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Topics - blue_bear_94
« on: June 03, 2012, 03:20:13 pm »
I have trouble with a library in the works. The code I am using is below:
// C Source File // Created 6/3/2012; 2:16:41 PM // Decthyth General 68k Libraries #include <tigcclib.h> #define RETURN_VALUE n void DlgError(const char* msg) { DlgMessage("Error",msg,BT_CANCEL,BT_NONE); } void WriteToNInt(long n) { push_longint(n); } void WriteToNFloat(float n) { push_Float(n); } // Main Function /* NOTE: When I say that a function returns a value, I mean that the value is stored to n. */ void _main(void) { int mode; unsigned char a; ESI argptr=top_estack; a=GetArgType(argptr); if (a!=POSINT_TAG) { DlgError("First arg must be + int"); return; } mode=GetIntArg(argptr); switch (mode) { case 0: WriteToNFloat(0.1); } }
When I compile this example and put in dcth(0):n, it just returns n (no value stored). Do you know what's wrong? Thanks in advance!
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:35:57 pm »
Hi, I've decided to enter in the z80 category in the contest. My game will involve catching the zero, but the zero moves also. I'll have more later. Also, the AI is quite simple but I'm programming it in z80 assembly.
« on: May 24, 2012, 04:12:31 pm »
Now that I've created a few TI-89 Basic programs, I really want to write an RPG. This is a plan for one I might write.
The character will navigate through 8x16 tilemaps, which will be stored in a list of strings (one string per 5x5? map world). A quick calculation shows 128 characters per map*25 maps/world=3,200 characters. Therefore I will probably be writing the strings on an editor. Another method is to use multiple archived strings named, perhaps, map0, map1, etc. A space would be a spot you could walk on, L a wall, and 0-9 and perhaps a few more characters symbols for people. Greek characters might be quest items.
Now, quests. Each quest will have an ID from 0 to n-1. The types for each objective will be fight, fight and collect, collect, and talk. Each quest has one or more objectives (ex. fighting 3 of one enemy, 5 of another, and coming back to an NPC). Fight: {enemy id, number, 0} Fight and Collect: {enemy id, number, probability} Collect: {item id, 0, 0} Talk: {person id, response, 0} Each NPC has a unique ID; I am thinking about storing their positions in a list, where every 5 entries look like {world, global row, global col, local row, local col} where the "global" coordinates describe which map in the world it is and the "local" coordinates describe where in the tilemap the person is. I could compress it to {world, map#, localcoords} or {25*world+map#, localcoords} or even {128*(25*world+map#)+localcoords}. For speed, however, I would use {w,m#,lc}. The fighting system will not involve "cards" as in Sunrise 3. There will be a screen showing ASCII representations of the player and the enemy and a custom menu asking for an action (Fight, Magic, Item, Pass, Run). Each enemy has an ID as well, as well as a list associated with it, containing the enemy data (health, mana, lvl, can fight, can magic, can item, can pass, can run, stun rds, poison, xp reward, gold reward, # of spells, spell 1, ...). "Fight," as well as each magic will have a list consisting of action, arguments, action, arguments, etc. Some actions will be Attack(type, min, max), Heal(min, max, 0), MHeal(min, max, 0), ModUserAtk(fact, 0, 0), ModEnemyAtk(fact, 0, 0), ModUserDef(fact, 0, 0), ModEnemyDef(fact, 0, 0), Poison(amt, 0, 0), Stun(turns, 0, 0). Both players and enemies can use the same spells and there will be different programs for players to cast spells and for enemies to cast spells. Shops will have a commond program available that will work with all shops, taking a list argument. Since For() loops are disallowed in ToolBar...EndTBar statements, I would be using a custom menu with up to 8 options, not including the one to return.
I'd like your feedback on this plan, thanks in advance!
« on: May 22, 2012, 08:25:42 pm »
I tried to send one of my Sunrise 3 programs through TiLP but the Mem Mgmt/Del menu says that it is 16361 bytes, which is crazy. Why is this happening? Thanks in advance!
Edit: Never mind, the same program from 0.6 is identical and it's fine.
« on: May 20, 2012, 09:03:36 pm »
I was making a movement example and everything works except that the sprite is showing up as a line instead of a box. If anyone could help me, thanks in advance!
#include "" #define progStart $9D95 .org progStart-2 .db $BB,$6D x .equ AppBackUpScreen y .equ AppBackUpScreen+1 push bc push de ld hl,x ld (hl),0 ld hl,y ld (hl),0 MainLoop: call EraseSpr ld a,%11111110 out ($01),a in a,($01) ld b,a bit 0,b call z,Down bit 1,b call z,Left bit 2,b call z,Right bit 3,b call z,Up call DrawSpr ld a,%11111101 out ($01),a in a,($01) cp %10111111 jr nz,MainLoop pop de pop bc ret Down: ld hl,y ld a,(hl) cp 55 ret z inc (hl) ret Up: ld hl,y ld a,(hl) cp 0 ret z dec (hl) ret Left: ld hl,x ld a,(hl) cp 0 ret z dec (hl) ret Right: ld hl,x ld a,(hl) cp 87 ret z inc (hl) ret BoxPic: .db 1,8 .db %11111111 .db %10000001 .db %10000001 .db %10000001 .db %10000001 .db %11111111 BoxErase: .db 1,8 .db 0 .db 0 .db 0 .db 0 .db 0 .db 0 DrawSpr: ld hl,y ld d,(hl) ld hl,x ld e,(hl) ld hl,BoxPic bcall(_DisplayImage) ret EraseSpr: ld hl,y ld d,(hl) ld hl,x ld e,(hl) ld hl,BoxErase bcall(_DisplayImage) ret
« on: May 15, 2012, 07:14:09 pm »
After a few days separated by months, I now have an alpha version of Contrast 7, a program editor written in Game Maker. For now, I have only the source. Issues: Some tokens will make the file build improperly. Parsing errors may occur when run through SC.
« on: May 15, 2012, 04:03:46 pm »
I think there should be a "Calcs Seen" field. Tell me what you think of it!
« on: May 14, 2012, 07:32:51 pm »
I have zStart working, on 2.43. How do I run archived programs now? Thanks in advance! BTW, Why doesn't the editor work in 2.55MP?
« on: May 11, 2012, 04:11:12 pm »
Note: I will no longer be working on Sunrise 3. Sorry!
You may have heard about my TI-83+ Basic RPG name Sunrise 3. I will upload 0.7 on the 23rd at latest. So the story is this:
You live in the future, and an evil ruler (actually, she's an author) has banned math worldwide. You need to seek out to join a rebel organization called "The Resistance."
Sunrise 3 is comprised both of menu and map movements, and will take up most of the TI-83+'s RAM and about 16KB of archive space, using assembly to switch programs in and out. When battling you play cards that represent spells, and you can also edit your deck. It should run on the TI-83+ or higher, except one of the cinematics will not display properly in OS versions below 1.16. (I have tested it only on my 2.55 MP TI-84+ SE, so please test the game out!)
« on: May 10, 2012, 04:30:10 pm »
How would you solve this math problem?
Find the sum of the digits of the base-5 representation of 20122012.
By the way, I came up with this problem.
« on: May 09, 2012, 08:53:02 pm »
Hi, I go by the name blue_bear_94. I also post on TI-BD and Cemetech. I have written in TI-83+ Basic, TI-89 Basic and C (89). I am currently working on Sunrise 3, a TI-83+ RPG.