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Messages - casman

Pages: [1]
General Calculator Help / Re: Brick
« on: September 30, 2012, 06:26:04 pm »
Thank you

General Calculator Help / Brick
« on: September 26, 2012, 08:29:30 pm »
Recently I tried putting ndless onto my friends CAS (it was at OS 3.0) so I sent my OS 3.1 with ndless (I have nTnoc and ncleaner so it doesnt get rejected) but it went into a loop because I forgot to send the Ndless support files first, so I went into the maintenance menu and uninstalled the OS, but when I tried to send my OS again (without ndless) it said it was rejected, I dont want to try updating it to OS 3.2 before I know for sure I cant give it 3.1 or lower. Any suggestions?

General Calculator Help / Re: Restarting
« on: September 18, 2012, 08:23:13 pm »
Probably not, its 3 years old. It seems to work fine if I push the release thing to take off the keypad but keep the keypad in

General Calculator Help / Re: Restarting
« on: September 17, 2012, 10:44:14 pm »
That did fix the bouncing problem, but it still turns off randomly and keys are still unresponsive, the hooks (or whatever you want to call them) appear to be slightly bent out of shape (im not sure though, ill have to compare it with another touch tomorrow) so that might be making it lose contact with the screen...

General Calculator Help / Restarting
« on: September 17, 2012, 10:11:30 pm »
I've started using my Ti-Nspire Cas touch again now that school has started, but now when I pick it the batteries are slightly loose and jiggle around a bit, which occasionally causes my calculator to go into a short loop of turning on and off until I take out the keypad and move the batteries around again. Also on occasion buttons on my calculator won't work, such as the control button and my touchpad (both when clicking and moving). Does anyone have any suggestions to fix either of these?

Other Calculators / Re: Ti-nspire link software
« on: March 26, 2012, 10:58:44 pm »
alright thanks

Other Calculators / Ti-nspire link software
« on: March 20, 2012, 09:05:01 pm »
After the trial period expired I tried uninstalling then re downloading the software and it still recognized that I had not bought it and it won't let me continue with a trial version. Does anyone have any advice? Is there someway to just keep using the trial version or do I have to buy the software?

alright thanks

do I need an emulator to run it?

Can anyone help with running ultimate doom? I have ndless installed but it says file format .tns is not supported and then it restarts the calculator

got it

I am trying to install ndless on my friends nspire cx cas. I can't get the student connect software to recognize that there is a .tcc or a .tco file, it only shows .tnc and .tno. Ive put it on non-cx nspire's. can anyone help me?

News / Re: Ndless v3.1 beta for OS v3.1 with TI-Nspire CX support released
« on: February 12, 2012, 03:25:46 pm »
I have been trying to install ndless onto my touch pad Nspire, I have downloaded the ndless file and transferred it to my calculator, The installer isn't able to be transferred with the folder (it says some unsupported were not transferred) and when I try to move just the installer it starts to install it but then my calculator resets and the connection software says connection has been lost and to try again. When I try to transfer it from my documents to my calculator it says that it is an unsupported file and won't transfer it. Can anyone help me?

News / Re: Ndless 3.1 coming soon?
« on: January 13, 2012, 10:24:38 pm »
I have seen lots of posts about gameboy games on the Ti-nspire, but where can I download the games?

Pages: [1]