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Messages - LincolnB

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18 ... 77
TI Z80 / Re: Spacky 2 - Beta Release
« on: January 18, 2012, 02:37:11 pm »
Ah, that's clever. I didn't even notice that!

TI Z80 / Re: YAZP (Yet Another Zedd Platformer)
« on: January 18, 2012, 02:33:48 pm »
No gravity flipping as yet, I may add it as a power up (along with other elements such as speed boost, health, whatever else I can think of) but what you saw was my character sticking to the ceiling.

@Builderboy, Saintrunner - you're going to have a certain amount of "ammo", like you can only place a certain number of blocks in a given level to solve a puzzle. E.G. use 5 toggle blocks to get to the exit (or whatever)

Thanks for the input, COdeH4cker, I'll speed it up a little bit.

@parser padwan - The one I showed you in school the other day was an unreleased demo with similar (but monochrome) graphics. I'm definitely using the game mechanic you saw in there as well. Also, YAZP stands for Yet Another Zedd Platformer (subject to change)

Coming up next - scrolling backgrounds! I'll probably be able to post a screenie later today. ;) The gray actually doesn't look too bad on the scrolling as of yet.

TI Z80 / GeoCore - (Formerly YAZP)
« on: January 16, 2012, 06:01:36 pm »
Hey so I've been experimenting with Zedd quite a bit, and I think I've come up with a fairly solid foundation for a game. It's not much yet, but here it is:

TI Z80 / Re: The Mighty Jill Off
« on: January 15, 2012, 03:49:19 pm »
That looks epic, leafy!  I love how it looks like four level in spots even though it's three, because the mind is tricked to think the black/gray blocks are darker than the gray/white ones.

you SNEAKY boy! haha that's impressive.

TI Z80 / Re: The Mighty Jill Off
« on: January 13, 2012, 10:02:32 pm »
Wait a that fourscale?! No f#$!$!ing way! HOW?

Axe / Re: Help with tilemap collision?
« on: January 12, 2012, 05:44:27 pm »
yes, but you'll want to make a copy of your map data and modify that, so you don't screw up your map for permanent.

To acces the Yth element down and the Xth element across, go like this:


So, to move a tile to the left, say:

Code: [Select]

And so on

Axe / Re: Help with tilemap collision?
« on: January 11, 2012, 05:02:11 pm »
haha that's totally fine. Everyone forgets these things, most especially me.

Axe / Re: Help with tilemap collision?
« on: January 10, 2012, 02:42:18 pm »
Okay, a simple way to do collision detection in a top-down sort of game, like what I used in Base 671, is to assign the current position variables and offsets for the tilemap into other variables, so you have a copy of how everything is displayed. Then, check to see if the character is inside a tile. If they are, restore the copy of the position variables so everything is back to normal! Note that this works best if your character is represented by a single point.

@parser - you said you were using *256 inflation? Make sure you do If sub(GET,X+(7*256),Y+(7*256))=2. Otherwise, I think your code is fine.

TI Z80 / Re: An Exercise In Futility [Contest Entry]
« on: January 10, 2012, 02:32:39 pm »
maybe put images in [img] tags?

also, I see it is an app. how big is it when compiled normally?

also, looks AMAZING. keep up the good work. :D

EDIT: and is the munu that slow on calc?

Thanks! and no, the menu's a little faster on-calc. I'm releasing it as an app or as a 1450(ish) byte program. Also, I didn't put it in img tags to prevent browser lag...wouldn't have made much difference but whatev.

Hm, so it's kind of like part-simul,part-graviter/sandland....interesting..I'm impressed as to how many game elements you managed to fit've got the bullet/arrays along with what looks like tile masking and/or intelligent collision checks, etc. Nice job.

Thanks! Haha well that's kind of funny because I took heavy inspiration from those three games. All the collisions are completely pixel based, so I didn't "need" the tilemap, per se, it is entirely dependent on pxl-test() commands.

TI Z80 / Re: An Exercise In Futility [Contest Entry]
« on: January 09, 2012, 04:23:10 pm »

Finished! Screenie uploaded, download available later.

Elimination / Re: I need suggestions for 3rd 100% item in Elimination
« on: January 09, 2012, 10:33:23 am »
Those two sound quite awesome - but you could also consider using something like how in Doom, you can go past 100% health/armor with various potions.

The Axe Parser Project / Re: Axe Parser
« on: January 09, 2012, 09:50:09 am »
very cool, my friend.

TI Z80 / Re: Swords 2
« on: January 09, 2012, 09:48:42 am »
Impressive! Maybe a DrawInv on either L6 or L3 would be nice but otherwise looks good.

TI Z80 / Re: Swords 2
« on: January 07, 2012, 05:44:21 pm »
I would do up, up-left and up-right. also, left/right/down might be good for some puzzles, mostly those that deal with exact and really fast timing of avoiding certain moving enemies or something like that.

TI Z80 / Re: Swords 2
« on: January 06, 2012, 08:01:40 pm »
If you're discussing powerups, anything that launches you is always cool.

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