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Topics - Joshuasm32

Pages: [1]
Art / Graphic Design Request
« on: July 08, 2014, 07:02:21 pm »
As many of you know, I have been working on development at, an alternative social media platform.  I was wondering if one of you would be willing to help with graphic design for a total of six images.  For the home page, I have a new UI design and would love to have images representing the following ideas:
  • Freedom of Speech
  • Commitment to the Open Web
  • Real Privacy
  • No Ads Ever
  • True Innovation
  • Without the Fluff
If you would like to help, you may design whatever you think bests represents each statement.  You may also pick and choose select points from the list if you don't feel like doing them all.  ;)  An image may be in any style that you choose.  The preferred image size is 300x300 pixels, but any size will be fine.  Thank you in advance for the help!

Web Programming and Design / jQuery to JS conversion
« on: May 21, 2014, 09:08:14 pm »
I hate jQuery, and I also am quite a noob at it (although I am great at normal JS).  Every now and then, I encounter a good snippet that happens to use jQuery in it...  Can someone here help me to convert it into pure JS to use?

My most recent issue:
Code: [Select]

var txt = $('#comments'),
    hiddenDiv = $(document.createElement('div')),
    content = null;

hiddenDiv.addClass('hiddendiv common');


txt.on('keyup', function () {

    content = $(this).val();

    content = content.replace(/\n/g, '<br>');
    hiddenDiv.html(content + '<br class="lbr">');

    $(this).css('height', hiddenDiv.height());


Thanks in advance!

Site Feedback and Questions / Updated Youtube Widget
« on: February 27, 2014, 10:38:01 am »
I'm not sure whether this is editable by Omnimaga, or if it is used by the host, but I was wondering whether the Youtube widget could embed a link to the video's source at the bottom.  Some users may not have flash-compatible devices (or may not have admin access, such as on a public or school-provided device), and cannot view the video in Omnimaga.  I have HTML5 Youtube extensions installed, but the video's source is hidden.  :/  If you cannot do this, maybe you could add it in to the Forum Rules, or insert a form for the link in the embed widget?  Thanks!  ;D

Miscellaneous / Deciding a Name
« on: February 20, 2014, 12:23:08 am »
I've finally come around to changing the name "Futuristic" in , namely due to the hunt for domain names.  AntKou and I have decided on using a .web extension and having all projects under .app (which link to a .web sub-domain).  However, after days of effort, no name has been decided upon.  What do you guys think it should be called?  Below are some of mine/his ideas, if any of them seem okay:

SkyNet (lol)

Seriously though, anything flies.

OmnomIRC Development / Omnom IRC added to blocklist
« on: February 15, 2014, 04:21:55 am »
OmnomIRC has just been added to the blocklist on my school laptop as being under the "anonymous proxy servers content category."  Have any recent changes or posts caused this?  Recently my profile page was blocked as well for being a "social site" (and was labeled to be a domain of Twitter, although this has not happened before)...

OmnomIRC Development / Omnom Preferences
« on: February 11, 2014, 01:59:37 am »
Could it be possible to save settings for Omnom IRC to a user's account (if they are using Omnimaga), instead of using cookies?  I have my browser set to clear them when I close their tab (with a strict access policy), and exceptions are not really an option based upon the way I have things set.  Also, could themes (such as retro) apply to IRC?

Axe / Slow Down a Program
« on: February 09, 2014, 11:30:29 pm »
I am a newb at Axe Parser, and was wondering how to slow a program down...  I have already used ExprOff.  What is the best method to do so, without random code that takes up bytes?

Web Programming and Design / Prefered Browser
« on: February 03, 2014, 09:38:46 pm »
What is currently your default browser, and why?  If your favourite browser is not your default, explain why.

Web Programming and Design / Network
« on: February 01, 2014, 02:55:43 pm »
AntKou ("futuristic" of TIBD) and I have been working on a social-networking platformer called Network along with a few other projects, all from scratch (no themes, templates, etc.).  While currently in the BETA phase, it will be made official relatively soon.  Chat, forums, friend requests, and other such tools are available.
Feel free to sign up and test things out, or use it for your own purposes.  Chat exists in real time, the forum is fully functional, and friend requests are in BETA.  What do you guys think?

TI-BASIC / A 3D development project
« on: June 28, 2013, 01:56:06 pm »
I would like to create a 3D program with simple graphics in TI-BASIC.  I do not expect it to be very fast at all, but I just want to have the concept down for the future.  What I want to make is something that looks like a first person shooter.  I already decided that to make it work, you need a big matrix of graphics locations and 4 coordinates; X and Y for the location coordinates, W and Z for the view coordinates.  However, while I get how to do the the X and Y graphics, I cannot seem to figure out an effective algorithm for the W Z coordinates' graphics.  Does anyone have experience with this?  Thanks in advance for the help!   :D

General Calculator Help / My final "discovery" of BatLib...
« on: May 15, 2013, 07:02:07 am »
Even though I have known of BatLib for quite a while, just yesterday I finally started learning it.  I am an addict.  Just a few questions, though:

Are there program versions of BatLib that will work for calc's without apps?

Also, I can't get prgmZINSTALL to work.  I have prgmA installed (if that helps), but whenever I do this:
Code: [Select]
3:Asm(prgmZINSTALLI get 1 in Ans.  Can anyone help?

ASM / [ON] Add
« on: April 27, 2013, 02:17:48 pm »
I there a way to do this through ASM on the TI-84 Plus SE?

Code: [Select]
:If K=101  //Or whatever the keystroke is for [ON] in the program; Can it be stored to K instead of Ans?


General Discussion / Favorite Music
« on: April 27, 2013, 12:30:51 pm »
What are your favorite genre(s), song(s), album(s), or artist(s)?  Post them with a link!   :)

Although my favorite genre is always changing, I like the artists Coldplay, Radiohead, Snow Patrol, and U2 pretty well!   ;D  I would post certain songs, but thee are too many for me to link too...

TI Z80 / Scope OS
« on: April 27, 2013, 12:19:09 pm »
Sope OS uses a powerful blend of ASM and BASIC to aid you in accomplishing whatever you wish to do. It will use a program to function as a shell which will be more user friendly than the standard TI OS, using a simplistic GUI similar to that of a mac or a PC. It is currently in the development phase and is not yet available for download. However, its code is being pieced together, bit by bit at a steady pace.   ;)

(Google code page)

(TI-Basic Developer Forum page)

Introduce Yourself! / My Introduction
« on: April 27, 2013, 12:05:50 pm »
Hello, my name is Josh, and I have been programming for a little less than 6 months.  I am in the eighth grade and program as a hobby.  My current project is Scope OS I (  I know BASIC quite well, have a limited knowledge of hex, and use libraries.  I like to take the TI-BASIC coding language and stretch it to its limits unconventionally.   ;)

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