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Messages - bwang

Pages: 1 ... 19 20 [21] 22 23 ... 44
News / Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« on: July 23, 2010, 08:39:04 pm »
Nope, the diagnostic menu is signed, too.
TI is not that stupid :(

Calculator C / Re: Post your Nspire routines here!
« on: July 22, 2010, 09:34:40 pm »
I updated the first post with a better graphics.h.

Calculator C / Re: Mode 7
« on: July 22, 2010, 04:25:47 pm »
Darn, you beat me to this project. I was going to start one today :P
I've been trying to understand the math myself. From what I see, it indeed greatly resembles the math behind 3D.
This tutorial is probably your best bet.
@Mapar007: I don't think you need linear maps to do mode7. That's goes too much into the theory of matrices and such.

Math and Science / Re: New RSA Algorithm discussion
« on: July 22, 2010, 04:13:07 pm »
The most time-consuming step of the QS is the sieving step. The NFS improves upon it by using a different, more complicated sieving method.
The matrix step for the QS and the NFS use the same algorithm, which, unfortunately, cannot be easily distributed over a network.

You should start by trying to compile the Ndless demo with no modifications. If that works, you know your dev environment is working.
Like so:
Code: [Select]
cd <ndless root directory>/src/arm/demo
Post any errors you get here.
Alternatively, you can grab from the first post here, unzip it, cd to the directory it unzipped to, and run 'make'. This has the advantage containing only what you need to compile, which makes it easier to distribute your sources when you release.

Other Calculators / Re: Regarding NSpire cracking
« on: July 22, 2010, 02:20:08 am »
Let's not get into illegal activities, though.

Then we need to move to russia or china where it's legal!
It's not legal there, just ignored.

Art / Re: 10x zoom in paint
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:59:47 am »
Yay easter eggs.
I do all my pixel art on the GIMP, though. Open Source ftw!

Other Calculators / Re: TI'S Response to our outrage
« on: July 22, 2010, 01:09:16 am »
Sorry if I sounded rude in my previous post. I didn't mean to :(
There's probably some way to get it set up with Eclipse or a similar IDE, but imo its not worth the time. Either way, I believe you are going to need some familiarity with the command-line GNU development tools to code for the Nspire.
But as I've said, its not hard.  apcalc wrote an excellent tutorial here if you're getting started.

Math and Science / Re: New RSA Algorithm discussion
« on: July 22, 2010, 12:56:31 am »
Computing phi(n) is polynomial-time equivalent to factoring n. It is generally accepted that the two problems are equally hard.
"equally hard" in the sense of "the only way we know HOW to find phi(n) is to factor n, hence, they take the same amount of time". But i'm suggesting to find a different way to find phi(n)
"Equally hard" as in find phi(n) would allow us to factor n too.
The idea of this thread was to create better alternatives for the current algorithms, so what are your ideas to make it faster?
A new algorithm that is asymptotically faster than the NFS would be a monumental achievement. The top researchers in the field have been working on it for a couple decades now, and so far no they've had no luck.
If you want to start building  a new algorithm, its best to look at the current ones first. In case anyone is interested, here is a summary of the Quadratic Sieve, the (slower) predecessor to the NFS. It uses the same ideas, but is much, much simpler (no prime ideals, rings of algebraic integers, etc., just good old integers!).

The Quadratic Sieve
Let n be the number we are attempting to factor. The gist of the QS (and the NFS) is to find x^2 = y^2 (mod n) with x and y integers. Then we may compute gcd(x - y, n) and gcd(x + y, n), which each has a high probability of being a nontrivial factor of n.
But how do we find such x and y? That is what the algorithm does.
We define a factor base F = {p_1, p_2, ... p_k} to be the set of all primes less than or equal to some predetermined bound B. Let f(x) = x^2 - n. Let I be the set of integers contained in the interval [sqrt(n), sqrt(n) + M] for some predetermined bound M. Finally, we say that an integer m in I is smooth over F if all prime factors of m are in F.
Step 1: Sieving
The sieving step tries to find k integers a_1, a_2, a_3, ... a_k in I such that f(a_i) is smooth over F for all i = 1, 2, ... k. It works as follows:
*Initialize an array T to the values of f(a), where a is in the interval I.
*For each prime p in F:
    *Find solutions x0, x1 to the congruence x^2 = n (mod p) using the Shanks-Tonelli algorithm.
    *Divide the elements of T corresponding to x0 + t * p, x1 + t * p (t is an integer) by the largest value of p that divide them. Note that since
      x0, x1 satisfy x^2 = n (mod p), f(x0 + t * p) and f(x1 + t * p) are divisible by p. Indeed, the are the only elements of T divisible by p.
*Store the values of f corresponding to those elements of T that are now 1 into an array R. The elements of R are precisely those values of f(a) that
  are smooth over F.
Step 2: Linear algebra
*We now have {a_1, a_2, ... a_k} with f(a_i) smooth over F. We want to find a subset of the f(a_i) such that their product is a square.
*To so, write f(a_i) = p_1^e_i1 * p_2^e_i2 * ... * p_k^e_ik. Associate with a_i the binary vector A_i = (e_i1 % 2, e_i2 % 2, ... e_ik % 2). If we can 
  find a binary vector (c_1, c_2, ... c_k) such that sum (c_i * A_i) = (0, 0, 0, ...0) mod 2, we'd have our subset. This is because the product of the
  a_i corresponding to those c_i that are 1 would have the property that the exponent of each p_i is even.
*Now let the matrix A = [A_1, A_2, ...A_k] (we are placing the column representations of the A_i side by side to form A). A moment's thought shows
  that finding the c_i corresponds to solving the system A * C = 0. This is a well known problem from linear algebra, and can be solved with Gaussian 
  elimination or the Lanczos algorithm.
*When all is said and done, we have our subset of the a_i. Call these {b_1, b_2, ... b_m}.
Step 3: Finding x and y
*We simply let x = b_1 * b_2 * ... * b_m and y = sqrt(f(b_1) * f(b_2) * ... * f(b_m)). By the definition of the b_i and f, y is an integer, and x^2 =
  y^2 (mod n)
*We have x and y, so we can factor n!

Math and Science / Re: New RSA Algorithm discussion
« on: July 21, 2010, 10:45:26 pm »
the reason we need to factor n into p*q is so that we can calculate phi(n)=(p-1)*(q-1), right? well, what if, instead of trying to find a better factoring algorithm, we try to find a fast way to compute the totient without knowing the factors.....
No. Computing phi(n) is polynomial-time equivalent to factoring n. It is generally accepted that the two problems are equally hard.
Okay, well take any n which is a semiprime and do mod 4 of it.  eg, the remainder when it is divided by 4.  So if I have p=13 and q=19, that means p mod 4=1 and q mod 4=3, so pq mod 4=3.  That means that if we have an n, where n mod 4=3, it either means the p mod 4=3 or q mod 4=3, and the other mod 4 =1.

There is one thing I messed up, though.  It is supposed to be (4x+1)(4y+3)=16xy2+12x+4y+3.  I'll go fix that in my last post...  Basically, though, if you solve that over the integers, it yields the factors.  There is only one solution.
Why 16*x*y^2? I think its 16xy.
I believe the factorization of RSA-768 used the NFS. If we were really crazy, we could try writing an implementation of the NFS that is faster than what we currently have (GGNFS + Msieve).
Number field sieves are hard to write :( It would be an interesting community project, though.

Other Calculators / Re: TI'S Response to our outrage
« on: July 21, 2010, 10:36:04 pm »
What platform are you on?
Compiling from the command line is as simple as running 'make' in the source directory, so there's really little reason why the use of the command line should be an obstacle.

Trapped for the TI-Nspire and TI-89 / Re: Block Dude Nspire
« on: July 21, 2010, 02:51:34 am »
Glad to see a new Nspire project :) We need more of these.
It needs smooth scrolling (not too hard, I think) and better graphics (probably trivial from an implementation point of view, but not so trivial from an artistic point of view). It would be nice to have an external level loader.
The motion seems a bit slow at the moment. What sprite code are you using?
You don't need a working CAS emulator to compile for the CAS. Just change the setting in the Makefile.
Will it be open source?

News / Re: Nspire 2.1 out, don't install it!
« on: July 20, 2010, 02:08:07 am »
We should just write (or more likely, port) our own CAS for the non-CAS. Then TI would have nothing to say.

Other Calculators / Re: Nspire diagnostic software dumper
« on: July 19, 2010, 07:25:02 pm »
Never mind, I recompiled the program from source and it worked. I've e-mailed the dump. It's supposed to be 640 KB, right?

Other Calculators / Re: Nspire diagnostic software dumper
« on: July 19, 2010, 07:09:42 pm »
Code: [Select]


diagsdumper doesn't work, though. I see from the source it is supposed to create ndless/diagsdump.tns, but nothing happens.

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