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Messages - chickendude

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TI Z80 / Re: Robot War 84+
« on: November 13, 2014, 08:56:07 pm »
I just moved stuff around a bit and it looks like the code is around 14600 bytes (actually a little less, but moving some of the tables out of the battle routine might be more trouble than it's worth). The map data itself isn't huge, but with the sprites, text, and enemy data it's a bit more.

TI Z80 / Re: Alien Breed 5 Episode II: Evolution
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:58:41 pm »
I'm really looking forward to this. The co-op feature looked really cool but i can see how that could cause a lot of headaches. I don't know of any link-play game with a smooth scrolling tilemap (though maybe Hayleia's Super Smash Bros Open comes close). I feel like the Alien Breed series has always been pushing the limits, i remember being really impressed by the 8-way scrolling way back when, and now all this! :D

TI Z80 / Re: Fullrene
« on: November 11, 2014, 03:45:09 am »
Ok, looking through the 83+-specific code:
Code: [Select]
        ex de, hl    ;HL is too close to SP
        ld (hl), b    ;b is zero
    ld a, $1F
     jr c, notLocking
    ld (hl), a        ;should be $0F
    dec    hl
    out    (06), a
    out    (05), a        ;should be 7
    call    $46D8        ;hack, works on 1.00 and 1.01
It seems like there are a couple shortcuts taken, for example instead of outputting $7 to port 05 they send $1F to both port 05 and 06, i assume the upper bits of port 05 are unused? Then it runs the 84+ code? I'm also not sure how we get back to "returnPoint". I've really got no idea what's going on in the unlock flash section, is the size of the routine taken into consideration? I tried adding some extra code to debug it but it caused weird stuff to happen when exiting. I see that some stuff ($8214-$8167 bytes) is getting LDDR'd into $8214, though i'm not sure where all these numbers come from. The code getting copied stretches into the main program code (ie. beyond Fullrene).

TI Z80 / Re: Fullrene
« on: November 10, 2014, 10:43:54 pm »
Does that have any other side effects other than not reopening the $C000 protection? It seems to work ok for the 15mhz calcs, so for the meantime i'll just add a check  for those. I'll read up on the ports over at WikiTI and see if i can figure out what exactly the code's doing.

TI Z80 / Re: Fullrene
« on: November 10, 2014, 06:58:59 pm »
I've followed it in a debugger and it  works just fine or seems to at least on TilEm. It also works fine on the 83+SE, but running it on the real hardware for the 83+ (or at least mine) causes it to crash upon exit.

TI Z80 / Re: Fullrene
« on: November 10, 2014, 03:26:45 am »
Thanks, i just tested it out on my 83+ and it works, but exiting the program crashes the calc. It exits just fine on the 83+SE, though.

TI Z80 / Re: Robot War 84+
« on: November 10, 2014, 02:46:53 am »
Yeah, there is a bit of SMC in there (DigiTan called it "polymorph") and yes, the attached sources (in the first post and in reply #6) are the latest sources. CrASH_Man's tilemapper also uses a bit of SMC. I started work on converting it over to an app a while ago, but i'm not sure where those sources went. If someone else wanted to pick up on that, that'd be great. Then i could start working on the multiplayer stuff.

EDIT: I just popped the code from Fullrene in and now it works just fine on the 83+ in TilEm2, gonna load it up on my 83+BE now. It's also much smaller now :D Just loaded onto my 83+ and it works fine except for exiting gives a RAM clear :/

EDIT: Here's a modified version that works for all calcs, though for the 83+ series i think it leaves >$C000 execution open (it checks if the calc is an 83+, if it is it just quits and doesn't reset the protection). Source and 8xp included. It's also over 200 bytes smaller than the previous Crabcake-based version, so it should be a bit easier to fit on your calc.

TI Z80 / Re: Fullrene
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:30:55 am »
Btw, is there a copy of this routine available for assembly programmers? I'm not exactly sure what to do with the source in the first post, for example what are all the REP_NEXT macros? I've been able to get around the C000 limit on the 84+/SE, but haven't figured out how to get around it on the 83+BE.

TI Z80 / Re: Robot War 84+
« on: November 09, 2014, 04:25:49 am »
Actually, i think the latest zStart for the 83+ let's you bypass the 8k limit, so you could use zStart to run it on the 83+. Crabcake is supposed to work for the 83+, too, but i've never gotten it to work. I'll look into it next weekend and see if i can find anything.

TI Z80 / Re: Robot War 83+
« on: November 08, 2014, 12:47:28 am »
Bump. I did an extra bit of work on this the past couple days after seeing DigiTan come back over at Cemetech. I'm not sure if there are any things that still need to be ported over or not, i fixed a bug when building robots and think i've finally sorted out the display glitch in the battle routine (i think ionFastCopy was getting interrupted by the interrupt). I'd appreciate it if anyone could play through it and find bugs or spots that just don't seem quite right. I can give you a save file with a more powerful robot if that'll make testing easier (though the game might not be as much fun ;) ). I'm hesitating to say that it's finished though until i finish playing through the whole game.

I also haven't touched the linkplay code, once i make sure that this is basically bug-free i can work on adding that in. But that reminds me, you'll have to have a lot of RAM free on your calc to run this (the latest version takes up 24026 bytes + 183 bytes for the save file).

EDIT: Also, don't forget to read the Readme. I highly recommend that you read it, it explains a lot of things that aren't really self-evident, in particular the part on the battle system.

EDIT: I also just remembered that since it uses Crabcake it won't work on the 83+, just the 84+ and SE editions.

EDIT: Alright, i just beat the game on my SE. There might be a few small bugs, but hopefully nothing too serious. I also fixed a couple things from the original, like spelling mistakes and i added a call to prevent you from jumping back into the enter town dialog if you say no. I've updated the attached files. There were a few other things i wanted to do, too, like let you buy/sell more than one item at a time, but it's already a tight fit as it is. You'll have to delete pretty much everything (minus apps) from your calc to play it.

I'd appreciate it if someone else could play through it and see if there are any bugs. There are a couple small things that i think were in the original, for example i picked up three sets of FINS and when you enter a map you always start at the same place (so when exiting a house, you won't reappear outside the house's door), but it doesn't really affect gameplay any.

Reuben Quest / Re: [Done] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« on: November 07, 2014, 09:04:16 pm »
And yeah I didn't mention Robot War since there is no 83+/84+ version (I wish I could try it btw because it looks really impressive, but sadly, my TI-82 run ROM 16.0 and I think the game requires 19.0 or higher)
DJ, i started an 83+ port a couple years back. The first area works fine, i can't remember what's wrong after that though. If you and other people are interested in it i'll put in the work to finish the port. I thought i posted about it here, but i shared the latest .8xp in the new RW2 thread at Cemetech.

EDIT: Here's the link to the download:
Also, there's a little graphics glitch in the battles in the upper right, i'm looking to see what's causing that. I also just fixed a bug where your robots' data would get overwritten 'cuz _PutS was writing to textShadow where that data was stored. So now you can build robots just fine, too :)

TI Z80 / Re: My first game
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:14:43 am »
You can still redraw the full map every frame, i just think the method for drawing is a bit slow. Rather than draw each sprite individually and having to recalculate the address in the gbuf you can look into inlining the sprite routine into your tilemap so you don't have to recalculate the gbuf position for each sprite. Actually, i think giving the character a bit of acceleration (being able to move 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, etc. pixels per frame) would help quite a bit. I really like the smoothness of it all, though :D

Reuben Quest / Re: [Done] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« on: November 07, 2014, 11:07:01 am »
Maarten mentioned somewhere that working on TVF basically burned them out, and it's true that once the last update to TVF was released we didn't really see them around much anymore...

Also, don't forget about Robot War 1, an amazing RPG for the 82 (released in 2005).

And Sorunome, that's great! I can't believe how quickly you got everything done! I've just downloaded the file from Ticalc and will be playing with the source :) It's definitely deserving of a feature, to say the least.

TI Z80 / Re: My first game
« on: November 05, 2014, 03:03:22 am »
I agree, the tilemap looks really nice and i like the scrolling. It is a bit slow, though, i think it could be optimized a bit but otherwise moving two pixels at a time might be an ok solution. I think it'd be better to get some help optimizing it now though so that you won't have to worry about speed when adding new stuff in.

Nice work so far :)

Reuben Quest / Re: [RC1] Reuben Quest: The Lost Mirror Remake
« on: November 04, 2014, 12:15:08 am »
I've tried pressing [Del] to exit the magic selection, but it didn't work. It works for exiting items, though. In a shop, once you've clicked on an item you can't back out of it until you place it in a bottle.

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