegDE _MulFP_DEPos: ld hl,0 ld a,16 Mul16Loop: add hl,hl rl e rl d jp nc,NoMul16 add hl,bc jp nc,NoMul16 inc de NoMul16: dec a jp nz,Mul16Loop
ld l, h ld h, e pop af ;0 cp 1 call z, NegHL ret
;adding fixed-point numbers: ;load one of the numbers in hl, and the other in an other 16-bit register. ;then, do: add hl, <register>
DivFP: ;IN: hl, de ;OUT: hl = hl / de ;DESTROYS: af, hl, bc, d bit 7, d jr nz, _DivFP_FirstNeg bit 7, h jr nz, _DivFP_AnsNeg jr z, _DivFP_AnsPos _DivFP_FirstNeg: bit 7, h jr nz, _DivFP_AnsPos _DivFP_AnsNeg: ld a, 1 push af jr _DivFP_Cont _DivFP_AnsPos: ld a, 0 push af _DivFP_Cont: bit 7, h jr z, _DivFP_HLPos call NegHL _DivFP_HLPos: bit 7, d jr z, _DivFP_DEPos call NegDE _DivFP_DEPos ld a, h ld h, l ld l, 0 push hl ;INPUTS: ahl = dividend de = divisor ;1 pop ix ;OUTPUTS: ahl = quotient de = divisor ;0 ld hl,0 ld b,24 _Div24by16loop: add ix,ix rla adc hl,hl jr c,_Div24by16setbit or a sbc hl,de add hl,de jr c,_Div24by16skip _Div24by16setbit: or a sbc hl,de inc ix _Div24by16skip: djnz _Div24by16loop push ix ;1 pop hl ;0
SqrtFP: ;##################################################### ;square root of fixed point hl ;input: hl ;output: hl=sqrt(hl)
sqrt_hl: ld a, l ld l, h ld de, 0040h ; 40h appends "01" to D ld h, d
ld b, 7
; need to clear the carry beforehand or a
_loopz: sbc hl, de jr nc, $+3 add hl, de ccf rl d rla adc hl, hl rla adc hl, hl
djnz _loopz
sbc hl, de ; optimised last iteration ccf rl d
ld h, d xor a ld b, 4 shiftLoopz: srl h rra djnz shiftLoopz ld l, a ret
NegHL: xor a sub l ld l,a sbc a,a sub h ld h,a ret
NegBC: xor a sub c ld c,a sbc a,a sub b ld b,a ret
NegDE: xor a sub e ld e,a sbc a,a sub d ld d,a ret
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; OTHER ROUTINES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;################################### calcFPS: fpsCounter equ $+1 ld a, 00 inc a ld (fpsCounter), a
in a, (04) bit 5, a jr z, didntChange initFPS: ld a, $47 out ($30), a xor a out ($31), a ld a, 8 out ($32), a ld a, (fpsCounter) ld (fpsFinal), a xor a ld (fpsCounter), a didntChange: fpsFinal equ $+1 ld a, 00 ret
Thanks. But please don't use code from it in your own projects yet: Not all code is mine: I used some routines from other people of which most of them are modified to fit the needs of this program, And I want those people and everybody who helped me to to have some credits. And it'll probably be open source anyway when it's done.
please pm me a compiled version spasm doesnt work for me
Ok, I'll send you one
EDIT: I just thought that it might be best to put it on the tread itself, for anyone else who wants to run it when spasm doesn't work, so here's the link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11215358/invasion.8xk
btw: you can run around with the arrow keys, and look up/down with [1]/[0]. press [CLEAR] to exit.