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Messages - chickendude

Pages: 1 ... 37 38 [39] 40 41 ... 55
You mean Y velocity/gravity? That'd be up to Eeems since it's his game, personally i think it's fine like it is but adding in physics wouldn't be out of the question.

And it's from this game:
at yAronet
at RevSoft

I think it's seven pixels tall? It's the smallest i could make without it looking like a blob :P

That's what i'm here for :) Whatever i can do to help this see the light of day. It seems like you've got so much done already, both with the story (which for me is always the hardest part, programming it is somehow much easier/more fun :P) and the actual engine. You've got a working tilemap engine, even ladders!, battles, and lots of other things started (though not necessarily finished). Btw, you are more than welcome to use the hand cursor thing that i drew: ;)

Ahh... et je croyais que tu avais mis à jour ton tutoriel ! Il est déjà très bon, mais je voudrais apprendre tout ce que tu peux m'enseigner ! :D Je voudrais vraiment voir un tuto spécifique à la programmation de jeux, quelque chose pour les gens qui savent déjà programmer mais qui ont des questions sur les tilemaps, la détection de collisions, des objets intéractifs, etc. Je crois que ça serait très utile et aiderait beaucoup de gens à commencer à écrire de vrais jeux en assembleur...

Did you see the screenshot? ;) And that was the problem, once the jump flag was set it never got to the ladder code, where it checks if you are on a ladder and resets the ladder flag if not. So the ladder flag gets set but never reset, since once the jump flag is set it can't enter the ladder routine anymore (and it gets reset in the ladder routine). As far as i can tell it works fine now, i don't know if there were any issues elsewhere, though :) And yeah, if you want to set up an SVN somewhere i can commit little things as i/we come across them.

Alright, i just popped open the source code tonight and it seems like the main folder is just the title screen :P Anyway the "old" folder had what seemed to be the actual source and when i loaded the program onto my calc what i first thought is that you weren't resetting some sort of jumping flag after touching a ladder. What it turned out to be is that you aren't resetting the ladder flag ;) If you're on a ladder and press 2nd to jump, the code jumps but still thinks you're on a ladder, since when you run the ladder routine it sees that you've jumped (but still thinks you're on a ladder). Soo... all you have to do is first reset the ladder then check if you're jumping. Here's the code i changed it to:
Code: [Select]
xor a
ld (charT+2),a

ld a,(charJ)
or a
ret nz ;quit if jumping

ld a,(charT) ;get x
ld d,a
ld a,(charT+1) ;get y
ld e,a

call Tile_value ;check (x,y)
cp 10
jr z,+_

inc e ;go to y+1

call Tile_value
cp 10
jr z,+_ ;check (x,y+1)

ld d,a ;store it back to d
getX ;get the characters edge
cp d ;compare
ret z ;if it doesn't equal the other, then it is partway between the two
;so another check is required
ld a,(charT) ;get x
inc a ;get for x+1
ld d,a

call Tile_value ;check (x+1,y+1)
cp 10
jr z,+_

dec e ;go to Y

call Tile_value ;check (x+1,y)
cp 10
jr z,+_

_ ld a,1
ld (charT+2),a
jr z,_
call char_up
_ loadanim(charS,7,7)
ret z
call char_down

Attached is the new source file :)

Ash: Phoenix / Re: Ash: Phoenix- Reboot
« on: November 04, 2012, 03:39:46 pm »
So... he got lost while playing checkers? Is that how the story starts? :P Lookin' good! The only thing is that the character is always one tile over to the right, will the map always scroll with the player or will the player have a little box to move around in in the middle of the map/when reaching the edges of maps?

ASM / Re: Some basic questions
« on: November 04, 2012, 03:32:35 pm »
WabbitCode (for Windows) does, or if you're on Linux you can make a simple script to compile with spasm then launch TilEm2. And yes, i also would recommend spasm. There's also Brass which some people (mainly Kerm i think) still use, though Spencer always boasted that spasm was faster. Spasm can also compile into a bunch of different formats, including applications. Though if you want to do nostub (ie uncompressed/hex) 83 games, you'll need another program (bin2hex or something along those lines).

Be warned though, I am giving you permission to use my code in other projects however you see fit, but I am not giving you permission to use my code to create/finish "The Blue Platform" or anything in the world I have created for it. That is something I still want to do myself sometime down the road.
I'm much more interested in the actual game, later on if you decide you want to continue work maybe we can either work together on it or i can program in your ideas and you can work with the storyline, etc. Or if you want to finish it all by yourself that's fine, too, it just has a really cool storyline and a lot in common with my favorite RPG ever (Legend of Legaia). I've gotta download DCS first but i'm gonna test it out now. Thanks, Eeems!

Axe / Re: Path prediction
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:37:35 am »
I was curious if it'd slow it down much or not, but really i don't see much difference. When there were 256 dots (there was a bug in my code :P) it slowed down a bit, but still not too bad. I just spend pretty much all day on this, getting the ball to jump to the height of the bar took forever (thanks Tari!) :P

Source code and demo .8XP attached :) What i've got here is it showing every other dot (ie, every other coordinate where the ball/block will go). Showing every coordinate looked really ugly (half of it was a solid line), i think you could even go for showing every third coordinate.

What i did for this is just build an array of coordinates everytime the ball bounces which then get drawn every frame. For the next part calculating where the next bounce will go that might cause a bit of slowdown, especially in my engine since the part that calculates the initial velocity of the ball is a little slow. I can try adding that in too if you want to get an idea of what it might look like...

Game Maker, RPG Maker, Toolkit, etc. / Re: Can I make a game on this?
« on: November 03, 2012, 01:06:15 am »
It seems he even wrote an emulator for it!

EDIT: And also mentions some tools: and a mailing list that talks about hacking/developing the mailstation. It seems like you've got quite a lot of the work done for you :)

Sure, maybe later after some of my current projects are finished i can work on polishing this up into a playable demo or something :) It looks really fun.

Hey Eeems, sorry for the necro post but i saw this over at Cemetech and it looked really cool, it seems like you've already done a good deal. I was just wondering if i should still be holding my breath for an update or not :P

Ash: Phoenix / Re: Ash: Phoenix- Reboot
« on: October 30, 2012, 11:27:48 pm »
Wow, it runs great! It's quick, too. Do you redraw the map each frame, too? Or is it just drawn in the first frame and all the rest everything is shifted in? Is one .8xp the source and the other the actual program? I'm gonna toss it on my calc now. Congrats on finishing it up!

EDIT: No need to credit me for anything, i'm just super excited about this game :)

Ash: Phoenix / Re: [A:P] Documentation
« on: October 30, 2012, 07:04:42 am »
I wrote a 12x12 tilemapper today in case you wanted to use it or base yours off of it, it got a bit messy since every other tile is unaligned, and i didn't bother drawing the last row (there are four empty pixels at the bottom), but i think you can get the basic idea behind a 12x12 mapper from it. Feel free to use it (or anyone else who wants it) for whatever you want, sharing is caring so use it without restrictions, it's in the PD. And of course if you've got any questions (about this or your own mapper) don't hesitate to ask :)

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