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Messages - Joshuasm32

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Miscellaneous / Re: Post your desktop
« on: February 04, 2014, 08:55:56 pm »
lol I didn't see that.  Maybe his mod is Photoshop?  ;)  I run a cycle of B&W pictures from Gratisography, my favourite source for images to use in projects.  My lock screen uses the daily image from Bing (using a 3rd party Windows 8 app).

Web Programming and Design / Re: Prefered Browser
« on: February 04, 2014, 08:45:51 pm »
I honestly don't trust Google at all.  Once Dark Mail comes out, I am dumping Gmail.  I use Thunderbird and Fx quite often.  I am also wondering why my next choice, Tor, was removed from the list.  Wasn't Chromium (with one vote) applicable under "other?"

Web Programming and Design / Re: Prefered Browser
« on: February 04, 2014, 12:34:52 am »
I am a huge fan of Firefox, mainly because it is open sourced and has a lot of addons, with customization like you wouldn't believe.  Also, I have never had a browser so fast...

Seeing as it is my duty to convert you all to the practice of Firefox:
@DJ Omnimaga: Couldn't you just use AdBlock to remove ads?
@Art_of_camelot: For an easy fix, launch Firefox in safe mode, then reset it to its default state by selecting [Help],[Troubleshooting Information], and [Reset Firefox] (Depending upon your version).  That should be a guaranteed fix to your problem.

Web Programming and Design / Re: Prefered Browser
« on: February 03, 2014, 09:48:02 pm »
Tor can be confused with several other programs, but I changed it.

Web Programming and Design / Prefered Browser
« on: February 03, 2014, 09:38:46 pm »
What is currently your default browser, and why?  If your favourite browser is not your default, explain why.

For some reason, I could not see the plot of the game in the slower version, namely because it was so slow. XD

I would say that ClrDraw's program incorporates a mode of game-play that is more ideal, with what seems to be a goal of avoiding the tunnel's edges in sharp turns.

Web Programming and Design / Re: Chrome Omnimaga Theme!
« on: February 03, 2014, 12:38:33 pm »
Possibly...  To create a Firefox theme, you need to have a Mozilla account and then a couple of images within specific range of sizes...  Are your images large?  Firefox is different in that your images only show the way they would if you're in a tab, with view in the top and bottom (unless you create a complete theme, which get pretty advanced).  D:

ClrDraw's version should be called Vortex.

General Calculator Help / Re: Need nSpire 3.1 Manuals! XD
« on: February 03, 2014, 01:03:46 am »
Would one of these suffice, or are you looking for something more advanced?

Introduce Yourself! / Re: I would like to welcome myself to this forum.
« on: February 03, 2014, 12:50:12 am »
Kuma, welcome to Omnimaga!  TI-BASIC (used to code Texas Instruments' calculators) is a great place to start in computer programming, and is relatively simple to learn.  Texas Instruments sells the best (most prominent) programmable calculators.  I would personally recommend a TI-83 Plus or a TI-84 Plus SE (preferably the TI-84 Plus SE).  However, TI is ridiculous when it comes to pricing ($100 for a calculator with a B&W display and little RAM); your best option is to get one used (they are pretty durable).  ^^  I got mine from a pawn-shop for 20 American Dollars.  However, if you do not wish to buy a calculator, you could use an emulator, or a simulated calculator (and usually can be found for most devices).  It should be simple to set up on a home computer or a mobile device, and If you are using a public computer, you could always run it from a thumb drive...
To set up an emulator, you need an EMU (the program to run the calculator), and a ROM (an "image" of a calculator).  For an emulator, I can recommend WabbitEMU.  It is fast, flexible, stable, and supports most devices (search for their website if my link does not include what you need).  ROM's are technically illegal to acquire unless you create you own using your personal calculator, but really don't have much of a legal penalty attached.  However, I give you one using this site.  Fortunately, WabbitEMU includes a ROM creator that is pretty simple to use, and a search can find you one eventually as well.  If you are having trouble, feel free to shoot me an email using [email protected] .
Once you get yourself a calculator or an EMU, here are a few good tutorials:
TI-Freakware's TI-BASIC tutorial (my favourite)
Another good tutorial that is not as accurate
My Personal (and incomplete) tutorial ;)

Good luck, and here are some peanuts! :P

Web Programming and Design / Re: Chrome Omnimaga Theme!
« on: February 02, 2014, 11:57:02 pm »
Great idea!  You're on a roll. ;)  Do you think you could make it for Firefox as well?

Web Programming and Design / Re: Network
« on: February 02, 2014, 02:45:01 pm »
It started off like that, then moved into chat and from their who knows what.   :hyper:  However, I am beginning to work on a project called "Chatr," which basically is a chat application, resembling "SnapChat," but with a twist.  You use call requests, like in the existing system, then chat with friends.  Text, images, and links are permitted.  Then, unlike SnapChat, your post will actually be removed (deleted from the server), and no organization (including the NSA) may look at it.  The server will be held in Germany (Anthimos is developing his own), and an official warrant is required to examine only one chat log.  All data will be encrypted.  Posts will be removed after the timer is set.  Also, there is an option to chat with a random user who is not in conversation, and images/links are disabled.  You may friend a user however, and after two friend requests are sent both ways, images/links are open.  Selection of text and Ctrl/Command shortcuts are disabled, as is right clicking.  Using JS, when the PrtSc key (or Command Shift 4/3 on mac) is pressed, an overlapping div background image of a pix covers the screen.  Hopefully, for the average user, besides than taking a photo with a separate camera the only record kept of your conversation is your memory.

Web Programming and Design / Network
« on: February 01, 2014, 02:55:43 pm »
AntKou ("futuristic" of TIBD) and I have been working on a social-networking platformer called Network along with a few other projects, all from scratch (no themes, templates, etc.).  While currently in the BETA phase, it will be made official relatively soon.  Chat, forums, friend requests, and other such tools are available.
Feel free to sign up and test things out, or use it for your own purposes.  Chat exists in real time, the forum is fully functional, and friend requests are in BETA.  What do you guys think?

Other Calculators / Re: Escape - ClrDraw
« on: February 01, 2014, 02:01:00 pm »
O.o  Nice one.

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