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Messages - fxdev

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Casio Calculators / Re: Getting started in Casio-Basic? You can ask here.
« on: January 27, 2011, 06:35:33 pm »
Oh, nice.

So you no longer have to write...
Green " "
Locate 1,1,"Green Text" on the CFX models. :)

Casio Calculators / Re: Getting started in Casio-Basic? You can ask here.
« on: January 27, 2011, 01:51:44 pm »
First off how do I take user input. Such as numbers and strings.

?->A // or "A="?->A
?->A~Z // assign to all variables (except r and theta)
?->Str 1 // input a string
?->List 1 // input a list (use "List ?" or "{?,?,?,...}")
?->Mat A // input a matrix (use "Mat ?" or "[[?,?,...][?,?,...]...]")

There is no way to convert an integer to a string... :(

Combine '?' and 'Locate':
" " // can be preceded by color commands
Locate 1,1,"Personal Settings:"
"Name="?->Str 1

Question: Does the Prizm's Locate command support color commands (e.g. Green Locate 1,1,...)?

You don't like the '?' command?
Here is a small shell-like program:

Code: [Select]
"_ "->Str 1
Locate 1,1,">> _"
Do:While Getkey // wait for key release
Do:Getkey // wait for key press
LpWhile Not Ans
StrLeft(Str 1,StrLen(Str 1)-2)->Str 1 // remove underscore
Ans=44=>StrLen(Str 1)=>StrLeft(Str 1,StrLen(Str 1)-1)->Str 1 // [DEL]
Ans=61=>Str 1+" "->Str 1 // [.]
Ans=76=>Str 1+"A"->Str 1 // [X,theta,T]
Ans=66=>Str 1+"B"->Str 1 // [log]
Str 1+"_ "->Str 1
Locate 4,1,StrRight(Str 1,19)
LpWhile Ans=/=31 And StrLen(Str 1)<255 // [EXE]
StrLeft(Str 1,StrLen(Str 1)-2)->Str 1 // remove underscore
Prog "PARSE" // start parsing...

Second is use of matricies and lists. Mostly on referencing a single index in that matrix or list.

{2,2}->Dim Mat A // or [[1,2][3,4]]->Mat A
3->Dim List 1 // or {1,2,3}->List 1

1->Mat A[1,1]
2->Mat A[1,2]
3->Mat A[2,1]
4->Mat A[2,2]

1->List 1[1]
2->List 1[2]
3->List 1[3]
4->List 1[4] // works too!
5->List 1[5] // works when List 1[4] exists!

You can also use variables:
2->List I[2]

Or even strings:
"NICE"->List 1[0] // the so called 'subject name' of a list
2->List "NICE"[2]
List 1[0]->Str 1
3->List Str 1[3]

Unfortunately, neither do string commands work with variables (e.g. Str I) nor does "?->List 1[0]" work.

Workaround for the last one:
?->Str 1
Str 1->List 1[0]

Btw, there is a way to check for empty lists: :D

Code: [Select]
// EXPECT_SIZE... expected list size (>1)
// MAGIC_NUMBER... some special value
EXPECT_SIZE->List 1[1]
If Dim List 1=/=List 1[1]
Then "Data not found!"
Else If List 1[List 1[1]]=/=MAGIC_NUMBER
Then "Data corrupted!"
Else "Data loaded!"

Last off is drawing with statistics functions. I tried the example code on casiocalc, but I couldn't get it to run.

I have never used this technique, but the program seems to work for me.
However, there are two small bugs:
(1) Change "Ans=28=>B-10->B" to "Ans=28=>B+10->B"
(2) Add "AxesOff" somewhere at the top

And I also don't like Gotos:
So replace "Lbl 0:Getkey:Ans=0=>Goto 0" with "Do:Do:Getkey:LpWhile Not Ans" and "Goto 0" at the bottom with "LpWhile 1".

Casio Calculators / Re: The Inside of a Casio Prizm
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:23:27 pm »
Is it possible to peel back the casing on top of the ram chip because that could reveal how much memory the Prizm really has.

Huh, are you crazy? O.O
I guess, it is an LP62S16512U-70LLTF chip:

On an fx-9860G you get the RAM size via syscall 0x0CCB and there is most likely a similar call on the Prizm. Furthermore, by using the legacy 3-pin protocol you will probably be able to request the RAM size, too!

Btw, this is the flash datasheet (S29GL256N10TFI02):

Casio Calculators / Re: Getting started in Casio-Basic? You can ask here.
« on: January 22, 2011, 05:38:40 pm »
You can further speed up drawing by using some of the statistics functions:

Casio Calculators / Re: Getting started in Casio-Basic? You can ask here.
« on: January 21, 2011, 06:19:35 pm »
No, you cannot use a larger font when in graphics mode.

Casio Calculators / Re: Getting started in Casio-Basic? You can ask here.
« on: January 21, 2011, 04:19:20 pm »
Also is there a way to draw large text on the graph screen like you could do in TI-BASIC.

The command "Text" works in graphics mode. It's part of the sketch menu (press [Shift] + [F4]).

Casio Calculators / Re: Getting started in Casio-Basic? You can ask here.
« on: January 21, 2011, 08:14:38 am »
Reminds me of several people requesting an F-LineOff command to clear a line. But up to this day, there are only the PxlOff/PlotOff and Cls/ClrGraph commands to clear a pixel or the entire screen. If you only want to clear some portion, you have to stick to printing blank characters...

Casio Calculators / Re: PRIZM Disassembler
« on: January 21, 2011, 07:57:52 am »
Do you guys already have a clue on how large the actual RAM chip is? On the GII calculators it is 512k.
Simon told me once you can check this via the FA-124 communication protocol and the Prizm's 3-pin port still has to support most of this.

Casio Calculators / Re: Casio Prizm documentation
« on: January 21, 2011, 07:45:19 am »
Oh I see. Wow, so they actually got fewer memory in Australia. X.x
This is only true for the fx-9860G AU - not the fx-9860G AU Plus.
However, by installing the fx-9860GII OS on the former you get 1.5m of flash, too! ;D

Casio Calculators / Re: Any plans to contribute to the fx-9860 series?
« on: January 21, 2011, 07:36:07 am »
Just use it and tell me. :P
This particular calculator does not exist anymore either...

Here is the product code from an fx-9860G SD:

Code A: G363-51
Code B: A162239

I thought the 9860G was already reverse-engineered with the use of the SDK?
Yeah, this is true - for the most part. But the Casio community is REALLY small compared to the TI community and there was not much activity for quite a while...

EDIT: Changed topic title.

Casio Calculators / Any plans to contribute to the fx-9860 series?
« on: January 20, 2011, 06:14:06 pm »
Although the Prizm is a revolutionary new device and more worth hacking, the famous fx-9860G and GII series are very similar to the Prizm and I guess, still better than most TI calculators. Indeed, what makes the Prizm different is basically a more powerful display, an easier calc-to-PC connection and a larger flash chip.

For instance, if you are going to port the Axe parser to the Prizm, it will most likely run on the fx-9860 series, too - with only a few modifications (mainly because of the smaller screen resolution). And it is not only the fx-9860G and fx-9860GII that will benefit from your efforts. There is also the fx-9750GII (almost identical to an fx-9860GII on the hardware level but without backlight) and the fx-7400GII (this is the weakest of the GII calculators: Only 2 MB of flash memory (as compared to 4 MB) and no USB 1.1 port). However, the last two are not add-in capable - but there is a hack for the fx-9750GII at least.

Furthermore, as the Prizm is so fx-9860-like, reverse-engineering may be sped up by looking closer on its predecessors first. And did I mention that there is already an SDK available for these? Just visit:

You may also ask Simon Lothar or Andreas B. to obtain a list of syscalls (they are collecting those on a non-public wiki).
A document with a few selected ones is available here:

You may also be interested in how to communicate with pre-Prizm calculators:

Or interested in the built-in hardware components:

Casio Calculators / Re: Getting started in Casio-Basic? You can ask here.
« on: January 18, 2011, 07:00:46 pm »
My suggestion for all Casio people is: Don't buy the Prizm and migrate to TI - they have better BASIC! :w00t:

Casio Calculators / Re: Getting started in Casio-Basic? You can ask here.
« on: January 18, 2011, 06:48:42 pm »
Actually, this was supposed to fill the entire screen...
Are you overwriting the status bar? If not, then this must be a bug.

Incredible, the Prizm makes Casio-Basic even crappier!

Casio Calculators / Re: Getting started in Casio-Basic? You can ask here.
« on: January 18, 2011, 06:30:36 pm »
Use "F-line" with view window setting 1,127,0,1,63,0.
Also, there is a trick to precede "F-Line" with "SketchThick" to further increase its performance.

Here is a test program that does this:

Code: [Select]
ViewWindow 1,127,0,1,63,0
For 1->I To 5
For 1->J To 31
SketchThick F-Line 1,2J,126,2J

EDIT: Wow, on the Prizm this is REALLY slow...
I'm sorry, but Casio-Basic has always had a bad design when it comes to graphics.

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