I assume you're not worrying about perspective correctness?
I've tried it and the texture is only a bit of near the center. On a screen with a very low resolution, it would only be noticable when you are very close. And becouse the quad isn't made out of two triangles, it would always have almost the same effect as persfective correction.
I decided to give up on textured triangles. They are way to hard
But becouse I really want textures, I tried writing a routine for textured quads, and it worked This only took me 10 minutes to code: Now I still have to port this to asm. I'll let you know when i've done it (or when i have an other problem).
and for the screen: what type? B&W, grayscale or color? I would like color with backlight, if possible.
For screen, please specify resolution as well. Thanks!
240 by 160 would be nice
battery: I prefer a built-in rechargable Li-ion battery. Those batteries have a very high capacity, and I like built in as it's easy too just plug it in when the battery is empty
when it can be turned on/off, a backlight is a must, so you don't have to turn the lights on when you suddenly came up with a great idea for a program at night And for power usage: if it's turned off, it would consume just as much power as when it wouldn't have one
I tried that, and i only found C code (and I don't understand anything of C) or OpenGL stuff, which uses the graphic card for rendering (and the graphic driver in a calc is way to primitive for that.
I found the asm scource code of a 3D engine with textures, But I think it's made for an other processor and with an assembler with a different syntaxis.
does anybody knows what these instructions could mean? - mov - int - cmp - jne - je - jge - jmp - jl - cdq - idiv
Spoiler For code:
;ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ;º º ;º Polygonfiller for Texturemapped polygons º ;º º ;º Draws a Texture-mapped polygon in Tweakedmode (320x200) º ;º º ;º Programmed by Fantom º ;º º ;º (c) An Ultimate Brains Production (c) º ;º º ;º Version 2.4 / 17.8.93 / 12.19 º ;º º ;ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ
mov ax,13h int 10h mov dx,SC_INDEX mov ax,0604h out dx,ax mov dx,SC_INDEX mov ax,0f02h out dx,ax mov ax,SCREEN_SEG mov es,ax sub di,di sub ax,ax mov cx,8000h rep stosw mov dx,CRTC_INDEX mov ax,14h out dx,ax mov ax,0e317h out dx,ax ret
cmp [PageOffset],0 jne Page0 mov [PageOffset],1024 mov [StartOffset],16384 pop ax pop dx pop cx pop bx ret
Page0: mov [PageOffset],0 mov [StartOffset],0 pop ax pop dx pop cx pop bx ret
Yup, If everything will work, that will become a first person shooter, and it's polygon based so it has more possibilities than raycasters (looking up, down...)
I'm just not sure if that will count becouse it's in very early development.
but anyway, i would only do this if there aren't enough people joining the team. If there are enough people joining, then older members with better projects should get the 'coder of tomorrow' title.
if this is enough to be a game project under developement then i'll join if you haven't got enough people joining. If there are enough, then I like to stay a 'normal' member.
Ummm...that link is to a raycaster, which renders stuff quite differently from a polygon engine.
Depends on the particular polygon engine. In any case, it's example code for handling 3d objects. The only really significant difference between polygons and raycasting is how you detect them. Actually, now that I think about it, BenRyves' Nostromo demo used polygons.
* ben_g googles for Nostromo
Yes, I think that uses polygons, but withouth textures.
And abouth raycasters: I don't know exactely how they work, but if i am correct, raycasters with textures renders by casting a ray for each collum of pixels, calculate the height that the slice should be, then it draws a collum of the texture on the buffer, stretched to the correct height. (correct me if I am wrong) A polygon based engine works by calculating the 2D coordinates of 3D points, and then drawing something between them. So if what i said abouth raycasters is correct, then code used for texturesin raycasters is useless in polygon based engines becouse those engines render in completely different ways.