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Messages - blue_bear_94

Pages: 1 ... 58 59 [60] 61 62 ... 68
TI 68K / Re: Unnamed
« on: May 25, 2012, 08:39:18 pm »
I can't seem to install any of these.

Also, a little elaboration.
map0-map9 will be the giant map strings, or I might make 250 smaller strings: map00 - map024, ..., map90 - map 924 for convenience. They will all be archived. If the large strings are used, then I will retrieve the appropriate segment on demand. If I use the small strings, then I will make a temporary copy in RAM. Either way, the temp copy will be named mapt or similar.
The quest objectives will be stored in a function called questobj(id) or if there aren't too many quests, a list called questobj. The list might be split up into several smaller lists in order to increase speed. Whatever format I am using, the file will be archived.
npc or npc(id) (again, it depends) will be the coordinate lists for NPCs. Again, it's archived.
spells(id) will be the function storing the necessary lists for spells.
shop(list) will be the shop program.
hit(action, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, PorE) is the attack program. P=0, E=1. I will also have AttackSelf and HealOther for actions. I have decided to add an arg4 for an animation and am planning to store the animations in a program.

Edit: More stuff.
dmain: Main save list
dquest: Quests
dqitems: Quest Items
dcons: Consumables
dhats: Hats
drobes: Robes
dwpns: Weapons
dspells: Spells
deqp: Equipped
Also, each item has an id specific to its type and also a global one (0-999: quest items, 1000-1999: consumables, 2000-2999: hats, 3000-3999: robes, 4000-4999: weapons).

Miscellaneous / Re: Need help to choose something
« on: May 24, 2012, 10:21:14 pm »
#2 is still better, although #1 is close.

Miscellaneous / Re: Need help to choose something
« on: May 24, 2012, 10:10:04 pm »
And what do you do with that drinking horn? Put beer in it?

Miscellaneous / Re: Need help to choose something
« on: May 24, 2012, 10:06:13 pm »
What's 1 by the way?

Miscellaneous / Re: Need help to choose something
« on: May 24, 2012, 10:05:10 pm »

TI 68K / Re: Unnamed
« on: May 24, 2012, 09:09:20 pm »
Yes, I wrote a few programs in C, such as here.

Edit: I also have an elaboration on the map generation. A segment of the large string corresponding to the section of the world is copied to the RAM, so quest items can be removed from the map when the player collects it. Do you know a decent TI-89 Basic editor?

TI 68K / Re: Unnamed
« on: May 24, 2012, 08:56:58 pm »
Yes, I am aware of how lists work on the TI-89. That's why I'll use strings for the maps. Also, the lists I am using will probably be small.

TI 68K / Re: Unnamed
« on: May 24, 2012, 08:06:00 pm »
Umm... how many times slower approximately?

Does anyone have an animated GIF of this glitch?

TI-BASIC / Re: Few simple questions
« on: May 24, 2012, 05:17:28 pm »
The first line adds delimiters so Line 5 will work. Line 2-4 waits for a key F1-F5 to be pressed. (Why?) Line 5 concatenates three substrings: the one before the character to be changed, one being the new character, and the one after, and then clips it to the appropriate range.

TI-BASIC / Re: Few simple questions
« on: May 24, 2012, 04:34:26 pm »
Code: [Select]
Repeat 2≥abs(Ans-3

2. If it's a small delay, then rand(#) is better.

TI Z80 / Re: Sunrise 3
« on: May 24, 2012, 04:21:08 pm »
For some reason when you enter Arlyfys Keep, 4 and 5 appear twice in SUN3S...

Edit: Add the line
Code: [Select]
If min(∟SUN3S≠4before
Code: [Select]
Edit 2:
I have a screenshot.

TI 68K / Unnamed
« on: May 24, 2012, 04:12:31 pm »
Now that I've created a few TI-89 Basic programs, I really want to write an RPG. This is a plan for one I might write.

The character will navigate through 8x16 tilemaps, which will be stored in a list of strings (one string per 5x5? map world). A quick calculation shows 128 characters per map*25 maps/world=3,200 characters. Therefore I will probably be writing the strings on an editor. Another method is to use multiple archived strings named, perhaps, map0, map1, etc. A space would be a spot you could walk on, L a wall, and 0-9 and perhaps a few more characters symbols for people. Greek characters might be quest items.

Now, quests. Each quest will have an ID from 0 to n-1. The types for each objective will be fight, fight and collect, collect, and talk. Each quest has one or more objectives (ex. fighting 3 of one enemy, 5 of another, and coming back to an NPC).
Fight: {enemy id, number, 0}
Fight and Collect: {enemy id, number, probability}
Collect: {item id, 0, 0}
Talk: {person id, response, 0}
Each NPC has a unique ID; I am thinking about storing their positions in a list, where every 5 entries look like {world, global row, global col, local row, local col} where the "global" coordinates describe which map in the world it is and the "local" coordinates describe where in the tilemap the person is. I could compress it to {world, map#, localcoords} or {25*world+map#, localcoords} or even {128*(25*world+map#)+localcoords}. For speed, however, I would use {w,m#,lc}.
The fighting system will not involve "cards" as in Sunrise 3. There will be a screen showing ASCII representations of the player and the enemy and a custom menu asking for an action (Fight, Magic, Item, Pass, Run). Each enemy has an ID as well, as well as a list associated with it, containing the enemy data (health, mana, lvl, can fight, can magic, can item, can pass, can run, stun rds, poison, xp reward, gold reward, # of spells, spell 1, ...). "Fight," as well as each magic will have a list consisting of action, arguments, action, arguments, etc. Some actions will be Attack(type, min, max), Heal(min, max, 0), MHeal(min, max, 0), ModUserAtk(fact, 0, 0), ModEnemyAtk(fact, 0, 0), ModUserDef(fact, 0, 0), ModEnemyDef(fact, 0, 0), Poison(amt, 0, 0), Stun(turns, 0, 0). Both players and enemies can use the same spells and there will be different programs for players to cast spells and for enemies to cast spells.
Shops will have a commond program available that will work with all shops, taking a list argument. Since For() loops are disallowed in ToolBar...EndTBar statements, I would be using a custom menu with up to 8 options, not including the one to return.

I'd like your feedback on this plan, thanks in advance!

Humour and Jokes / Re: 9001 signs you're addicted to calcs and Omni
« on: May 24, 2012, 03:47:22 pm »
It's 2748, not 2750.
2749: You correct mistakes like that.
2750: You stay up late on Omni.
2751: You failed your math class because you used 2.43 on your 84+/SE.
2752: You downgrade your friends' calculators to 2.43.

On 2.55MP, if you take a fraction and multiply by another fraction, the home screen glitches and starts writing from the middle instead of the top of the screen. Only way I know how to fix is ram reset

I don't see the glitch on WabbitEmu.

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